search for: properities

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 40490 matches for "properities".

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2005 Jul 10
How to properly handle incoming SIP and IAX calls, so user can call back and how to properly make outgoing sip/iax calls through Asterisk ?
Hi, I'm aware that incoming and outgoing calls are going fine when isdn channels are involved - caller id properly identifies calling party, so user can call back.... But how to properly handle this for iax, sip calls.... I have few questions : - BTW, what to type for instance in remote firefly to make standalone calls to Asterisk default context or particular extension ? - If I receive
2017 Jan 05
Tail calls and portability
I have been working on adding proper tail (via `become`) to rustc. I was able to make them work (some parts of the type checker aren't implemented yet). However, I ran into an LLVM-related problem. LLVM claims to support proper tail calls when fastcc is used — but only on i386, x86-64 and PowerPC. Is this accurate? Will proper tail calls be supported on WebAssembly? Are they supported on
2011 Apr 19
RSpec/Webrat Checking output is properly escaped
I want to test that the JSON response from a create action is sanitized properly, but rspec or webrat appears to be parsing the output into proper HTML chars instead of escaped characters. I have verified that it escapes properly in the regular browser json response. The relevant RSpec test code is: include ActionView::Helpers::TextHelper include ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper it
2006 Sep 11
Possible bug in with `<<` handling
It appears that "double angles" are not properly converted when they are not in code blocks, if there is not a space following the second `<`. For example: This is not handled <<properly>>. But this <<is>>. As is << this>>/. becomes: <p>This is not handled &lt;<properly>>.</p> <pre><code>But
2009 Jul 14
Proper Paste for Data Member
I imported a spreadsheet into a variable sh e.g. sh$aaaa, sh$bbbb, etc... doing the following: tsSource <- ts(paste("sh$",NAMEVARIABLE,sep="") ... ) fails. The paste isn't evaluating properly. What is the proper way to concatenate a data source with a member name such that they evaluate properly. actual code below: doEnv <-
2005 Jul 04
Proper way to start * and load modules on a RedHat box
Hi list! I have several boxes running asterisk as I want, no problems there but the one thing I haven't sorted out is how to properly start asterisk on boot time. This is probably a n00b class question but how do I properly set this up (I didn't find any docs on this). The zaptel script alone does not load the proper driver on boot time, I guess I need to do some thing with the
2006 May 12
switching from development to production?
I think I''m missing a step here, but they don''t seem to cover this in the AWDWR book... does anybody know the various steps required to switch from development to production mode in Rails? I''ve scoured the application and changed everything that stands out, but the damn thing is still running off the development database and won''t connect to the production
2003 Oct 28
SIP Calls Don't Properly Connect (Continue Ringing) After CVS Update
Hi, I just updated my image from CVS, compiled and reinstalled it. Now whenever I make calls from my Grandstream phone to my X-Lite soft-phone, the call does not complete correctly. Scenario: 1. I take the GS off hook and dial 1100 (the extension of the x-lite phone). 2. The x-lite phone rings properly. 3. The user at the x-lite site answers the call. 4. The GS phone continues to
2007 Apr 12
4.92 beta update to centos5 proper words of caution
For those of you who are going to do the update from the centos5 beta to centos 5 proper despite the warnings, this is a(n incomplete) list of instructions for how to accomplish this 1. Get yourself into runlevel 3 (telinit 3 from terminal) as the dbus update will die if you're in X. 2. Setenforce 0 # turn off selinux as there have been some unconfirmed reports that it will interfere with the
2003 May 14
Is there a simple method of changing text into 'Proper Ca se'
Yes and no. Given your response it appears that "Proper Case" is not a term that everyone uses. In Excel there is a function "Proper" which in essence changes "this line into something like this" into "This Line Into Something Like This." My look at casefold seesm to be that is is a wrapper of two functions to change text into either Lower or Upper case.So
2007 Feb 20
hard disk move to another server
Hello everyone. I am looking for a way to move a CentOS 4 installed production hard disk to another system (which has another hardware). The first has an nvidia sata controller (sata_nv), but the second has a via sata (sata_via). For all the rest of the hardware it can upgrade well I know, but if the sata driver is different, then the system doesn't boot because the proper driver is not
2006 Nov 29
How to add Postgresql user & pasword details
Hi Groups! I am running Ruby on Rails on Red Hat Es 3 with Postgresql. to do that I install PgSQL & Ruby from source code working properly. then Install rubygems from source code. working properly. then Install gems [for postgresql] from source code. install properly. install RAILS, working properly with apache server. *****showing the page -> Welcome aboard [with the link -> About
1998 Dec 04
timezones not properly reflected on timestamps of files
I have read the documentation, performed the diagnostic tests, checked the archives, so if the answer is there, please accept my apologies in advance and simply direct me. I am running redhat Linux 2.0.3 and using smbmount to mount several directories from NT3.51 servers which are distributed gloablly in different timezones. Once mounted the files all have local timestamps which makes syncing
2012 Oct 11
dotplot in ".R" with lattice & latticeExtra: proper visualization
Dear everyone, I'm trying to do a dotplot with the libraries "lattice" and "latticeExtra". However, no proper representation of the values on the vertical y-axis is done by ".R". Instead of choosing the actual values of the numeric variable, ".R" plots the rank of the value. That is, there are values [375, 500, 625, 750, ..., 3000] and ".R"
2009 Jul 23
odd behaviour with AGI and dial agent
Hi, I have come across an odd problem. Basically I am transferring a call to an agent. The agent is logged in and set as paused. In order to find which agent to call I am using a fastagi script to just set a variable. When it falls through the agi script and dials the agent (using the variable) it doesn't connect the call properly to the agent. I get the beep but no audio (along with
2012 Aug 31
Wine release 1.5.12
The Wine development release 1.5.12 is now available. What's new in this release (see below for details): - Support for disabling individual joysticks. - Better support for D3DX9 constant tables. - Some XRandR improvements. - Various bug fixes. The source is available from the following locations:
2006 Aug 01
Rails Application Failed to start properly
Hi all, I have created a new application and Its working fine in my local system and also in the server. But after some days I have added one new controller(projects) in the admin module so that the admin can manage the projects. Its also working good. All the things are working in the application but in the admin module, admin should see the list of users and if the admin click on
2009 Feb 27
[HOWTO] Priorize one destination over another on a link
Hello List, The list sorted my problem thus I shall contribute back ;-) PROBLEM: ======== I am posting this example, where I have a "Reunion" link of 30 channels. If i send all the traffic (proper + mobile) on the link, the less profitable proper traffic fills the link and leaves no channel for more profitable mobile traffic. Some kind of priority is needed to always leave space for
2012 Oct 12
[LLVMdev] Target backend not converting char* to struct properly.
I'm having trouble getting my backend to properly treat the situation where a char* is converted into a struct, i.e. something like: char* pointer_representation = ...; MyStruct* my_struct = (MyStruct*) pointer_representation; my_struct->an_int_field = 5; When this occurs, LLVM seems to fold the struct and char* into one assembly 'object', which is perfectly fine. However, it also
2008 Sep 25
Proper use of jitter-buffer "margin" parameter.
Hi, We've been having mixed success (mostly good) with the jitter-buffer, and I'm trying to understand what my options are for tuning JB parameters to our particular use-case. In what may become a series of emails, my first question is how to properly set the margin parameter. I have set up a test harness that allows me to synthesize arbitrary sequences of puts/gets, so that I can test