search for: putenv

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 280 matches for "putenv".

2002 Mar 08
Sys.putenv environment variables disappear (PR#1371)
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() disappear (i.e. become "") after a while, especially after heavy-duty I/O. Example: R> x <- matrix(1., 3000, 3000) R> save(x, file="myx.RData") R> Sys.putenv(HOME="/tmp") R> while (Sys.getenv("HOME") != "") {cat("ok\n...
2008 Mar 23
Can not install fCalendar package under R 2.6.2
...required package: MASS Loading required package: fEcofin Loading required package: fUtilities Loading required package: RUnit RUnit 0.4.17 loaded. Loading required package: spatial Loading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... done Loading required package: zoo Error in .Internal(putenv(x)) : no internal function "putenv" Calls: <Anonymous> ... sys.source -> eval -> eval -> .currentYear -> Sys.setenv Execution halted ERROR: lazy loading failed for package 'fCalendar' ** Removing '/usr/local/lib/R/site-library/fCalendar' by the way, my...
2002 Jul 02
R windows FAQ (PR#1733)
Full_Name: Kevin Wright Version: 1.5.1 OS: Windows 95 Submission from: (NULL) ( In the R windows FAQ, item 3.6 (Package TclTk does not work) currently has this line: Sys.putenv("TCL_LIBRARY"="c:/Program Files/Tcl/lib/tcl8.3") I find that if I execute the following two lines after starting R, I can then do library(tcltk) and demo(tkdensity) as usual. I do not need to modify my autoexec.bat this way! Anyway, using the following two lines in the FAQ mi...
2001 Jun 04
Problems with environmental variables set with Sys.putenv
Hi, I see some weird behavior when loading a specific dataframe after changing the value of an enviroment variable using Sys.putenv(). Alas, I can't reproduce it from an arbitrary dataframe. Here is the session: R : Copyright 2001, The R Development Core Team Version 1.2.3 (2001-04-26) R is free software and comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. You are welcome to redistribute it under certain conditions. Type `license()...
2001 Nov 30
Problems with environmental variables set with Sys.putenv
Environment variables set with Sys.putenv() "disappear" spontaneously (and somewhat randomly) when I load large datasets. This was reported in R-help by Dave Kane on June 4, 2001; I have not seen any further discussion. I'm not sure if I can report it as a "bug", since it is not entirely reproducible. Could someo...
2000 Mar 25
replacement putenv()
Can we get this as a replacement to the current putenv()? It's out of the OpenBSD source tree and is a complete replacement instead of a wrapper around setenv(). Thanks. -------------- next part -------------- #ifndef HAVE_SETENV /* ** Borrowed from OpenBSD 2.6. Some platforms don't even support putenv() ** So therefor we need a real...
2006 Apr 24
Change the language of the labels in a graph
Hello, How do you change the language of the labels in a graph. In this example, I want to get French labels by changing Sys.putenv. I should get "Mai" instead of "May". Sys.putenv(LANGUAGE="fr") x <- as.Date(c("1jan1960", "2jan1960", "31mar1960", "30jul1960"), "%d%b%Y") y <-1:4 plot(x,y) Regards, Pierre Lapointe ***********************...
2007 Apr 17
proxy settings
Hi all, I used to connect internet via a proxy. Before update packages I wrote in R Sys.putenv("http_proxy"="") Nevertheless the way the connection is done has changed. For example, in the browser the proxy is not indicated and I have to give an username and a password to have access to internet. I read the FAQ and the help for downlo...
2006 Feb 23
tcl/tk - Install problem using MacOS X / X11
...gave me the following results: > library(tcltk) Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : no display name and no $DISPLAY environment variable Error: .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'tcltk' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'tcltk' > I tried Sys.putenv("DISPLAY"=":0") which indeed resulted in a line in Rprofile: ## non standard settings for the GUI of the Mac OS X port if(.Platform$GUI == "AQUA") { ## this is set to let RAqua use both X11 device and ## X11/TclTk if (Sys.getenv("DISPLAY&quo...
2005 Sep 27
WxRuby + Ruby/SDL
Hi, I am making a game with Ruby/SDL and have run into trouble finding a GUI to cooperate. I have seen numerous examples of wxWindows in combination with SDL (wxPython and PyGame), but have yet to be able to do it in ruby (PyGame example: I am not very good with wxRuby as this is my first time using it and thought some more knowledgable users
2007 Jan 06
Can't load in last R devel
...URL downloaded 1608Kb package 'XML' successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked The downloaded packages are in C:\Documents and Settings\biocbuild\Local Settings\tmpdir\RtmpXybdrb\downloaded_packages updating HTML package descriptions > library(XML) Error in Sys.putenv(names(x), as.character(unlist(x))) : wrong type for argument Error: .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'XML' Error: package/namespace load failed for 'XML' > I don't get this with R devel from 2006-12-05: R version 2.5.0 Under development (unst...
