Displaying 20 results from an estimated 107 matches for "raphson".
2011 Aug 10
Need help on Newton-Raphson optimization
Is there available package on the optimization function using
Newton-Raphson method (iterative quadratic approximation)? I have been using
the 'optim' function in R and found it really unstable (it depends heavily
on the initial values and functional forms). If I have to code it by myself,
can I get some advice on how to start (any good reference or sample code)? I...
2004 Aug 26
gls: Newton-Raphson or EM?
Does anyone know whether the gls function in the nlme library uses the Newton-Raphson or EM algorithm to find the restricted log-likelihood or maximum log-likelihood estimates?
Brendan Klick
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2004 Nov 19
glm with Newton Raphson
Does anyone know if there is a function to find the maximum likelihood
estimates of glm using Newton Raphson metodology instead of using IWLS.
Valeska Andreozzi
Department of Epidemiology and Quantitative Methods
FIOCRUZ - National School of Public Health
Tel: (55) 21 2598 2872
Rio de Janeiro - Brazil
2010 Jun 21
Re ZINB by Newton Raphson??
Dear Mr.Zeileis & all.
(1) Thx for your reply. Yes, I am talk about the function zeroinfl() from the package "pscl". I want to use Newton Raphson to get parameter estimation ZINB, so I try this:
> zinb <- zeroinfl(y ~x1+x2+x3+x4+x5|x1+x2+x3+x4+x5, data = dat, link="logit",dist...
2005 Nov 16
Dear all,
I want to solve a score function by using Newton-Raphson algorithm. Is there such a fucntion in R? I know there's one called optim, but it seems only doing minimizing or maximizing.
2010 Jun 22
Subject: Re ZINB by Newton Raphson??
...t included the previous postings because they came out very strangely on my mail
reader. However, the question concerned the choice of minimizer for the zeroinfl()
function, which apparently allows any of the current 6 methods of optim() for this
purpose. The original poster wanted to use Newton-Raphson.
Newton-Raphson (or just Newton for simplicity) is commonly thought to be the "best" way to
approach optimization problems. I've had several people ask me why the optimx() package
(see OptimizeR project on r-forge -- probably soon on CRAN, we're just tidying up) does
not have...
2002 Apr 24
Is there a routine available in R for the Newton-Raphson method for
simulataneous equations in several unknowns?
Robert J. Chandran
Department of Botany
3506 Miller Plant Sciences Building
University of Georgia
Athens, GA 30602
Phone: (706)-583-0943
2010 Jun 21
ZINB by Newton Raphson??
Dear all..
I have a respon variable y. Predictor variable are x1, x2, x3, x4, x5
(1) What is the syntax to get paramater estimation of ZINB Model by Newton Raphson (not BFGS)
(2) What syntax to plot probability of observed & predicted of ZINB
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2011 Jun 02
newton raphson
I would like to use the newton raphson method to find the root if the
equation x^3-0.165*x+0.0003993 without using any readliy available program
in r but instead by writing my own code and loop. the problem is that i
really cant understand how to write the loop so that it keeps using the last
calcualted values. if anyone could help me...
2011 Jan 02
changing method of estimation in GLM
can anyone tell me how can i control the method of estimation (i.e. scoring
method or Newton raphson method) in glm and compute deviance function ?
View this message in context: http://r.789695.n4.nabble.com/changing-method-of-estimation-in-GLM-tp3170836p3170836.html
Sent from the R help mailing list archive at Nabble.com.
2009 Mar 16
Uniroot and Newton-Raphson Anomaly
...give context for the problem, this is a psychometric issue where R is
a vector denoting the percentage of students scoring correct on test
item i in class j, c is the proportion correct on the test by student k,
and q is the number of items on the test in total.
