search for: r_gscmd

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 26 matches for "r_gscmd".

2012 Apr 20
R CMD check: Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD") cannot contain full pathname (contrary to docs)
Hi, in help("R_GSCMD") it says "R_GSCMD: Optional. The path to Ghostscript, used by dev2bitmap, bitmap and embedFonts. Consulted when those functions are invoked.". However, if 'R_GSCMD' contains a full pathname to the Ghostscript executable (as above "path" indicates), e.g. > Sys....
2004 Jan 28
how to set R_GSCMD
I have R installed on a windows box, and I need to get a better resolution. I understand I need to set R_GSCMD. Which file has to contain this variable? Thanks! Haim
2005 Oct 20
how to set environment variables?
The help file of the R bitmap function says that I have to set the environment variable R_GSCMD to the path of my Ghostscript installation. How do I set this variable (either by commandline or in for Mac)? Sorry if this sounds like a very basic question, but I could not find the answer anywhere else. Many thanks Andreas -- -------------------------- Andreas Zankl, MD Division of...
2011 Aug 09
embedFonts() does not embed fonts?
...butors()' for more information and 'citation()' on how to cite R or R packages in publications. Type 'demo()' for some demos, 'help()' for on-line help, or 'help.start()' for an HTML browser interface to help. Type 'q()' to quit R. > Sys.setenv("R_GSCMD"="C:/Downloads/gs9.04/bin/gswin32c.exe") > > pdf(file = "test.pdf", family = "serif") > plot(1:10) > null device 1 > > embedFonts(file = "test.pdf", format = "pdfwrite", outfile = "test_em.pdf",fo...
2003 Apr 24
Invalid font in bitmap()
Dear all, A few weeks ago I asked about X11() availability using CGI-perl. The general advice was to use bitmap which requires ghostscript (Xvnc and Xvbf were the other alternatives). My system administrator got around to installing Aladin Ghostscript 6.0 and the setting the R_GSCMD environment variable. Other system specification is given below. But now I have a new problem that says that font is invalid and this is not even through the CGI-perl web mode. As per the 'Family' section of postscript I tried experimenting with the various options given but with the same...
2008 Jul 21
dev2bitmap error, 'gs' cannot be found
...10, width = 10, res = 200) Error in dev2bitmap("04610_CSF080721.jpg", type = "jpeg", height = 10, : sorry, 'gs' cannot be found I don't know what this means, it seems to be something about my environment. (From dev2bitmap function:) gsexe <- Sys.getenv("R_GSCMD") if (is.null(gsexe) || !nzchar(gsexe)) { gsexe <- "gs" rc <- system(paste(shQuote(gsexe), "-help > /dev/null")) if (rc != 0) stop("sorry, 'gs' cannot be found") } I cant figure out how to fix this. I am...
2012 Jun 24
Error using PostScriptTrace()" was originally a "svg" file from: It was saved as "ps" file from Inkscape. Thank you for any assistance Modou > library(grImport) Loading required package: grid Loading required package: XML > Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.05/bin/gswin64c.exe") > PostScriptTrace("", charpath=F) Error in PostScriptTrace("", charpath = F) : status 127 in running command 'C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.05/bin/gswin64c.exe -q -dBATCH...
2010 Mar 30
jpeg() saving blank files?
...t;in", res = 72, pointsize = 12, quality = 100, bg = "white", restoreConsole = TRUE) I have tried different heights and widths, thinking that I had a margins problem, but no luck. I have also verified that ghostscript is installed, and that the environmental variable "R_GSCMD" is set to the correct path to gswin32c.exe. Oh, and the image device itself displays properly in the R graphics window. I can just manually save it through the menu, but I want to have more control over the dimensions. I have also tried bitmap() and png() to no avail. Any advice would be...
2007 Apr 15
mac ghostscript help
...ecause I find a folder called "ghostscript-8.56" that contains many files and folders with more files, and I have no idea which file is THE ghostscript that grImport wants to use. I used the following code to try to direct R to the correct folder for Ghostscript: > Sys.putenv(R_GSCMD="/Users/erinberryman/ghostscript-8.56") > PostScriptTrace("/Users/erinberryman/Documents/") Error in PostScriptTrace("/Users/erinberryman/") : status 32256 in running command '/Users/erinberryman/ ghostscript-8.56 -q -dBATCH -dNOPAUSE...
2004 Nov 30
bitmap (blank image) plot rendering without X11
...quot;, type = "png256", height = 6, width=6,res=72) > pie(c(12,5)) > dev2bitmap(file="plot.png", type = "png256", height = 6, width = 6,res=72) I end up with "plot.png" as a nonzero png file, but it is always blank... I have gs 6.51 installed & R_GSCMD=/usr/bin/gs set. generating; pstoimg -antialias (or pstopnm) would also be an acceptable solution if I knew how to control the size of the generated image, or if the ps generated by R was consistently compatible with pstopnm. (ps2ps causes me to lose parts of the image).. So I am as...
