Displaying 9 results from an estimated 9 matches for "r2openbug".
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2011 Oct 20
Are they fully identical: WinBUGS and OpenBUGS; R2WinBUGS and R2OpenBUGS
Hello ALL!
I am running Linux, Fedora 15 64-bits, and R on it. I need to use
WinBUGS and R2WinBUGS, but as far as I read, WinBUGS is closed project,
to be continued with/as OpenBUGS. Thus, I have found R2OpenBUGS on
OpenBUGS Contributed Code (http://openbugs.info/w/UserContributedCode),
not on CRAN. Author(s) states that it is equivalent for R2WinBUGS. I
tried briefly, and realized few minor differences. However, it seems to
work. I wonder if anyone checked thoroughly equivalence of WinBUGS and
OpenBUGS, a...
2012 Jul 13
R2OpenBUGS quesion
Dear All:
Could anybody help me figure out why I get the Error message below while I
running the example code of bugs() function in R2OpenBUGS packages? I have
tried the code both in Win 7 and Ubuntu 12.04, but they show the same
message. My R version is 2.15.1 in win7 and 2.15.0 in Ubuntu. Many thanks !
> schools.sim <- bugs(data, inits, parameters, model.file,+ n.chains=3, n.iter=5000)Error i...
2013 Jan 03
R2OpenBUGS question with differential equations
as you can see, the parameter optimization using this code is done via a non-linear approach using the Nelder-Mead optimization. I was wondering if you could give me some ideas on how to rewrite this code so that it could be run using OpenBUGS via R2OpenBUGS? The issue I am hung up on is how to write the differential equation into a code that could run through R2OpenBUGS and OpenBUGS. Below is an example for an analytical solution for a different model I currently use that is run through R2OpenBUGS and OpenBUGS that generates excelent results (to be a...
2013 Jan 06
How to use predict function from R2OpenBUGS results
Dear All,
I made some headways on my ODE problem in R2OpenBUGS, but got stuck again. Wonder if someone could help on the following:
I am running the following code:
dosetotal <-c(500,250)
z <-c(4,2)
grid <-c(4,15)
n.grid <-2
tol <-0.001
dim <-2
T <-2
origin <-0
dosetime <-c("1/05/2013 0:00","1/...
2013 Feb 18
compare posterior samples from R2OpenBugs and R function bugs{R2WinBUGS}
Hi all,
I used both OpenBugs and R function bugs{R2WinBUGS} to run a linear mixed
effects model based on the same data set and initial values. I got the same
summary statistics but different posterior samples. However, if I order
these two sets of samples, one is generated from OpenBugs and the other is
generated from R, they turn to be the same. And the samples from R do not
have any
2011 Jun 27
OpenBUGS and glmmBUGS package
forBugs = glmmBUGS(formula=observed + logExpected ~ 1,
effects="CSDUID", family="poisson", spatial=popDataAdjMat,
data=ontario at data, modelFile="model.txt")
startingValues = forBugs$startingValues
ontarioResult = bugs(forBugs$ragged, getInits, parameters.to.save =
names(getInits()), model.file="model.txt", n.chain=3, n.iter=100,
n.burnin=10, n.thin=2)
I got error message saying "Error in bugs.run(n.burnin, OpenBUGS.pgm,
debug = d...
2012 Oct 26
Openbugs- Array Index
...collected species in our case
Y <- array(NA,dim=c(S,4,5))
for(i in 1:S){
Y[i,,] <- matrix(ungulate[i,],nrow=4,ncol=5,byrow=TRUE)
AY <- array(NA,dim=c((S+m),4,5))# Y of augmented
for(i in 1:4){
y <- matrix(0,nrow=m,ncol=5)
AY[,i,] <- rbind(Y[,i,],y)
## bugs code
# hyperparameters
# habitat effects for each functional group
for(i in 1:g){ # number of functional group
for(j in 1:2){ # number of habitat
mu.h[i,j] ~ dnorm(0,0.0001) I(-2,...
2012 Feb 01
problem working directory WinBUGS using R
I am trying to use WinBUGS using R, but i am having some problems using
bugs function:
out <- bugs(data = win.data, inits = inits, parameters.to.save = params,
model.file = "model.txt",
n.thin = nt, n.chains = nc, n.burnin = nb, n.iter = ni, debug = TRUE, DIC =
TRUE, working.directory = getwd())
WinBUGS file is in working directory=D:/Line/documents but R looks for
2012 Jul 13
Help with R2 OpenBUGs
Hi, I'm currently working on the below codes however whenever I run it in
openbugs it gives an error message saying: unknown type of logical function
error pos 76. Any help would be appreciated.
## bugs code
sink("C:/Users/CCF/Documents/Suzie Work/PTY Project/Waterhole
# hyperparameters
# habitat effects for each functional group
g <- length(table(G))
for(i in 1:g){ # number of functional group
for(j in 1:3){ # number of habitat type