search for: railsway

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2008 Dec 13
how to do "special queries" ala The Rails Way on "associated" conditions?
...player_stats.each do |stat| stats << stat if == self.home_team_code end stats end end I understand that this isn''t the most efficient or elegant way to do things. I gleaned this most recently from the posting at (see his Case 3): So, I would like to do something like the following, but I''m having a problem with the conditions: has_many :visitor_stats, :class_name=>"PlayerStat", :conditions=> <what???> the condition here should be something matching "
2005 Sep 22
Adding Categories to the Depot example in the Agile Rails book
Hi ya, I want to add categories to the depot example in the Agile rails book. These are my thoughts: Create a new table called categories with id, title, description, and image fields. Add a new field to the products table called category_id Create a model called Category with "has_many :products" Now I should have a one to many link between the products and categories tables? Now