Displaying 20 results from an estimated 112 matches for "r_default_packages".
2010 Jan 30
Stop packages and datasets to be loaded on startup.
...I've been looking at littler's code (so this is partly a question to
Dirk Eddelbuettel...):
> /* We don't require() default packages upon startup; rather, we
> * set up delayedAssign's instead. see autoloads().
> */
> if (setenv("R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES","NULL",1) != 0){
> perror("ERROR: couldn't set/replace R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES");
> exit(1);
> }
The code above happens before Rf_initEmbeddedR in littler.
So I gather that just setting R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES to NULL should be...
2017 Dec 26
Rscript fails with some packages (for example, h5)
Error in initialize(value, ...) :
cannot use object of class "character" in new(): class "H5File" does not
extend that class
Calls: h5file -> new -> initialize -> initialize
Execution halted
$ /usr/lib64/R/bin/R --slave --no-restore --file=test.R
[1] TRUE
$ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= Rscript test.R
[1] TRUE
$ R
> source('test.R')
$ R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES='datasets,utils,grDevices,graphics,stats' R
> source('test.R')
Error in initialize(value, ...) :
cannot use object of class "character" in new(): class "H5File" does not...
2009 Jul 28
R --vannilla for install/remove/shlib(Re: R 2.8->2.9 change that breaks some upgrade scenarios)
...git a/src/scripts/INSTALL b/src/scripts/INSTALL
index 42470c2...4c7bae9 100755
--- a/src/scripts/INSTALL
+++ b/src/scripts/INSTALL
@@ -9,4 +9,4 @@ while test -n "${1}"; do
## NB: Apple's ICU needs LC_COLLATE set when R is started.
-echo 'tools:::.install_packages()' | R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C "${R_HOME}/bin/R" --no-restore --slave --args ${args}
+echo 'tools:::.install_packages()' | R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES= LC_COLLATE=C "${R_HOME}/bin/R" --vanilla --slave --args ${args}
diff --git a/src/scripts/REMOVE b/src/scripts/REMOVE
index dcbe5bf..0be7462 10064...
2007 Mar 26
Problem in loading all packages all at once
#############code added by gaurav yadav to install many other packages at
print (TEMP)
print ("=======")
2004 Mar 10
Rcmd BATCH command line arguments
I want to run Rcmd BATCH with R_DEFAULT_PACKAGE=base so it doesn't load any
packages, but it seems to reject this argument because it does not start
with a '-' or '--'. Is there a different argument that will work? Thanks.
Benjamin Stabler
Transportation Planning Analysis Unit
Oregon Department of Transportation
555 13th Street NE, Suite 2
Salem, OR 97301 Ph: 503-986-4104
2019 Sep 08
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils
When starting an embedded R I encounter the following issue under certain
Error: package or namespace load failed for ?utils? in if (.identC(class1,
class2) || .identC(class2, "ANY")) TRUE else {:
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed
(more such errors for grDevices, graphics, and stats)
And in the end:
Warning messages:
1: package ?utils? in
2019 Sep 08
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils
..."utils" "grDevices" "graphics" "stats" "methods"
> (plus, of course, *base*) and this can be changed by setting the option
> in startup code (e.g. in ~/.Rprofile). It is initially set to the value
> of the environment variable R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES if set (as a
> comma-separated list). Setting R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL ensures that only
> package *base* is loaded.
> Changing the set of default packages is normally used to reduce the set
> for speed when scripting: in particular not using *methods*will reduce
> the start-up t...
2017 Dec 26
Rscript fails with some packages (for example, h5)
Hi Dirk,
Thanks for the solution. Now I know the work-arounds, but still don't
quite get it. Why does R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES has anything to do with
library(methods)? If library(h5) works, it should just work, not depend on
an environment variable. Rscript is not consistent with R, that's my
2017-12-26 20:46 GMT+08:00 Dirk Eddelbuettel <edd at debian.org>:
> On 26 December 2017 at...
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
...s on how to troubleshoot this problem? I have no idea
> > what
> > assumption we could have made.
> Note that R CMD check runs R with environment variables set as follows (at
> least on my system; you can check $R_HOME/bin/check to see what it does on
> yours):
> So try staring R like this:
> And see if that reproduces the test failure. The locale setting could
> affect tests of sort order, and the default package setting could
> potentially affect other things.
> D...
2011 Dec 27
R Commander options
...is basic, but I can't figure out the syntax for setting
options for R Commander. I'm running Linux Mint and want to increase the R
Commander font sizes. I see that there are (apparently command line)
options to do so. I have a desktop launcher with the following command
Can this be modified to override default font sizes? Alternatively, I've
started Rcmdr from the terminal with
but again, can't figure out where to insert the options settings to change
the font size.
Could so...
