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Displaying 20 results from an estimated 851 matches for "qr".

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2006 Jan 12
bug in qr.coef() and (therefore) in qr.solve (PR#8476)
[I thought I'd submitted this bug report some time ago, but it's never showed up on the bug tracking system, so I'm submitting again.] qr.solve() gives incorrect results when dealing with complex matrices or with qr objects that have been computed with LAPACK=TRUE, whenever the b argument has more than one column. This bug flows from qr.coef(), which has a similar problem. I believe the problem is the line coef[qr$pivot, ] <-...
2012 Dec 03
qr.qy and qr.qty give an error message when y is integer and LAPACK=TRUE
With this example set.seed(123) A <- matrix(runif(40), nrow = 8) y <- 1:nrow(A) A.laqr <- qr(A, LAPACK=TRUE) both qr.qy(A.laqr,y) and qr.qty(A.laqr,y) give the respective error messages Error in qr.qy(A.laqr, y) : 'b' must be a numeric matrix Error in qr.qty(A.laqr, y) : 'b' must be a numeric matrix However when Lapack is not used as in A.liqr <- qr(A,...
2007 May 15
QR Decompositon and qr.qty
Dear R people, I do not have much knowledge about linear algebra but currently I need to understand what the function qr.qty is actually doing. The documentation states that it calculates t(Q) %*% y via a previously performed QR matrix decomposition. In order to do that, I tried following basic example: m<-matrix(c(1,0,0,0,1,0,0,0,1,0,0,1),ncol=3) # 4x3 matrix qr.qty(qr(m),matrix(c(1,2,3,4,2,3,4,5,1,1,1,1,2,2,...
2004 Mar 01
se.contrast ....too hard??? .... Too easy????? .....too trivial???? ...... Too boring.....too???????? 10 61.885 6.189 Error: Within Df Sum Sq Mean Sq F value Pr(>F) Residuals 180 318.56 1.77 > > table(ddata$shp) reserve strip 96 96 > > se.contrast(repmod2, list(shp=="strip", shp=="reserve"),data=ddata) Error in qr.qty(strata$qr, scontrast) : qr and y must have the same number of rows > ????????????????????? Thanks, Duncan ...............and here is what debug says:- > debug("qr.qty") > se.contrast(repmod2, list(shp=="strip", shp=="reserve"),data=ddata) debugging i...
2007 May 01
(PR#9623) qr.coef: permutes dimnames; inserts NA; promises
...n Thu, 19 Apr 2007, brech at wrote: > Full_Name: Christian Brechbuehler > Version: 2.4.1 Patched (2007-03-25 r40917) > OS: Linux 2.6.15-27-adm64-xeon; Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS > Submission from: (NULL) ( > > > Splus and R have different ideas about what qr.coef(qr()) should return, > which is fine... but I believe that R has a bug in that it is not > internally consistent, and another separate bug in the documentation. I agree with the bug in the dimnames, and and have corrected that in 2.5.0 patched. But I think the rest stems from the foll...
2011 Aug 23
Matrix:::qr.qy and signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = "dgCMatrix")
...and an adjustment to the standard errors to study the four regressors that I am interested in. I want to calculate standardized residuals and need the diagonal elements of the hat matrix. I tried to adjust function hat() in the "stats" package for use with sparse matrices. But the method qr.qy does not seem to have a function available for the following signature: signature(qr = "sparseQR", y = "dgCMatrix") - although it indicates that it understands this signature. Following is a minimal example (in my application dd2 is too large for my memory): library(Matrix)...
2011 Nov 21
Suggested improvement for src/library/base/man/qraux.Rd
Here is a modified version of qraux.Rd, an edited version of R-2.14.0/src/library/base/man/qraux.Rd This gives some details and an example for the case of pivoting. In this case, it is not true that X = QR; rather X[, pivot] = QR. It may save some other people bugs and time to have this information. Tim Hesterberg -------------...
2012 Sep 07
Suggest adding a 'pivot' argument to qr.R
I suggest adding a 'pivot' argument to qr.R, to obtain columns in the same order as the original x, so that a <- qr(x) qr.Q(a) %*% qr.R(a, pivot=TRUE) returns x. -------------------------------------------------- # File src/library/base/R/qr.R qr.R <- function(qr, complete = FALSE, pivot = FALSE) { # Args: # qr: a QR dec...
2009 Jun 17
Matrix inversion-different answers from LAPACK and LINPACK
Hello. I am trying to invert a matrix, and I am finding that I can get different answers depending on whether I set LAPACK true or false using "qr". I had understood that LAPACK is, in general more robust and faster than LINPACK, so I am confused as to why I am getting what seems to be invalid answers. The matrix is ostensibly the Hessian for a function I am optimizing. I want to get the parameter correlations, so I need to invert the ma...
2008 Nov 03
qr() and Gram-Schmidt
Hi, Why the qr() produces a negative Q compared with Gram-Schmidt? (note example below, except Q[2,3]) Here is an example, I calculate the Q by Gram-Schmidt process and compare the output with qr.Q() a <- c(1,0,1) b <- c(1,0,0) c <- c(2,1,0) x <- matrix(c(a,b,c),3,3) ########################## # G...
