search for: psych

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 1472 matches for "psych".

2011 Feb 06
Psych can't load LaTeX entities file
Hi there, I wanted to use RedCloth with my RubyOnRails 3 application, but it seems that RoR uses 1.9.2''s Psych by default as the YAML parser if available, and Psych fails to load the LaTeX entities file: ==================================================================== #ruby -v: ruby 1.9.2p136 (2010-12-25 revision 30365) [x86_64-linux] irb(main):001:0> Dir.pwd => "/opt/rubies/ruby-1.9.2-p136/...
2009 Oct 01
Missing functions
Hi all, I'm new to R and have been working hard to get familiarized with it. A problem I'm facing now is that having installed some packages (psych, doBy), I can't seem to access the functions even through there was no error messages when I load them using library(). I get an error telling me the function doesn't exist. But when I ran e.g. library(help = psych), the function I want was missing. I did find that when I load other packag...
2006 Mar 11
is there a formatted output in R?
something like "sprintf" in C? so I can do: print(sprintf("the correct result is %3.4f\n", myresult)); ------- Also, I am desperately looking for a "clear console screen" function in R... thanks a lot! [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Jul 26
problem with building package on CRAN
Dear friends, I have just gotten a strange error message back from Uwe saying that the most recent version of psych failed to pass R CMD check for Windows. The error message was less than helpful, in that it seems to have failed when trying to include the Rcpp library, which I do not directly call. (see below) "* using log directory 'd:/Rcompile/CRANpkg/local/2.11/psych.Rcheck' * using R vers...
2010 Jun 08
color of histgram in Psych package (pairs.panels)
Hello, I searched the archives but found no answers. How to modify the hisgram color of function pairs.panels of Psych package ? I tried col() but it was the line color modified. Thanks. Elaine [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2010 Apr 08
Intra-Class correlation psych package missing data
...that that is what it is doing? Does anyone know, I have looked at ?ICC but there is no information there, apologies if I have missed it in any other help file, I have looked, but to no avail! Thanks in advance, Ross -- View this message in context: Sent from the R help mailing list archive at
2009 Mar 10
reliability, scale scores in the psych package
Dear Professor Revelle and R-helpers, This is a two-part question: the first part is general, and the second is specific to the psych package. First question: In the past I've constructed composite variables from questionnaire data by using rowMeans(), and then correlating items with the scale using cor() as an informal check for "bad" items. Over the weekend I decided to take a look at some of the packages in the...
2009 Mar 26
Problemas con psych y Rgraphviz
Hola a tod@s, ayer mismo gracias a CarlosJ. Gil Bellosta me he enterado de la existencia de la lista R en España. Excelente idea!! Aprovecho este mensaje para comentaros un problema en la utilización del paquete psych y Rgraphviz que nunca había utilizado antes. Despues de cambiar a la versión R.2.8.2 y haberla reinstalado varias veces con vista. Cuando ejecuto test.psych() aparece un mensaje deciendome que no encuentra libcdt-4.dll (indicandome que debo reinstalar) a pesar de eso el comando se ejecuta informa...
2004 Nov 24
an R function to search on Prof. Baron's site
...s the search on Prof. Baron's site (Thanks to Prof. Baron's help on setting up the query string!): RSiteSearch <- function(string, restrict="Rhelp", format="long", sortby="score", matchesPerPage=10) { URL <- "" qstring <- paste(URL, "?config=htdigrun1", sep="") ## replace spaces with "%20" in the query string <- paste("words=", gsub(" ", "%20", string), sep="") mpp <- paste(&quot...
2005 May 10
R Greenhouse-Geiser correction?
Is there a function in R for doing Greenhouse-Geiser correction in ANOVA models? Is it already available in the aov function? How do we use it? Best, Darren [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2012 Dec 18
xtable with psych objects
Hello: I s there a way to use xtable with objects from the psych package, particularly principal()? Is there a difference between princomp and principal? xtable seems to play better with princomp. Thank you. Yours, Simon Kiss ********************************* Simon J. Kiss, PhD Assistant Professor, Wilfrid Laurier University 73 George Street Brantford, Ontario,...
2013 Mar 21
values for the scree plot (package psych)
Hello, I am using function princomp from the package psych. I have my principle component object mypc: mypc <- princomp(covmat=mycor) plot(mypc) # shows me a screeplot Question: how could I actually see the values displayed in the screeplot. I don't mean on the graph - I just want to know the actual value for each component (e.g., 10, 3.2, 1.8,...
2003 Dec 01
search site for R (
My search site,, has had several problems recently, all my fault, for which I apologize. But it now seems to be running reliably, on a new computer that is much faster than the old one. It uses htdig to permit search of the Rhelp mailing list, R documents, R functions, and various combinations of these...
2012 Jun 10
compute Mcdonald's omega ω
...wbie to R and I would appreciate it very much if someone can give me some advice on this. Please note that I am not a programmer so some of the questions might sound really stupid. I would like to compute McDonald's omega calculation using R, I'm aware I can use the omega function in the psych package. But I'm really not sure how to do it. I have read these two articles that explain about omega- and But I'm still not sure how to do it. Can someone correct me what I have gone wr...
2013 Mar 20
Dealing with missing values in princomp (package "psych")
Hello! I am running principle components analysis using princomp function in pacakge psych. mypc <- princomp(mydataforpc, cor=TRUE) Question: I'd like to use pairwise deletion of missing cases when correlations are calculated. I.e., I'd like to have a correlation between any 2 variables to be based on all cases that have valid values on both variables. What should my na.act...
2013 Feb 13
e1071::skewness and psych::skew return NaN
Hello everyone, Does anyone know what would cause the skewness() function (from e1071), as well as skew() from psych, to return a value of NaN? I have a vector of positively-skewed data ( which these functions return a value for like normal: > skewness( data ) # returns 1.400405 but when I instead give those functions the log-trans...
2005 Dec 29
Glimmix and glm
Hello. Some months age an e-mail was posted in which a comparison between Glimmix and glm was discussed. I have not been able to find that e-mail on the R archive. Does anyone recall the date of the above e-mail? Thank you very much. ******************************************* Antonio Paredes USDA- Center for Veterinary Biologics Biometrics Unit 510 South 17th Street, Suite 104 Ames, IA 50010
2011 Aug 08
fa (psych) output oblique.scores=TRUE vs. FALSE
Dear R-List, I have carried out a factor analysis using fa (psych) with nfactors=2, rotation="oblimin" and fm="pa". Now I have to report both pattern AND structure matrix. As I have understood R-Documentation, this can be obtained by setting the "oblique.scores" argument TRUE (structure matrix) or FALSE (pattern matrix), respectivel...
2018 Sep 17
diag(-1) produces weird result
Dear list A strange bug in the psych package is due to the behavior of the diag function: It gives the expected values for 1, a vector (-1,1), but not for -1 Is this a known feature? > diag(1) [,1] [1,] 1 > diag(c(-1,1)) [,1] [,2] [1,] -1 0 [2,] 0 1 > diag(-1) Error in diag(-1) : invalid 'nrow&...
2009 Feb 03
cronbachs alpha - score.items(psych) vs reliability(Rcmdr)
...l not only give me the alpha score, but also for each variable, alpha.score if deleted. However - when writing scripts it's very tiresome to load the whole Rcmdr GUI just for this purpose. So I'm looking for an another package that delivers the same feature. the score.items function in the psych package i find is too complicated (it requires a keys vector) and it doesn't report the "alpha if deleted" score. What have I missed when googling for an alternative? Thx in advance Andreas -- View this message in context: