Displaying 20 results from an estimated 51 matches for "randomfield".
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2012 Feb 10
range and anisotropy with RandomFields
I am presently trying to get a feel for the various packages out there that
allow me to both analyze and simulate random fields. The package
RandomFields is nice, but there are still a few aspects of its
implementation that are confusing to me and I was hoping someone could help
clarify things for me. It could also be that my questions reflect a lack of
knowledge pertaining to random fields in general and not the RandomFields
package specifically,...
2003 Oct 14
Trouble installing RandomFields package
I'm having some difficulty installing the RandomFields package in
R 1.7.0 under FreeBSD. I've installed the geoR package with no
Following are the errors that I get:
* Installing *source* package 'RandomFields' ...
** libs
c++ -I/usr/local/lib/R/include -I/usr/local/include -mieee-fp -fPIC -O
-pipe -c MPP.cc -o MPP.o
2009 Jun 10
package installation fails (RandomFields)
I have been unable to install the package RandomFields. I am using R
2.9.0-4 on Ubuntu 9.04.
To install, I use the command:
sudo R CMD INSTALL RandomFields_1.3.37.tar.gz
The output follows below. Any help Would be appreciated.
D. Hoysak
Brandon University
* Installing to library ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library?
* Installing *source* package ?Ran...
2009 Jun 10
package installation fails (RandomFields)
I have been unable to install the package RandomFields. I am using R
2.9.0-4 on Ubuntu 9.04.
To install, I use the command:
sudo R CMD INSTALL RandomFields_1.3.37.tar.gz
The output follows below. Any help Would be appreciated.
D. Hoysak
Brandon University
* Installing to library ?/usr/local/lib/R/site-library?
* Installing *source* package ?Ran...
2004 May 11
bad interaction between RandomFields 1.1.11 and Sweave
Not really a bug (I eventually discovered), but ...
When running GaussRF()/DoSimulateRF() with n>1, the default pch="!"
prints backspaces to the terminal, which causes problems (LaTeX barfs) if
you're running this within an Sweave() job. Setting RFparameters(pch="")
fixes the problem.
Could put this in the documentation, but I don't know where you could
2009 Oct 28
Why is package RandomFields not listed in the R 2.10.0 Packages list under Packages, Install package(s)...?
The package list was accessed October 28, 10:13 am MST using Windows XP and mirror USA (CA 1).
Bill Morphet, Ph.D.
2010 Aug 19
2d kriging with anisotropy on an irregular network (RandomFields Package)
Dear List
I am using the RandomFields package, and I have a problem when 2d-kriging, with an anisotropy, some values from an irregular network.
It works well when :
- 2d-kriging, without any anisotropy, some data from an irregular network
- 2d-kriging, with and without anisotropy, some data from a regular network
- 3d-kriging, with an...
2004 Dec 28
RandomFields: Controling seed with GaussRF
I'm using RF to simulate a correlated variable with GaussRF
GaussRF(sim.kfinegrid, grid=F, model="exponential",
However when I simulate again using the same random seed I get different
> set.seed=1
> summary(GaussRF(sim.kfinegrid, grid=F, model="exponential",
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd
2010 Aug 05
Installing packages and passing parameters
I am trying to install the RandomFields package by using
install.packages("RandomFields") but the process fails.
I think that if I pass to the g++ compiler the -lgfortran option might work.
Could you please help me do this?
I would like to thank you in advance for your help
Best Regards
[[alternative HTML...
2006 Jul 09
last 2 questions about save and load
i played around and i get the hang of save and load. I just
have two final questions :
1) is loading the RandomFields package the only
way to check if a file ( created through the save function )
is out there or not ? Because, I generally won't know if one has
been created yet or not.
2) Suppose, you have the case where you
created and saved a file. When you do an ls()
without loading that file, it doesn'...
2010 Jul 28
Beginner stucked with raster + geoR package.
Hello everyone.
I am trying to build up understanding in R by trying to develop just some simple
I would like to explain you what I am trying to do and what I did so far.
I would like to put inside a RasterLayer (raster package) a Gaussian field (for
given covariance) using grf function (geoR package)
1. First I created a Raster Layer object
r <- raster() # Default values are
2006 Jan 25
How to use rfm.test ? (Package MarkedPointProcess)
ML WARNING! Forbidden values! -- if there are too many warnings try narrower lower and upper bounds for the variables. -9.802347e-17 1364.372 [ 0 0.01808660 , 9.990131 1364.372 ]
The program :
# Packages #
# Program #
win <- ripras(steigerwald$coord)
PointProcess <- ppp(x=steigerwald$coord[,1],y=steigerwald$coord[,2],window=win,marks=steigerwald$diam)
2007 May 21
size limit in R?
...hat it is even deeper, namely that your system
does not support 3GB for one pointer. (My own
supports about 1.8 GB, but I never met your problem,
since my needs have been more moderat (0.1 GB)).
