search for: psecret

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "psecret".

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2006 Jul 14
migration and inserting default data
Hi, I''m wondering is there a way to load default data in the migration script? So, for example I''m creating new table to store the order status, I also want to pre-populate the table with some data from a sql file. I have done a quick search on the list but cannot find anything. thanks, - reynard -------------- next part -------------- An HTML attachment was scrubbed... URL:
2011 Oct 11
/etc/init.d/mysql =fail mysqld=success
...;mysql", group => "mysql", source => "puppet:///modules/mysql-server/my.cnf", notify => Service["mysql"], require => Package["mysql-server"], } exec { "set-mysql-password": unless => "mysqladmin -uroot -psecret", path => ["/bin", "/usr/bin"], command => "mysqladmin -uroot password secret", require => Service["mysql"], } exec { "set-nagios-password": unless => "mysqladmin -unagiostest -psecret", path =&gt...
2011 Sep 11
No MySQL password in ps aux!
I just noticed that some CentOS 4 or 5 machine that I don't admin but have root access to hides MySQL passwords from ps: Console 1: $ mysql -u root -pSECRET mysql > Console2: # ps aux root 32165 0.0 0.1 109408 2204 pts/1 Ss+ 11:19 0:00 mysql -u root -px xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx That is really nice, is it a MySQL feature or a CentOS feature? I have some other servers that I _do_ admin and I'd like to enable this. Thanks! -- Dotan Cohe...
2011 Aug 26
mysql authentication in proftpd
...oftpd #AuthOrder mod_auth_pam.c* mod_auth_unix.c AuthOrder mod_sql.c This is my sql login section: # SQL login SQLConnectInfo ftpdb at db1 proftpd secret Which I have verified does work from the ftp server: [root at VIRTCENT08:~] #mysql -uproftpd -psecret -h db1 Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3354 Server version: 5.5.15-log MySQL Community Server (GPL) by Remi Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the buffer. mysql> use ftpdb Reading table information for...