search for: publicipofthissitehere

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "publicipofthissitehere".

2018 Mar 29
issues connecting to other working sites.
...ddressFamily ipv4 list ConnectTo pfsense201 list ConnectTo pfsense12 option Name pfsense100 option PrivateKeyFile /etc/tinc/NETNAME/rsa_key.priv config tinc-host pfsense201 option enabled 1 option net NETNAME option Address PUBLICIPOFTHISSITEHERE option Subnet config tinc-host pfsense12 option enabled 1 option net NETNAME list Address PUBLICIPOFTHISSITEHERE option Subnet Summary, it looks like its connecting BUT when I ping I get time out and I cannot visit...
2018 Mar 15
issues connecting in other sites
Hi Team, I admit that I am not familiar with Tinc very well, but have Tinc running at approximately 20 sites and functioning as a mesh vpn/network. I am having issues adding an additional site as it will not communicate with the rest. I have taken the firmware of one and flashed it on another router to make it duplicate and then tested it working but when I change the hostname, and IP to what we