search for: r_tsconv

Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "r_tsconv".

2009 Feb 04
Foreign function call
Let me get more specific. I think it this can be answered then I can translate the information to other calls. In the arima 'R' code there is a reference to .Call(R_TSconv, a, b) If from the console I type: > .Call(R_TSConv, c(1,-1), c(1,-1)) I get: Error: object "R_TSConv" not found If I do > getNativeSymbolInfo("R_TSConv") I get: Error in FUN("R_TSConv"[[1L]], ...) : no such symbol R_TSConv What am I missing? Thank you...
2009 Mar 04
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima)
...(stats) containung arima, > rename it (my.arima) and then do the changes. I obviously saved it with a different name and I was expecting it to work out of the box but I get an error that I don't know how to solve: Error in Delta %+% c(1, rep(0, seasonal$period - 1), -1) : object "R_TSconv" not found Other people have previously discussed this in this list with no success... Any other hints or maybe help with the error that I'm getting? -----Mensaje original----- De: Carlos J. Gil Bellosta [mailto:cgb at datanaly...
2009 Mar 05
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima)
>If you ***look at the code*** for arima you will see that ``%+%'' is >defined >in terms of a call to ``.Call()'' which calls ``R_TSconv''. So >apparently >R_TSconv is a C or Fortran function or subroutine in a ``shared >object library'' >or dll upon which arima depends. Hence to do anything with it you'll >need to get >that shared object library and dynamically load it. (E.g. get the >cod...
2009 Mar 03
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima)
...p:// points out a way that doesn't work for me: * If I type edit(arima) and I modify it, changes are not saved, * If I copy the code and I save it like a different function, I get the hard error: "Error in Delta %+% c(1, -1) : object "R_TSconv" not found" Anybody can give me a hint? I miss matlab's easy way of doing this ("edit function.m"). Thanks in advance MarC (Acompany) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Aug 24
Help in building new function
...tar.gz file and open the arima.R file. I change the name of the function to myarima, the name of the file to myarima.R, save it and the loaded it using the source command. So far, so good. When I try to execute my function I get the error message "Error in Delta %+% c(1, -1) : object ''R_TSconv'' not found". So far, the only change I made is add a "Hello world" in the first line, so my change is not the source of the problem. Looks like my function (although it is exactly the same) is not being able to "see" this object. Can someone help me out? Am I miss...
2009 Mar 03
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima) points out a way that doesn''t work for me: * If I type edit(arima) and I modify it, changes are not saved, * If I copy the code and I save it like a different function, I get the hard error: "Error in Delta %+% c(1, -1) : object "R_TSconv" not found" Anybody can give me a hint? I miss matlab''s easy way of doing this ("edit function.m"). Thanks in advance MarC (AleaSoft) [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2009 Mar 06
modifying a built in function from the stats package (fixing arima) (CONCLUSIONS)
...l = list(order = c(0, 0, 0), period = NA), xreg = NULL, include.mean = TRUE, = TRUE, fixed = NULL, init = NULL, method = c("CSS-ML", "ML", "CSS"), n.cond, optim.control = list(), kappa = 1e+06) { "%+%" <- function(a, b) .Call(R_TSconv, a, b) upARIMA <- function(mod, phi, theta) { p <- length(phi) q <- length(theta) mod$phi <- phi mod$theta <- theta r <- max(p, q + 1) if (p > 0) mod$T[1:p, 1] <- phi if (r > 1) mod$Pn[1:r...