Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "question2".
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2003 Dec 18
IAX quesitons please.
I use the DIAX register to the *, if I set the server IP in the DIAX to,then it will OK, but if I set the server IP in the DIAX to, then I will fail to register. I have tried all version of DIAX and alway got the same result. Why?
If I dial the IAX2 user registed to my * inside my NAT,it will success,but if I dial other IAX2 user registed to my * in the internet (not inside my NAT),I alway get the result:
== Everyone is busy at this time
Any help will be apprecated. Sorry for my poot English.
2017 Jul 11
User uidNumber questions
Question1: An uidNumber can be given to a new user by "samba-tool user add <
user.name> --uid-number=<number>". But is there a way to make samba
autogenerate it without me having to give a specific number?
Question2: The output of wbinfo --user-info <user.name>
DOMAIN\user.name:*:3000015:100:Full Name:/home/DOMAIN/user.name:/bin/false
>From what i understood the uidNumber should take the 3rd value from the
above output (3000015). Is this value hold into any attribute
like sAMAccountName, displayName,...
2004 Oct 14
correlating between two vectors of numbers
...#39;s tau correlation and had no problem with that!!
> cor(V2.Signal,V3.Signal,use="complete.obs") (the
Pearson correlation)
> cor.test(V2.Signal,V3.Signal,method="kendall") (the
Kendall's correlation)
what's wrong?
Does anyone accidently know which correlation method would be the most
correct to use when the microarray signal values (the values to be
correlated) are not normal distributed (the Kendall's method seem to fit
better to my other tests than the Pearson method).
2006 Jul 07
Rpad Server Installation on Windows XP
...body out a week ago and he said I have to
install perl on my path. Actually I don't quite know which directory
he is talking about. I'm using xampp advanced version, so I should have
perl installed and also I have active perl installed on my computer
(c:/perl) What am I getting wrong?
Question2: Do I have to install rterm too? If so, where?
Any of your advice will be very appreciated.
Thank you for your reading and have a great day everybody!
Claire Ahn
2009 Aug 04
Caculate first difference from a dataframe; write a simulation
##Output of ad is given below
Level 5.04
spread 0.25
##Question2: How can I easily identify which out of the 9 states does ad fall into with Level =5.04 and spread=0.25?
Level 5.04
spread 0.25
state state8
##Question3: I want to write a simulation of the...
2009 Oct 06
RAM errors after kernel-update
...t locations doesn't make any
After some digging, I noticed that the new kernel has added support
for the i5400 chipset. I found some reference that the new kernel has
this error reporting capability the old one hadn't.
Question1: how many recoverable RAM errors are acceptable?
Question2: The error appears always with the same id in the error
message. Mobo problem?
Question3: Are there any recommended BIOS settings to operate the RAM
slower to see if the problem disappears?
Question4: Any other proposals.
Being located in Germany makes the "just return it to the dealer"...
2009 Aug 05
writing a simulation
...u Sahi wrote:
> Dear R Users
>> I'm writing my first simulation in R.
>> I've put across my problems with a smaller example in the attachment along
>> with the questions.
>> Please help.
> See Simpson reply to Q1
> ##Question2: How can I easily identify which out of the 9 states does ad
> fall into with Level =5.04 and spread=0.25?
> ad
> X6
> Level 5.04
> spread 0.25
> state state8
> But spread for state7 was -0.34?????
> Had it been 0.24, then this should work (...
2009 Mar 30
Help with tm assocation analysis and Rgraphviz installation.
achiev acquir acquisit
1 1 1
activi adapt add
1 1 1
I can’t load Rgraphviz in R.
I am using windows XP professional, R 2.8.1
I followed the instruction in this link
2012 Jul 03
nls problem
...TRUE index as long as `len != 2' (which
seems fine for the
further processing) but returns a TRUE value for the index of `fifu' as
well if `len == 2'.
question1: I'm rather sure it worked about 6 months ago with (ca.) 2.11.x
under ubuntu. have there been changes in this area?
question2: is something like the `fit2' line in the example expected to
work or not?
qeustion3: if it is not expected to work, should not the manpage include a
corresponding caveat?
question4: is there a a substitute/workaround for the `fit2' line which
still allows to specify the rhs of the mo...
2010 Apr 28
operator problem within function
Dear all,
i have a problem with processing dataframes within a function using the "$".
Here´s my code:
recode_items = function(dataframe,number,medium=2){
# this works
# this does not work, particularly because "dataframe" is not processed
# dataframe should be: givenframe$columnagivennumber
2008 Jun 22
two newbie questions
curve (cbind (1, 1, x, 1*x) %*% coef(my.fit), add=TRUE, col="black")
curve (cbind (1, 0, x, 0*x) %*% coef(my.fit), add=TRUE, col="gray")
# Clearly that's wrong -- why it's wrong is obscure to me, though!
Please educate me!
