search for: racke

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1323 matches for "racke".

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2010 Jun 14
How do I upgrade rack in my current rails app?
Hi, I have a rails 2.3.8 app which has rack 1.1.0. I get parse_multipart error. There''s a new release of rack 1.2.0 which might fix the multipart error. The question is how I upgrade the rack? I froze the rails. I did "gem update rack" and it upgraded rack to 1.2.0. But my rails app still uses rack 1.1. How do I set the rails app use rack 1.2.0? Thanks. Sam -- Posted via
2011 Aug 12
Rack content-length Rack::Lint::LintErrors errors with unicorn
Has anyone seen anything like this before? I can get it to happen all the time if I issue a HEAD request, but it only happens very intermittently on GET requests. I''m using Ruby 1.9.2p180. Any ideas on where to start debugging?, - - [11/Aug/2011 21:03:50] "GET / HTTP/1.0" 200 37902 0.5316 app error: Content-Length header was 37902, but should be
2009 Mar 29
Rack::Lint::LintError with latest camping and rack
I''m trying to use Camping from Magnus'' repo (1.9.300) but running the blog.rb example (or anything for that matter) gives me Rack::Lint::LintError at / Content-Length header was 0, but should be 548 Ruby C:/ruby-1.8.7/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/rack-0.9.1/lib/rack/lint.rb: in assert, line 16 Web GET localhost/ There are no errors on the camping output so I suspect something has
2010 Nov 16
Passenger cannot load Rack
I am getting the following error in my Apache error log when trying to run my puppetmaster as a rack app with Passenger: *** Exception LoadError in PhusionPassenger::Rack::ApplicationSpawner (no such file to load -- rack) (process 32373): Apache will start up without error, but as soon as a puppet client connects, the error is thrown. Passenger is dying at a "require
2010 Nov 29
Error heroku: App Crashed
Hi , i developed a small application(which contails only static pages) . I tried to host that on heroku .just when everything was finished when i opened my site i,e i am getting an error as App Crashed..where did it gone wrong? pls help... -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To
2011 Mar 31
OT: IBM and Dell rack
Hi all, sorry for the OT. Is IBM and Dell 42U rack compatible in dimension, rails, etc? Can we put IBM servers into Dell rack? Google says it depends. Much appreciated if you can share your experience. Thank you.
2010 Dec 10
Encoding issues when uploading files
Hello everybody, I have some troubles with uploading files in my Rails project. I use Rails 3, Ruby 1.9.2, rack 1.2.1, and both webrick / passenger on apache I was investigating and have isolated the strange behaviour on a simple empty project: view: <% form_tag({:action => ''upload''}, :multipart => true) do %> <%=text_field_tag :desc %>
2010 Jan 11
FAILSAFE error when attempting custom POST - How do I fault find for this?
Hi, I''m creating the file upload code in a C# web form to upload to my Rails app. When I start the upload I get the following error on my Rails server? Any ideas how I can fault find here? It could be the case the HTTP post I''m creating has a problem (it'' multipart, with a file upload + some form parameters) however it''s hard to tell from Rails what it is
2010 Aug 03
PDFKit Fork() Function Unimplemented Error - HELP!
Hello All, We''re working on a project on a Windows machine that will use PDFKit to convert an HTML page to a PDF. I have followed all the instructions at GitHub (, for installing wkhtmltopdf and PDFKit, then creating the config file in ''config/initializers/pdfkit.rb'' and then finally, setting up Middleware for Rails apps in
2010 Mar 23
NoMethodError in AdminController#index
I am newb in ror. I''ve googled and found no concrete answer to my problem below: NoMethodError in AdminController#index undefined method `scaffold'' for AdminController:Class RAILS_ROOT: /home/darwin/Sites/music_library Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace /home/darwin/Sites/music_library/app/controllers/admin_controller.rb:3
2011 May 21
request.format = :mobile causes error "undefined method `ref' for nil:NilClass"
I have a strange problem with setting request.format = :mobile I can reproduce this problem on a completely fresh Rails 3.0.7 app with no special gems. This seemed to work well in Rails 2 but for some reason is hiccuping here, not sure what''s different in Rails 3 that makes this hiccup. If you look at the stack track, it doesn''t even pass through my app stack once -- weird --
2010 Jun 24
Passenger barfs.
I have a freshly installed and updated CentOS 5.4 system running puppet 0.25.5. I followed the passenger docs here: Upon starting the client, the following appears in the apache error log. [Thu Jun 24 10:48:40 2010] [error] [client] Premature end of script headers: production [ pid=6785 file=ext/apache2/Hooks.cpp:706
2009 Apr 22
Error on running any controller- Noob question
Hi , I am running on Vista with webrick ... When I generate controllers , models and views I get an error as under. C:/Ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/activesupport-2.3.2/lib/active_support/ dependencies.rb:105:in `const_missing'' C:/ROR_lpapp042109/app/controllers/afflnetworks_controller.rb:5:in `index'' I tried reinstalling but kept stumbling on this. gem -v 1.3.2 rails -v 2.3.2
2012 Apr 24
Rails 3 Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol - socket(2)
Hi Guys, Facing a weird error . Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol - socket(2) It seems to be happening with mail sending mail . I am using AUTHSMTP to send mails . Unable to send mail and the app breaks . Any help will be appreciated . Same code worked with ruby 1.8 and rails 2.3.x . *Configuration* Rails 3.2 Ruby 1.9 Engineyard , Linux Instance *Backtrace :*
2012 Apr 24
Rails 3 Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol - socket(2)
Hi Guys, Facing a weird error . Errno::EAFNOSUPPORT: Address family not supported by protocol - socket(2) It seems to be happening with mail sending mail . I am using AUTHSMTP to send mails . Unable to send mail and the app breaks . Any help will be appreciated . Same code worked with ruby 1.8 and rails 2.3.x . *Configuration* Rails 3.2 Ruby 1.9 Engineyard , Linux Instance *Backtrace :*
2010 Aug 18
undefined method `eq' for nil:NilClass
I''m walking through an example in the "Head First Rails" book, but, instead doing the examples using Rails3.0.0.rc. But, I''m getting this error when browsing for example: http://localhost:3000/advs/1 undefined method `eq'' for nil:NilClass Provided that my advs_controller.rb is as follows: Any ideas why
2013 Aug 12
Passenger-Rack error 500: no such file to load -- rack
I have a puppetmaster running within passenger+rack. It has been running properly for almost a year and decided to stop working on the weekend. Now I''m getting the Purple "Ruby (Rack) application could not be started" screen with Error: no such file to load -- rack Application: /data1/rack/puppetmaster The backtrace is uninspiring. Snippets include:
2010 Jun 15
Newbie trying to set up rails with MySQL
Hello -- Please pardon my newness -- I''m just getting started with rails, and I''m having some difficulty getting it set up with MySQL. I am able to get the basic ruby server running (script\server). When I created a new page (using script/generate controller about index), I am not able to navigate to the new page, and Ruby either crashes or gives me an error: /!\ FAILSAFE /!\
2009 Jun 30
First time problem
This is the first time I am Running ruby on rails. When running the "blog" application I got the message "We''re sorry, but something went wrong. We''ve been notified about this issue and we''ll take a look at it shortly." Then I checked the CODE\blog\log\development.log and got this:
2011 Jun 02
Application Error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everybody, Please any one help me, Previous two day''s I am googling, Still not find solution. this really frustrating. I had deploy my app on heroku it is working fine on localhost but i got APPLICATION ERROR. IN log wht i find that in photo.rb model not able to find "has_attached_file", I am not able to shout out this proble. It working