Displaying 18 results from an estimated 18 matches for "puppetclass".
2008 Oct 22
LDAP Problem
...ss: organizationalRole
cn: Manager
# Hosts, xyz.com
dn: ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: Hosts
# default, Hosts, xyz.com
dn: cn=default,ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com
cn: default
description: Default
objectClass: device
objectClass: top
objectClass: puppetClient
puppetclass: defaultapps
# basenode, Hosts, xyz.com
dn: cn=basenode,ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com
cn: basenode
description: Basenode
objectClass: device
objectClass: top
objectClass: puppetClient
puppetclass: baseapps
# webserver, Hosts, xyz.com
dn: cn=webserver,ou=Hosts,dc=xyz,dc=com
cn: webserver
description: Web...
2007 Oct 10
Puppet ldapnodes issue
dn: ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: organizationalUnit
objectClass: top
ou: Hosts
# basenode, Hosts, puppet
dn: cn=basenode,ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: basenode
description: The base node
puppetclass: baseclass
# testserver, Hosts, puppet
dn: cn=testserver,ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: testserver
description: My test server
l: dc1
puppetclass: testing
puppetclass: solaris
# cmclient2.domain....
2011 Oct 11
recursive finds
...eferred to as STI but I am not sure) and thus within Foreman, nesting Hostgroups is not uncommon.
Thus I could have a Host that is called "ServerA", that belongs to "WebServer" Hostgroup which has an ancestry (Hostgroup) called "Base" and for me to find out all of the puppetclasses that host "ServerA" belongs to, I would have to get a listing of all of the puppetclasses within the chain of Hostgroups to which ServerA belongs.
So this is my code...
@hosts.each do |host|
@ancestors = Hostgroup.find(host.hostgroup.ancestry) unless host.hostgroup.ancestry == nil...
2007 Jun 29
More on class includes
...tc. So I build a manifest like the
one below; but there are a few problems.
First, I can''t be sure what order the classes are resolved, so I will
often realize samba-base from samba-dev-shares, which doesn''t include
information I need from samab-bdc.
Other options like "case $puppetclass" and "include $puppetclass" from
within samba-base don''t seem to work, and if they did they may result
in the same problem.
Does anybody have a solution or method for gathering variables from
multiple classes together like this?
class samba-bdc {
$domainmaster = "...
2006 Sep 06
FQDN nodes in LDAP
...with scope sub
# filter: cn=batch1.phy.bnl.gov
# requesting: ALL
# batch1.phy.bnl.gov, Hosts, phy.bnl.gov
dn: cn=batch1.phy.bnl.gov,ou=Hosts,dc=phy,dc=bnl,dc=gov
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: batch1.phy.bnl.gov
puppetclass: basicsystem
puppetclass: cupsserver
puppetclass: ldapclient
parentnode: basenode
# search result
search: 2
result: 0 Success
# numResponses: 2
# numEntries: 1
I think I have a hint as to the actual problem. I tried to add the
above node definition direc...
2011 Jul 14
...a client...
err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Failed when searching for node ubuntu5.ttinet: LDAP Search failed
on the puppet master...
puppet.conf [master]
# ENC (external node classificiations)
node_terminus = ldap
ldapnodes = true
ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
ldapserver = ubuntu.ttinet
ldapbase = ou=Hosts,dc=ttinet,dc=local
ldapuser = cn=admin,dc=ttinet,dc=local
ldappasswd = XXXXXXXXXXXX
ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
ldaptls = false
ldapssl = false
ldapport = 389
and this is a piece of cake from CLI
# l...
2012 Feb 06
Puppet kick class option error
...ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
dn: cn=host1.example.net, ou=servers, dc=example, dc=com
objectClass: device
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: host1.example.net
puppetClass: test
dn: cn=host2.example.net, ou=servers, dc=example, dc=com
objectClass: device
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: host2.example.net
puppetClass: test
PuppetMaster Server:
OS: CentOS 5.7 64bit
Puppet Version: puppet-2.6.13-2.el5, puppet-server-2.6.13-2.el...
2007 Aug 27
Puppet Nodes in DNS
Has anyone given any thought to using DNS for node information rather than LDAP? You see,
I already have all my nodes defined... in BIND ;-).
Perhaps something like:
foo IN A
IN TXT "puppetclass=<class_name>"
IN TXT "puppetclass=<class_name>"
Ad nauseam
Russell A. Jackson <raj at csub.edu>
Network Analyst
California State University, Bakersfield
"It''s been Monday all week today."