2019 Sep 08
Error: package or namespace load failed for ‘utils
...ot;datasets" "utils" "grDevices" "graphics" "stats" "methods"
(plus, of course, *base*) and this can be changed by setting the option in
startup code (e.g. in ~/.Rprofile). It is initially set to the value of the
environment variable R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES if set (as a comma-separated list).
Setting R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=NULL ensures that only package *base* is loaded.
Changing the set of default packages is normally used to reduce the set for
speed when scripting: in particular not using *methods*will reduce the
start-up time by a factor of up to two....
2004 Apr 15
Re: [R] Execute function at startup
...and executes it? This functionality could either be in the R source file for the package, or in the .First.lib function (decisions, decisions...)-- there wouldn't be any other functions in the package. To use the functionality, the package would just be added to the default package list in the R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES env var. If people wanted to avoid a .Renviron file, R could be invoked via
R(GUI) R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=c("stats","graphics","utils","methods","runfirst") RUNFIRST=<<whatever>>
In fact I suppose you could cheat even further by including...
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
I am collaborating with developing the bigmemory package and have run in to
a strange problem when we run R CMD CHECK. For some reason that isn't
clear to us one of the examples crashes stating:
Error: memory could not be allocated for instance of type big.matrix
You can see the output on the Travis CI page at
https://travis-ci.org/kaneplusplus/bigmemory where the error starts
2009 Jul 21
Customization options with .Renviron, R_LIBS, .Rprofile etc
...loaded on startup, I understand that I need to create a file
.Rprofile with the path R_HOME\\etc\\.Rprofile. Again, should it be
.Rprofile or Rprofile (or, is it Rprofile.site which I see is already
present in my R installation)? Is the following syntax OK for
specifying the environmental variable
R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES = {?base?, ?datasets?,?utils?,?ggplot2?,?lattice?}
How can I add, for example, ggplot2 and lattice to the list of default packages that R normally starts with?
If I add a .Renviron file to my working directory, will it override
that in R_HOME? Or, is it the other way around? Can I add a .Rprofi...
2004 Dec 29
help with Rcmd check
I've been working on a package that requires a shared library to be loaded.
I have used the NAMESPACE file to load the library according to:
my shared library is "excelpoi.so" hence I have added "useDynLib(excelpoi)"
to my NAMESPACE file.
2015 Dec 17
Assistance much appreciated
[1] 0 1256
[1] 1256 3458
[1] 4714 830
named list()
[1] TRUE
> mapfile
[1] "./library/tools/R/sysdata.rdx"
./bin/R --vanilla
root at x065:[/data/prj/cran/64/R-3.2.3]ls -l ./library/tools/R/sysdata.rdx
-rw-r--r-- 1 root 33 193 Dec 17 16:49
root at x065:[/data/prj/cran/64/R-3.2.3]cat ./library/tools/R/sysdata.rdx
?b```b`fbf" SH0#h^?<...
2008 Nov 18
anyone familiar with this error?
...ocal/lib64/R/bin/INSTALL: line 455: 25001 Done
( echo "options(warn=1); invisible(.libPaths(c(\"${lib}\",
.libPaths()))); .getRequiredPackages();
tools:::makeLazyLoading(\"${R_PACKAGE_NAME}\", \"${lib}\")" )
25002 Aborted (core dumped) | R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES=
LC_ALL=C "${R_EXE}" --vanilla --slave
ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'portfolio.construction'
** Removing '/usr/local/lib64/R/library/portfolio.construction'
** Restoring previous '/usr/local/lib64/R/library/portfolio.construction'
[whit at linuxsvr R.pack...
2017 Dec 27
Rscript fails with some packages (for example, h5)
On 26/12/2017 9:40 AM, Dirk Eddelbuettel wrote:
> On 26 December 2017 at 22:14, Sun Yijiang wrote:
> | Thanks for the solution. Now I know the work-arounds, but still don't
> | quite get it. Why does R_DEFAULT_PACKAGES has anything to do with
> | library(methods)?
> Because it governs which packages are loaded by default. And while R also
> loads 'methods', Rscript does not. Source of endless confusion.
Mostly irrelevant correction of the jargon: that setting controls which
packages are...
2016 Mar 14
Help with libiconv problem
Expected in: flat namespace
/bin/sh: line 1: 16127 Done echo
../../../bin/R --vanilla --slave
make[7]: *** [sysdata] Error 133
make[6]: *** [all] Error 2
make[5]: *** [R] Error 1
make[4]: *** [R] Error 1
make[3]: *** [R] Error 1
We always get the unknown timezone messages which I think are unrelated
but I'm curious about those.
2015 May 13
example fails during R CMD CHECK but works interactively?
...figure it out.
> Any thoughts on how to troubleshoot this problem? I have no idea
> what
> assumption we could have made.
Note that R CMD check runs R with environment variables set as follows (at least on my system; you can check $R_HOME/bin/check to see what it does on yours):
So try staring R like this:
And see if that reproduces the test failure. The locale setting could affect tests of sort order, and the default package setting could potentially affect other things.
> Regards,
> Charles