search for: rasterbrick

Displaying 10 results from an estimated 10 matches for "rasterbrick".

2018 Jun 01
rasterize SpatialPolygon object using a RasterBrick object
I am trying to rasterize a SpatialPolygon object by a RasterBrick object. The documentation of the raster::rasterize function explicitly says this is allowed. Here's what I am doing # load the raster package library("raster") # create a raster brick object using the example from the brick function documentation b <- brick(system.file("exter...
2013 Jul 17
Using RasterBricks
Dear listers, I am trying to create a RasterLayer of the values of a rasterbrick object. The rasterbrick object has, for example, 100cells library(raster) r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10) r[]=1:ncell(r) s <- brick(r,r,r) s <- s * 1:3 Each cell of the rasterfinal will have the AREA UNDER CURVE formed by the values in each cell of the three original rasters. For example...
2013 Sep 09
usando RasterBricks
Necesitaría ayuda con una cuestión. Pongamos por ejemplo estos valores aleatorios para generar un RasterBrick s de 3 capas. library(raster) r <- raster(ncol=10, nrow=10) r[]=1:ncell(r) s <- brick(r,r,r) s <- s * 1:3 Habría alguna forma sin hacer un bucle for, que me devolviese un vector con los valores medios de cada una de las 3 capas. mean_s<-NULL for (i in 1:3) { mean_s[i]<-mean(s[[i]...
2013 Jul 17
Using RasterBricks
Hola Jorge, > My idea was to use 'stackApply': Para esto que necesitas es más sencillo usar calc. Si quieres usar stackApply, debes indicar rep(1, 3) como índices en lugar de sólo 1. Así, la función será (los ... son necesarios en stackApply): myFUN <- function(y, ...) { x <- seq_along(y) trapz(x, y) } Y aplicada con calc: FINAL <- calc(s, myFUN) o con
2018 May 24
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
Hi, I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it should work. The objects look like so: > obs.clim class : RasterLayer dimensions : 60, 200, 12000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y) extent : -70, 30, 50, 80 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax)...
2018 May 24
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
On Thu, 24 May 2018 at 18:41 Mark R Payne <markpayneatwork at> wrote: Hi, I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it should work. The objects look like so: > obs.clim class : RasterLayer dimensions : 60, 200, 12000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y) extent : -70, 30, 50, 80 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +...
2018 Jun 01
Problem with adding a raster and a brick
...ner <mdsumner at> wrote: > > > > On Thu, 24 May 2018 at 18:41 Mark R Payne <markpayneatwork at> > wrote: > > Hi, > > I seem to be having a problem adding the following two raster objects > together - one is a rasterLayer, the other is a rasterBrick. The extent, > resolution, and origin are the same, so according to my understand it > should work. The objects look like so: > > > obs.clim > class : RasterLayer > dimensions : 60, 200, 12000 (nrow, ncol, ncell) > resolution : 0.5, 0.5 (x, y) > extent : -70, 30, 50, 80 (...
2013 Apr 26
[newbie] how to find and combine geographic maps with particular features?
....fp, # path to netCDF datasource ... >, # name of the netCDF data variable >, # name of the datavar dimension indexing the layers (e.g., 'time') > sigdigs=3, # precision to use for stats > brick, # ... for data (a RasterBrick) > map.list, # maps to overlay on data: list of SpatialLines or objects castable thereto > pdf.fp, # path to PDF output > pdf.height, > pdf.width > ) { > nonplot.vis.layers(nc.fp,,, sigdigs) > plot.vis.layers(brick, map.list, pd...
2012 Jun 06
randomForest Species Distribution Modelling multiple combinations of these. (#99999->predictors[predictors==NA, ]) returned the expected max and min values for 'predictors' had the NA values not been taken into account (except for the fact that 99999 was neither a max or min value). > predictors class : RasterBrick dimensions : 1745, 3909, 6821205, 10 (nrow, ncol, ncell, nlayers) resolution : 10, 10 (x, y) extent : 417085.1, 456175.1, 5556329, 5573779 (xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax) coord. ref. : +proj=utm +zone=30 +ellps=WGS84 +datum=WGS84 +units=m +no_defs +towgs84=0,0,0 values : in memory min val...
2013 Jul 19
Resumen de R-help-es, Vol 53, Envío 26
...lo aquellas partes del mensaje a las que está respondiendo. Asuntos del día: 1. copiar directorio en r (Javier Villacampa González) 2. Re: copiar directorio en r (miguel.angel.rodriguez.muinos en 3. Re: copiar directorio en r (Javier Villacampa González) 4. Re: Using RasterBricks (Oscar Perpiñán Lamigueiro) 5. consulta xml para ubuntu 32bits (Ana Marina Srur) 6. Re: consulta xml para ubuntu 32bits (Freddy Omar López Quintero) 7. Re: consulta xml para ubuntu 32bits (Jose Luis Cañadas) 8. Re: consulta xml para ubuntu 32bits (Freddy Omar López Quintero) --------...