2007 Apr 19
qr.coef: permutes dimnames; inserts NA; promises minimum-length (PR#9623)
Full_Name: Christian Brechbuehler Version: 2.4.1 Patched (2007-03-25 r40917) OS: Linux 2.6.15-27-adm64-xeon; Ubuntu 6.06.1 LTS Submission from: (NULL) ( Splus and R have different ideas about what qr.coef(qr()) should return, which is fine... but I believe that R has a bug in that it is not internally consistent, and another separate bug in the documentation. In particular, on this problem, Splus generates a permuted solution vector: Splus 6.2.1: > A <- matrix(c(0,0,0, 1,1,1), nrow...
2018 May 19
Bug on qr.coef when qr is created by a zero matrix with colnames and all y equals zero
Dear maintainers, I'm reporting a bug in qr.coef that mishandles the colnames of matrix. A minimal reproducible example is as follows: x <- cbind(rep(0, 10), rep(0, 10)) y <- rep(0, 10) q <- qr.default(x) qr.coef(q, y) [1] NA NA If x has colnames, then qr.coef will end up with an error: x <- cbind(x1 = rep(0, 10), x2 = rep(0,...
2003 Jul 16
Is there a bug in qr(..,LAPACK=T)
The following snippet suggests that there is either a bug in qr(,LAPACK=T), or some bug in my understanding. Note that the detected rank is correct (= 2) using the default LINPACK qr, but incorrect (=3) using LAPACK. This is running on Linux Redhat 9.0, using the lapack library that comes with the Redhat distribution. I'm running R 1.7.1 compiled from...
2019 Aug 13
behaviour and documentation of qr.solve
Greetings, In my opinion the documentation or behaviour of qr.solve, qr.coef, qr.resid, and qr.fitted is not easily comprehensible and unfortunate. We all know that a linear system Ax=b can have 0, one or infinitely many solutions. To treat all these cases uniformly we can rephrase the problem as x = argmin_u||Au-b||,...
2000 Mar 01
"is.qr" definition (PR#465)
Might it be possible to tighten the definition of "is.qr". I noticed that after I mistakenly typed example(lm) # make lm object named lm.D9 qr.Q(lm.D9) which exhausted the heap memory and produced two warning messages. As an object of class "lm" has a "qr" component, "is.qr" failed to detect that "lm.D9"...
2002 May 30
se.contrast: matrix contrast.obj doesn't work as documented (PR#1613) page for se.contrast, when describing the contrast.obj parameter, states that "Multiple contrasts should be specified by a matrix as returned by contrasts." When doing an unbalanced single factor ANOVA, using a contrast.obj as returned by contrasts results in the following error from qr.qty when se.contrast is called: Error in qr.qty(object$qr, contrast) : qr and y must have the same number of rows In fact, the matrix contrast.obj parameter that se.contrast requires is not a contrast matrix as returned by contrasts. It is a matrix each of whose columns is in the same form as the...
2016 Oct 24
typo or stale info in qr man
man for `qr` says that the function uses LINPACK's DQRDC, while it in fact uses DQRDC2. ``` The QR decomposition of the matrix as computed by LINPACK or LAPACK. The components in the returned value correspond directly to the values returned by DQRDC/DGEQP3/ZGEQP3 ```
2012 May 03
GAM, how to set qr=TRUE
Hello, I don't understand what went wrong or how to fix this. How do I set qr=TRUE for gam? When I produce a fit using gam like this: fit = gam(y~s(x),,family=family,control = list(keepData=T)) ...then try to use predict: (see #1 below in the traceback() ) > traceback() 6: stop("lm object does not have a proper 'qr' component.\n Ra...
2006 Jan 12
follow-up on qr.coef bug (PR#8478)
...e bug data base, so I have no ID for it) included a suggested fix that is not correct. It worked for the examples I gave because there was no pivoting in fact, or only pivot permutations that were idempotent. A correction that works in general on the examples I gave makes these two changes in qr.coef(): ## coef[qr$pivot, ] <- .Call("qr_coef_cmplx", qr, y, PACKAGE = "base")[1:p] coef[qr$pivot,] <- .Call("qr_coef_cmplx", qr, y, PACKAGE = "base")[1:p,] ##coef[qr$pivot,] <- .Call("qr_coef_real", qr, y, PACKA...
2005 May 18
Hello, I've got a problem in a sql query! for(j in 1:length(criteria$Title)) { graphe_par<-sqlQuery(channel,"select q.type,crit.Title, r.Value from criteria crit, reply r,question_reply qr, question q, question_criteria qc, form_question fq where qr.reply=r.ID and qr.question=q.ID and qc.question=q.ID and crit.ID=qc.criteria and fq.question=q.ID and fq.form=4 and crit.Title=" & criteria$Title[j] &";") ............} > criteria$Title [1] Content L...