I have programmed this using Newton-Raphson as follows:
numer <- function(R,a,c,q){
result <- sum((1-(1-R)^a)^(1/a))-c*q
denom <- function(R,a,c,q){
result <- sum(-((1 - (1 - R)^a)^(1/a) * (log((1 - (1 - R)^a)) *
(1/a^2)) +
(1 - (1 - R)^a)^((1/a) - 1) * ((1/a) * ((1...
2012 Aug 31
fitting lognormal censored data
Hi ,
I am trying to get some estimator based on lognormal distribution when we have left,interval, and right censored data. Since, there is now avalible pakage in R can help me in this, I had to write my own code using Newton Raphson method which requires first and second derivative of log likelihood but my problem after runing the code is the estimators were too high. with this email ,I provide simple example for estimation parameters for lognormal when we have only right censored data, and I tried to estimate the parameters u...
2001 Sep 28
Using a zero-finding routine in R
Hello all!
I'd like to use a routine in R to find the zero of a function (like
Newton-Raphson, Broyden, etc.)
In the manual, I found a reference to Newton-Raphson method in the
"qr" function, but I simply wonder how I could use it to implement such a
r-help mailing list -- Read http:/...
2007 Aug 20
Could anyone tell me what is the command used in R to do
1. Differentiation
2. Newton Raphson method (Numerical Analysis in general...)
Are there any packages separately for this?
Thanks for your help!
BR, Shubha
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2010 Nov 29
Evaluation of survival analysis
...(formula = y ~ pspline(x1, df = 2))
coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF
pspline(x1, df = 2), line 0.0522 0.00867 0.00866 36.23 1.00 1.8e-09
pspline(x1, df = 2), nonl 3.27 1.04
Iterations: 4 outer, 13 Newton-Raphson
Theta= 0.91
Degrees of freedom for terms= 2
Likelihood ratio test=34.6 on 2.04 df, p=3.24e-08
2. survreg(formula = y ~ pspline(x1, df = 2))
coef se(coef) se2 Chisq DF
(Intercept) 2.8199 0.15980 0.09933 311.37 1.0 0....
2012 Aug 29
Estimation parameters of lognormal censored data
Hi, I am trying to get the maximum likelihood estimator for lognormal distribution with censored data;when we have left, interval and right censord. I built my code in R, by writing the deriving of log likelihood function and using newton raphson method but my estimators were too high " overestimation", where the values exceed the 1000 in some runing of my code.
is there any one can tell me where the error can be and help me in how I can get the estimators with right way?.
kind regards
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2015 Feb 23
[Mesa-dev] [PATCH 2/2] nvc0/ir: improve precision of double RCP/RSQ results
Does this give correct results for special floats (0, infs)?
We tried to improve (for single floats) x86 rcp in llvmpipe with
newton-raphson, but unfortunately not being able to give correct results
for these two cases (without even more additional code) meant it got all
disabled in the end (you can still see that code in the driver) since
the problems are at least as bad as those due to bad accuracy...
Am 23.02.2015 um 05:01 s...
2004 Sep 17
help with numerical solution for two simultaneous nonlinear equations in 2 variables
I am relatively new to R and am trying to solve two simultaneous
nonlinear equations in two variables numerically, and was wondering if
anyone knew if any of the packages could do that. An alternative is
writing my own code using Newton-Raphson; I did that but was not able to
get good convergence. Any ideas please?
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2011 Apr 17
Tail Call Elimination?
Dear R-programmers,
I am trying to program a Newton-Raphson in R (yes, i will try GSL, not right
now), and it would be a real boon if R had tail call elimination, so that a
recursive program has a guarantee not to fail due to stack overflows, given
how slow loops in R are. I did look at the documentation, but could not find
a reason for it.
2011 Jun 15
Problems with nls
I'm trying to fit the Bass Diffusion Model using the nls function in R but
I'm running into a strange problem. The model has either two or three
parameters, depending on how it's parameterized, p (coefficient of
innovation), q (coefficient of immitation), and sometimes m (maximum market
share). Regardless of how I parameterize the model I get an error saying
that the step factor has