2009 Nov 26
Puppet+Foreman: class into module couldn't apply on nodes
...e db:migrate
3. Run RAILS_ENV=production rake puppet:import:hosts_and_facts
(in /var/rails/foreman)
Importing from /var/puppet/yaml/facts
Importing srv2-svc8.net.billing.ru
4. Run rake puppet:import:puppet_classes --trace RAILS_ENV=production
(in /var/rails/foreman)
Environment old:0 current:1
PuppetClasses old:0 current:1
5. Start foreman: ./script/server -e production - OK
Into web-interface I see srv2-svc8 node with all facts, environment
"prodaction" and class "test_calss"
6. After this I create new host in Foreman web page. I include class
"test_calss" to new h...
2010 Dec 20
foreman issue
I try to use foreman. It''s successfuly import current nodes from
puppet storeconfig. Nodes hostname stored in short form, without
After that, i run puppet on newly created additional 5 nodes. They
shows in foreman with full fqdn. Os, environment, architecture for
this nodes not shown.
How can i fix this issue?
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2012 Sep 10
Nagios purge deleted items and notify nagios service problem
still depend on me -- not purging
The reason that I want this feature is that I have created several
automation scripts so I can start a service through AWS giving it two tags
a hostname and a puppetclass. So when I decommission a server the
puppetmaster recognizes this and does a puppet node clean $hostname which
in turn is picked up by nagios on its next run and purged.
This is the section of the nagios config that I am using to both populate
and purge the items from the nagios files.
2007 Nov 13
Facter and arrays
Is it possible to have an array as the output of a custom fact? And
then to pass it into a template in Puppet?
I currently have a fact that looks like this:
Facter.add("exports") do
setcode do
case Facter.hostname
when (/thishost/i):
[ "/local", "/local2" ]
& a template like this:
2010 Jun 07
undefined method 'to_sym' for ["<var>", "<var">]:Array
...d as
part of a custom schema I setup for our company. What''s confusing is why
this is affecting Puppet at all since this attribute is not at all a part of
the puppet schema definition. The node here IS defined as an ObjectClass
puppetClient, but the puppet schema (in my case) only defines puppetclass,
puppetbase, and parentnode.
This looks to me like a rails error, but I don''t find any relevant issues.
I DID find a reference to puppetLabs article that says that by default, the
puppetVar attribute does not support arrays, but it looks like the version
of Ruby I am running (1.8.5) alre...
2011 Sep 22
Export variables into other classes
Hi all
I have been pondering this for a while, but not yet seen a clean way
to do it
I have a few puppet classes (apache/ntp/mysql/bacula/nagios/etc)
I would like to generate part of my bacula and nagios configs for each
host based on which other classes that host belongs to (or to put it
another way, I would like to export variables from classes which would
be used by my bacula and nagios
2012 Aug 23
Puppet Agent VS User
...= false
ignoreschedules = false
inventory_port = 8140
inventory_server = puppet
inventory_terminus = facter
keylength = 1024
lastrunfile = /var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_summary.yaml
lastrunreport = /var/lib/puppet/state/last_run_report.yaml
ldapattrs = all
ldapbase = ""
ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
ldapnodes = false
ldapparentattr = parentnode
ldappassword = ""
ldapport = 389
ldapserver = ldap
ldapssl = false
ldapstackedattrs = puppetvar
ldapstring = (&(objectclass=puppetClient)(cn=%s))
ldaptls = false
ldapuser = ""
lexical = false
libdir = /var/lib/puppet/lib
listen =...
2007 Dec 12
Solaris package woes
...LDAP (i''m using LDAPNodes):
# ldap entry
# cmclient1.domain.com, Hosts, puppet
dn: cn=cmclient1.domain.com,ou=Hosts,dc=puppet
objectClass: device
objectClass: ipHost
objectClass: puppetClient
objectClass: top
cn: cmclient1.domain.com
ipHostNumber: X.X.X.X
description: test box
l: statcomp
puppetclass: sudo
Here is my site.pp manifest:
# site.pp
import "classes/*"
import "definitions/*"
import "templates"
# Global defaults
Exec { path =>
"/opt/csw/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/local/bin" }
# Global variables
$puppetdist = "puppetmaste...
2011 Nov 04
Storeconfigs and nagios and foreman
...# ldapnodes = false
# The LDAP server. Only used if `ldapnodes` is enabled.
# The default value is ''ldap''.
# ldapserver = ldap
# The LDAP attributes to use to define Puppet classes. Values
# should be comma-separated.
# The default value is ''puppetclass''.
# ldapclassattrs = puppetclass
# The attribute to use to define the parent node.
# The default value is ''parentnode''.
# ldapparentattr = parentnode
# The search base for LDAP searches. It''s impossible to provide
# a meaningful default...
2013 Mar 28
Custom fact or function ? looking for opinion
I''m in the progress of writing custom facts to retrieve our network
configuration for the nodes from the openldap ENC.
Now, since the puppetmaster has also access to the ldap server, I''m
thinking to move the custom facts to a function, so it runs on the
puppetmaster only, end not on every node.
I just wanted to here some other opinions about this issue.