Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20402 matches for "randomize".
2010 Dec 23
Reconcile Random Samples
Is there a way to generate identical random samples using R's runif
function and SAS's ranuni function? I have assigned the same seed
values in both software packages, but the following results show
different results. Thanks!
> set.seed(6)
> random <- runif(10)
> random
[1] 0.6062683 0.9376420 0.2643521 0.3800939 0.8074834 0.9780757
[8] 0.7627319 0.5096485
2011 May 29
Fitting spline using Pspline
Hey all,
I seem to be having trouble fitting a spline to a large set of data using
PSpline. It seems to work fine for a data set of size n=4476, but not for
anything larger (say, n=4477). For example:
random = array(0,c(4476,2))
random[,1] = runif(4476,0,1)
random[,2] = runif(4476,0,1)
random = random[order(random[,1]),]
2012 May 07
Dear All,
I have a codes which calculates the result of Ripley's K function of my
data. I want to repeat this process 999 times. However, i am getting an
error when i use the "for i in" function. Is there any way to repeat this
analysis 999 times. Here are the codes i used ;
data4 <- matrix(c(sample(id),data1),203,3)
a <- data4[,1]
2018 Dec 28
[PATCH v2 nbdkit] common: Improve pseudo-random number generation.
Currently we use non-cryptographically secure random numbers in two
places, the error filter (to inject errors at random) and the random
plugin. For this we have used either random_r or a home-brew-ish
Linear Congruential Generator. Use of random_r is problematic on BSDs
because it doesn't exist there. Use of the LCG is simply a bad
Replace both uses with a better quality and
2018 Dec 28
[PATCH v2 nbdkit] common: Improve pseudo-random number generation.
- Fix seeding.
- Add a test that nbdkit-random-plugin is producing something
which looks at least somewhat random.
2009 May 02
set.seed and /dev/random
In ?set.seed I notice that a seed is created from the system time.
Thus if two machines were (hypothetically) running for the same time
and R was started simultaneously on both, the would have the same
seeds (correct?).
I assume reading from /dev/random would be different for both of these
machines, so my question is why not use an integer read from
/dev/random to create the seed?
2018 Dec 28
[PATCH nbdkit] common: Improve pseudo-random number generation.
Currently we use non-cryptographically secure random numbers in two
places, the error filter (to inject errors at random) and the random
plugin. For this we have used either random_r or a home-brew-ish
Linear Congruential Generator. Use of random_r is problematic on BSDs
because it doesn't exist there. Use of the LCG is simply a bad
Replace both uses with a better quality and
2003 Oct 16
I am writing a function for the purposes of a simulation. Due to memory
problems, the function sometimes crashes. In order to get around this
problem, I would like to include to be able to save the "last" seed, so I
can pick up with the next run of the simulation after a "crash". I am
having trouble understanding what is going on with .Random.seed!
For each run of the
2010 Feb 05
Random number quality
I'm running R 2.10.1 on Windows Vista. I'm selecting a random sample of
several hundred items out of a larger population of several thousand. I
realize there is srswor() in package sampling for exactly this purpose, but
as far as I can tell it uses the native PRNG which may or may not be random
enough. Instead I used the random package which pulls random numbers from
2002 May 17
SSH 3.2.2 on Solaris 8 with /kernel/drv/random
I'm like to try a get the new release to work with Sun's new device,
that can be installed with patch 112438-01.
I compiled SSL attempting to point it at the random device:
cd openssl-0.9.6d
./Configure solaris-sparcv7-gcc
make DEVRANDOM="/kernel/drv/random"
And then ran the SSH configure:
./configure --prefix=/opt/OBSDssh --with-pam --without-rsh \
2003 May 26
I am very new to R and cannot seem to find how it generates random numbers. I
am currently involved with a project that requires a random number generator
and have developed one. I am, however, unsure of just how random it is and was
wanting to compare my generator with that of R (as well as others).
If anyone knows how the random numbers are generated or have any ideas on
testing or
2008 Aug 20
Reading in a value of .Random.seed in .Rprofile
For reasons that are best known to myself [ ;-) ] I have a value
of .Random.seed
saved (via dput()) in a file ``.Random.seed.save''.
In my .Rprofile I have the lines:
.Random.seed <- dget(".Random.seed.save")
Junk <- dget(".Random.seed.save")
2008 Feb 13
Best way to reset random seed when using set.seed() in a function?
this is related to a question just raised on Bioconductor where one
function sets the random seed internally but never resets it, which
results in enforced down streams random samples being deterministic.
What is the best way to reset the random seed when you use set.seed()
within a function? Is it still to re-assign '.Random.seed' in the
global environment as following example
2008 Jun 23
problem in R for Linear mixed model~
Dear R users:
I just got confused some R code used in linear mixed model~
example,two factors,A, B,C,A is fixed ,B,C are random,and B is nested in
C,if I wannt to use linear mixed model,are the following code correct for
each case?
case1:want to know random effect of B,
case1<-lme(y~A*B*C,random=~B|C) where "B|C" stand for what?,mean B is
nested in C?
case2: how to wirte
2010 Nov 08
Random Sample
Hello R users,
Here is my question about generating random sample. How to set the random seed to recreate the same random numbers? For example, 10 random numbers is generated from N(0,1), then "runif(10)" is used.What if I want to get the same 10 random numbers when I run runif(10) again? Is it possible?I think .Random.seed should be used here.
2006 Aug 31
New package 'random' for non-deterministic random number
Dear useRs,
A few days ago, the initial version 0.1.0 of a new package 'random' was
uploaded to CRAN.
The random packages provides convenient access to the non-deterministic
random numbers provided by the random.org site created by Mads Haahr
While certain hardware and software solutions that provide access to
non-deterministic random-numbers exist, few if any
2006 Aug 31
New package 'random' for non-deterministic random number
Dear useRs,
A few days ago, the initial version 0.1.0 of a new package 'random' was
uploaded to CRAN.
The random packages provides convenient access to the non-deterministic
random numbers provided by the random.org site created by Mads Haahr
While certain hardware and software solutions that provide access to
non-deterministic random-numbers exist, few if any
2007 May 31
Restoring .Random.seed
Suppose I have a function which does some random number generation within.
The random number generation inside the function changes the value of
.Random.seed in the calling environment. If I want to restore the
pre-function call .Random.seed, I can do:
Is there a way to do the restoration inside the function?
2010 Apr 05
use of random and nested factors in lme
Dear all,
I've read numerous posts about the random and nested factors in lme,
comparison to proc Mixed in SAS, and so on, but I'm still a bit confused by
the notations. More specifically, say we have a model with a fixed effect F,
a random effect R and another one N which is nested in R.
Say the model is described by Y~F
Can anyone clarify the difference between :
random = ~1|R:N
2009 Dec 11
random effects in mixed model not that 'random'
I have the following conceptual / interpretative question regarding
random effects:
A mixed effects model was fit on biological data, with observations
coming from different species. There is a clear overall effect of
certain predictors (entering the model as fixed effect), but as
different species react slightly differently, the predictor also enters
the model as random effect and with