# Question2: Could this could be done by using "apply" rather than a loop?
# Or is looping better here bc there are several actions performed at
each iteration?
# I'm still trying to get my head around all the ways to ditch looping in R.
Donald Braman
2008 Nov 17
Type III ANOVA of package car depends on factor level order
## Question1: How to define IV with interaction alone, without main effects?
## Question2: Should Type III ANOVA in package car be independent of
the factor level order?
## data from http://www.otago.ac.nz/sas/stat/chap30/sect52.htm
drug <- c(t(t(rep(1,3)))%*%t(1:4));
disease <- c(t(t(1:3)) %*% t(rep(1,4)));
y <- t(matrix(c(
42 ,44 ,36 ,13 ,19 ,22
,33 ,NA ,26 ,NA ,33 ,21...
2003 Jan 20
Tcl/Tk and mouse
For smaller values (e.g. 0.0001) the
top level tcltk-window does not appear
and so I am not able to control the elements
to be plotted using the tcltk-widget.
Question1: How can I force the tcltk-widget
to appear / to get the position
of the mouse within the loop?
Question2: Why isn't it allowed to use the
locator function with n=0, with
the meaning to output the
coordinates of the mouse?
( Then my problem can be
solved without Tcl/Tk )
Here is an example:
# Definition of function a:
2009 Oct 07
how to extract the second table from the factanal functions result's loadings part?
i4 0.839
i5 0.778
i6 0.859
i7 0.850
i8 0.763
i9 0.810
i10 0.575
i11 0.745
i12 0.777
i13 0.674
i14 0.644
i15 0.796
* Factor1
SS loadings 8.995
Proportion Var 0.600*
*How to access the second table* i.e the table other than the "Loadings"
How to calculate the* "initial" communalities*?Is there any function in R?
I am getting "Extraction" communalities.
Results as generated by SPSS.
Communalities Initial Extraction i1 .654 .614 i2 .781 .764 i3 .645
.617 i4 .695 .704 i5 .681 .605 i6 .747 .738 i7...
2009 Jan 06
Singularity of lda function in MASS package
...e, p: number of variables
Some articles in the literature say that LDA is singular
for p > n-1. However, my experimentation with lda (default arguments) for
two class problems shows collinearity for p > n-2.
Does anyone know why this is the case? Does lda (MASS) use a
different algorithm?
When I plot leave-one-out CV based on lda (averaged over
500 simulated data sets), I see a pick (see the link
http://homepages.ed.ac.uk/mkhondok/temp/lda_R-help-CV.png )
at p = n-3 (not n-2!). I would appreciate if someone could help me get
an explanation for this behaviour.
## R code...
2018 Jan 03
Trusted pool authentication & traffic encryption
...my laptop into another network and someone else has the same IP address as my desktop PC at home? Are there any circumstances under which the Laptop would start sending data to that third-party machine? What if for instance this third party were a malicious attacker that knew I was using Gluster?
Question2: If someone has access to my home network would they see the clear-text traffic between the two Gluster hosts (i.e. between the brick processes)?
I thinks both questions are easily generalizable to other settings. For instance an attacker could try IP spoofing in a datacentre or they could record...
2008 Feb 27
running two rsync processes, synchronizing the same directories
In this case a user can initiate a rsync process to synchronize directories.
What happens if two rsync process are running, synchronizing the same
directories. In my case it means if two user are launching the rsync command
at the same time to equalize the same files / directories.
How can I benefit from the -n Option (--dry-run) ? Am I right, when I say
before you do a real rsync you can check it with "-n". Does that mean, if
a rsync with "-n" does function, the real rsync (without -n) should also
work ?
Thanks for taking time to answer.
Best Regard...
2011 Apr 02
Dear R Help group
I need to run a command line script from within R session. I am not clear
how i can acheive this. I tried shell and system function, but i am missing
something critical.can someone provide help?
My intention is to create a pdf file of a plot in R and then attach
existing files from my system as attachment into the newly created pdf file.
Any help would be greatly appreciated..
2002 Apr 18
Two problems
Hello! Two questions:
1: I have to import a matrix of adjacency from a file of a software that is
not R (for example "bloc notes" of Windows). The problem is that the matrix
is not in the explicit form as
0 1 1
1 0 0
1 0 0
but it is a scattered matrix where in each row there are two nodes that have
a direct path.
The matrix is
a b
a c
b a
c a
For example, the first row
2009 Apr 01
回复: R-help Digest, Vol 73, Issue 32
... 1
achiev acquir acquisit
1 1 1
activi adapt add
1 1 1
I can’t load Rgraphviz in R.
I am using windows XP professional, R 2.8.1
I followed the instruction in this link