2004 Jun 26
Problem setting environment variable in R/zzz.R
...uld patch this in R/zzz.R and do ## set a timezone if none found in environment variables or options() if (Sys.getenv("TZ")=="") { if (is.null(getOption("TZ"))) { cat("No timezone information found, using default of GMT\n") Sys.putenv("TZ"=="GMT") } else { cat("No timezone information found, applying option() value of", getOption("TZ"), "\n") Sys.putenv("TZ"==getOption("TZ")) } } right before library.dynam("f...
2006 Jul 05
install RMySQL under Mac OS X 10.4.7
Hello All, I tried to install RMySQL package, but the error messages says there is no such package, even though I did see RMySQL is there in the contributed package list in all mirror sites of CRAN I tried. Not sure what is the problem. > mysql.home <- '/usr/local/mysql' > Sys.putenv('PKG_CPPFLAGS'=paste('-I',file.path(mysql.home,'include'),sep='')) > Sys.putenv('PKG_LIBS'=paste('-L',file.path(mysql.home,'lib'),' -lmysqlclient',sep='')) > install.packages('RMySQL', repos = "http://www.b...
2003 Feb 20
proxy setting RedHat Linux' But nothing happens. Is this a problem with my proxy setting since I am working behind a firewall? It seems so: > Sys.getenv("http_proxy") http_proxy "" Then the documentation in "download.file" says that Sys.putenv won't work in setting the proxy. It says " These environment variables must be set before the download code is first used: they cannot be altered later by calling `Sys.putenv'.". I don't understand what this means: "set it before the download code is first u...
2002 Apr 05
...3.c.orig Thu Apr 4 15:21:45 2002 --- openssh-3.1p1/auth2-securid3.c Thu Apr 4 15:38:00 2002 *************** *** 142,148 **** debug("Couldn't read /etc/sdace.txt"); retval = 0; } else { ! fscanf(pfdAcefile, "%s", szVarAce); fclose(pfdAcefile); if (putenv(szVarAce)) { debug("Cannot putenv: %s", szVarAce); --- 142,148 ---- debug("Couldn't read /etc/sdace.txt"); retval = 0; } else { ! fscanf(pfdAcefile, "%511s", szVarAce); fclose(pfdAcefile); if (putenv(szVarAce)) { debug("C...
2005 Oct 19
Unix proxy and firewall problems install R on a unix server. Because of a firewall i can't install biocLite for working with Bioconductor. With windows it wasn't a problem. I used the option '--internet2' to bypass the firewall. I don't have any idea, how to do it with unix. I tried to set my proxy >Sys.putenv("http_proxy"="http...:8080") >Sys.getenv("http_proxy") http_proxy "http://...:8080" but than by try to use the source command to download the bioC.R script I'm getting the message: >source("htt...
2007 May 10
PATCH Deliver forgets sendmail_path if DEBUG is set
-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello, Dovecot v1.0.0 deliver erases the environment if DEBUG is set, hence, also (probably) erases SENDMAIL_PATH if it has been read from configuration file. This happens with: Debian Etch,, gcc (GCC) 4.1.2 20061115 (prerelease) (Debian 4.1.1-21). Problem in log: May 10 12:33:07 ux-2s11-9 deliver(dvtest): execv() failed: No such
2008 Apr 07
tcltk issue remains
...ading required package: tcltk Loading Tcl/Tk interface ... Error in fun(...) : couldn't connect to display ":0" Error : .onLoad failed in 'loadNamespace' for 'tcltk' Error: package 'tcltk' could not be loaded Then, after checking the OSX faq, I get >Sys.putenv("DISPLAY"=":0") Warning message: 'Sys.putenv' is deprecated. Use 'Sys.setenv' instead. See help("Deprecated") But the problem remains: Sys.setenv("DISPLAY"=":0") > library(fGarch) Loading required package: fBasics Loading requi...
2000 Jan 12
Mostly good news on the NeXT front.
I'll be able to test on next 4.2 after the initial 3.3 port. I have a vsnprintf/snprintf that compiles (works?) on NeXT. Not sure how portable nor if it truely solves the security issue (it's from the fokes). Plus NeXT 3.3 (not sure about 4.2 yet) lacks a putenv(). I found one that compiles cleanly from the GNU libc fokes. Which brings up licensing issues. I'm not sure if we can get a wavier or if we will have to write our own. It looks simple enough to rewrite if we have to. I personally hate reinventing wheels. But things are slowly compiling....
2006 Jul 21
connection to X11 problem
...ate a png (or a jpeg): Error in X11(paste("png::", filename, sep = ""), width, height, pointsize, : unable to start device PNG In addition: Warning message: unable to open connection to X11 display '' I tried to set up the DISPLAY variable using the command: Sys.putenv("DISPLAY"=":0") but I am still running into the same problem. Is there anything else I need to do or install in order to use X11? I am using a intel Core Duo processor and OSX 10.4.7. Thank you for your help, Agnes