2009 Dec 22
Embed Fonts in All EPS files inside a Directory
...rough the filename issue (which is probably an GhostScript, not R, issue. But interestingly, when GIMP is using GhostScript to render eps files, there aren’t problems with the files or directories names!?!). GIMP 2.6.7 uses the GS_PROG environmental variable, which leads to the same exe file of the R_GSCMD variable (gswin32c.exe) Thank you for your attention, I hope you may help me. Below are my session details: I execute R as admin on a Windows Vista Home Premium SP2 I’ve set up the R_GSCMD environment variable accordingly R version 2.10.1 (2009-12-14) i386-pc-mingw32 locale: [...
2011 Mar 27
grImport/ghostscript problems
...I've been struggling for a while trying to get grImport up and running. I'm on a Windows 7 (home premium 64 bit) machine running R-2.12.2 along with GPL Ghostscript 9.01. I've set my Windows PATH variable to point to the Ghostscript \bin and \lib directories, and I've created the R_GSCMD environment variable pointing to gswin32c.exe. I don't have any experience with Ghostscript, but with the setup described above I can view the postscript file with the following command to the Windows command prompt: gswin32c.exe D:\Sndbx\ However, I can't get the PostScriptTrace...
2019 Sep 27
passing extra arguments to devtools::build
...on SO : but there has been no useful reply. Something seems to have changed in the |devtools|package, so that the following commands, that used to run now give an error I can't decipher: |>Sys.setenv(R_GSCMD="C:/Program Files/gs/gs9.21/bin/gswin64c.exe")>devtools::build(args =c('--resave-data','--compact-vignettes="gs+qpdf"'))The filename,directory name,or volume label syntax is incorrect. Error in(function(command =NULL,args =character(),error_on_status =TRU...
2011 Jan 14
How to point R toward Ghostscript on a Windows XP system
...= TRUE, invisible = TRUE) : 'gswin32c.exe' not found >From consulting the archives and the help file, I deduced that I needed to install Ghostscript, which I did. Subsequent messages in the archives suggest directing R toward Ghostscript using an environmental variable, specifically R_GSCMD. Unfortunately, I haven't figured out how to use this command. Can anyone provide assistance? This is for R version 2.12.0 using Windows XP on a Dell laptop. The path for ghostscript in my program files folder is: C:\Program Files\gs Many thanks, Jeremy UC Anthropology
2007 Mar 31
Too long pathname in bitmap() crashes R on WinXP
...2007-03-30 r40957). I cannot reproduce it on Linux. REPRODUCIBLE EXAMPLE: % Rterm --vanilla # Tell R where Ghostscript is gsexe <- "C:/gs/gs8.54/bin/gswin32c.exe"; gsexe <- "C:/Program Files/gs/gs8.56/bin/gswin32c.exe"; gsexe <- shortPathName(gsexe); Sys.putenv("R_GSCMD"=gsexe); # Total length of pathname (R crashes when it is too long) n <- 130; # Output path path <- tempdir(); # Filename name <- paste(rep("a", n-5-nchar(path)), collapse=""); filename <- paste(name, "png", sep="."); # Full pathname path...
2013 Apr 21
vignettes: problems with PDF compaction
[Env: OS: Win Xp; R 2.15.2; IDE: eclipse/StatET] Each time I update my heplots package, I get warnings from R CMD check on R-Forge, * checking sizes of PDF files under ?inst/doc? ... WARNING ?gs+qpdf? made some significant size reductions: compacted ?HE-examples.pdf? from 739Kb to 366Kb and upon submission to CRAN, a message from maintainers: On CRAN now: but again there were warnings
2012 Feb 29
R 2.14.2 is released + R anniversary
...nction compactPDF() in package tools now takes the default for argument gs_quality from environment variable GS_QUALITY: there is a new value "none", the ultimate default, which prevents GhostScript being used in preference to qpdf just because environment variable R_GSCMD is set. If R_GSCMD is unset or set to "", the function will try to find a suitable GhostScript executable. o The included version of zlib has been updated to 1.2.6. o For consistency with the logLik() method, nobs() for "nls" files now excludes obser...
2012 Feb 29
R 2.14.2 is released + R anniversary
...nction compactPDF() in package tools now takes the default for argument gs_quality from environment variable GS_QUALITY: there is a new value "none", the ultimate default, which prevents GhostScript being used in preference to qpdf just because environment variable R_GSCMD is set. If R_GSCMD is unset or set to "", the function will try to find a suitable GhostScript executable. o The included version of zlib has been updated to 1.2.6. o For consistency with the logLik() method, nobs() for "nls" files now excludes obser...
2006 Mar 24
Adding gs line to Renviron file on Mac
First the technical details: I'm running Mac OS 10.4.5, R 2.2.0, and just downloaded Ghostscript 8.50 to my Applications folder. My problem is this: after adding ## Ghostscript R_GSCMD=${RGSCMD='/usr/bin/gs'} to my Renviron file, as suggested in several posts on this problem contained in the archives, I still get Error in bitmap("acaldi.bmp", res = 100) : sorry, 'gs' cannot be found /bin/sh: line 1: gs: command not found in response to the bitma...
2004 Aug 23
R on windows problem
Hi, I've installed several versions of R on a number of Window systems. I get the following error message (which I don't get on linux) > dev2bitmap(file="test.jpeg",type="jpeg") Error in system(paste(gsexe, "-help"), intern = TRUE, invisible = TRUE) : gswin32c.exe not found Any idea how to fix this? It seems common to all windows systems