I suggest to write to the R-help mailing list,
mentioning the above problem. If solved then I
can check RandomFields .
j-simpson@northwestern.edu wrote:
> Dear Dr. Schlather,
> Thank you for your quick reply. Please find below the error:
>> library(RandomFields)
>> library(MASS)
>> x <- c(0, 200.0, 0.025)
>> y <- c(0, 1450.0, 0.025)...
2009 Feb 07
New package test results available
...e C++ errors. One
class that may not be immediately obvious is the use of C headers in
C++: you are supposed to write e.g.
#includd <cmath>
#include <math.h>
Symptoms of this can be seen for packages
BayesTree EMCC MCMCfglmm MarkedPointProcess Matching Matrix
RQuantlib RandomFields Rcpp SoPhy compHclust dpmix igraph minet
mixer modeest monomvm multic pcaPP rgenoud robfilter segclust
simecol subselect
Brian D. Ripley, ripley at stats.ox.ac.uk
Professor of Applied Statistics, http://www.stats.ox.ac.uk/~ripley/
University of Oxford, Tel...
2001 Oct 11
Where's MVA?
...free for non-commercial purposes. See file README for details.
URL: http://www.r-project.org
Index of Contents (Text)
Reference Manual (PDF)
Package Sources
AnalyzeFMRI CoCoAn Devore5 EMV GLMMGibbs GenKern GeneSOM KernSmooth Matrix NISTnls Oarray PHYLOGR PTAk RArcInfo RMySQL RODBC RPgSQL RandomFields RmSQL Rstreams Rwave SASmixed SuppDists VR XML acepack adapt akima ash bindata blighty boot bootstrap bqtl car cclust cfa chron cluster cmprsk coda conf.design cramer date diamonds dse e1071 ellipse event.chart exactRankTests fastICA fdim fields foreign fracdiff gafit gee geoR gld gregmisc gss ine...
2004 Jul 16
Random Fields
I have tried to install the package RandomFields (using the packages menu)
from CRAN and it fails to open the zip file. I then tried downloading the
package from the author's site, but it still fails to install. Anyone had
any success with this? Or am I doing something wrong.
Thanks in advance for any help.
Michael Axelrod
2012 Nov 12
How to generate a random field with truncated marginal distributions?
...rflow but did not get a satisfying answer.
I am trying to simulate a lognormal spatial random field but I need the simulated value in a certain range. So I need some easy to use functions to generate a truncated Gaussian field to start with. To be specific, I need a function like GaussRF from the RandomFields package or grf from the geoR package to generate a random field, but I need the generated field to have a truncated marginal distributions and a correlation structure with a prescribed range. Is there an R package or functions which can do this? If there is no availabe read-to-use functions or pac...
2010 Sep 01
Looks like a bug in subsetting of a complicated object
...happening! I have a (large) object sim1, an
matrix list
with dim c(101,101) where each element is an 3*3 matrix. I am
subsetting that with
a matrix coo, of dim c(100,2), of unique indices, but the resulting object
has length 99, not 100 as expected.
Code reproducing the problem follows:
sim0 <- GaussRF(x=seq(0, 100, by=1),
y=seq(0, 100, by=1),
grid=TRUE, model="spherical",
param=c(0, 1, 0, 10), trend=NULL, n=9, gridtriple=FALSE)
simmatrices <- function(arr) # arr must be an array of rank 3...
2010 May 29
warning In fun(...) : no DISPLAY variable so Tk is not available
I am getting the above warning following loading of Geneland 3.1.5 on
unix , while a simple plot sends output to the pdf file ( see attached
code) no output results from Geneland functions, resulting in empty pdf
> library (Geneland)
Loading required package: RandomFields
Loading required package: fields
Loading required package: spam
Package 'spam' is loaded. Spam version 0.21-0 (2010-03-13).
Type demo( spam) for some demos, help( Spam) for an overview
of this package.
Help for individual functions is optained by adding the
suffix '.spam' to the fu...
2014 Dec 08
CRAN packages mis-using \donttest : falsy
...ny smoother vcdExtra
> With R-devel the \donttest examples can be run by R CMD check
> --run-donttest: we have done that and found failures in packages most
> of those above, plus
> BNSP DCGL EIAdata ExtDist FeedbackTS FlexParamCurve IsoGene MGLM
> MsatAllele PRISMA RSurvey RandomFields ReporteRs Rmpi Rssa TR8 VarEff
> aoristic breakage dplyr effects ftsa geocodeHERE ggHorizon ggmap
> ggtern gvcm.cat hyperSpec knitcitation knitr mboost mets mfblock
> mobForest mra nontarget npRmpi nullabor openNLP parfm plsRbeta powerr
> pxweb rcrossref rgbif rsnps season spMC spgwr s...