Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "pretreat".
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2010 Dec 02
Tukey Test, lme, error: less than two groups
helpful in the help or in the forum.
I am analysing a dataset of treated grasses. I want to find out, if the
grasses from different Provenances react differently.
In the aov test I found a significance for the combination Treatment and
Treatmentf:Provenancef p-value: 0.008023 **
In the Linear fixed effects model lme, I can see that there is a
significance for two provenances (HU and ES)
summary(PAM.lme<-lme(PAMval~Treatmentf*Provenancef*Pretreatmentf, random=
2007 Dec 16
[HH] changing font size in interaction2wt
...ext = list(cex = 0.3),
par.ylab.text = list(cex = 0.3),
axis.text = list(cex = 0.3),
par.main.text = list(cex = 0.3),
par.sub.text = list(cex = 0.3),
add.text = list(cex = 0.3))
foo <- interaction2wt(wear ~ filler + pretreat + raw, data = vulcan)
--8<---------------cut here---------------end--------------->8---
Thankful for any pointers,
2008 Jan 18
forming a linear discriminant function from the output of lda()
...Ba -22.069187
I am having trouble going from the cofficients derived from the
spherical within group covariance to the
function I am able to obtain in the other programs.
The rest of the problem set up for all programs are: Region = group
assignment, prior = equal priors and
I do not do any data pretreatment prior to analysis.
Any help would be great.
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2005 Feb 18
Suggestions for enhanced routines for "mlm" models.
...matrix H.
The test of zero intercept in the (multivariate) regression of H
%*% Y2 on H %*% Y1 is of some interest, possibly after a linear
transformation of Y. This is the test for additional information,
but it is also the correct (ML) way of utilizing known-zero
effects, e.g. pretreatment measurements. There is even a neat
trick to fitting a linear structure across the responses by
regressing on null-space contrasts.
To some extent, conditional tests can be handled just by moving
variables to the r.h.s. of the linear model specification, but
there might be a...
2008 Mar 06
Clustering large data matrix
I have a large data matrix (68x13112), each row corresponding to one
observation (patients) and each column corresponding to the variables
(points within an NMR spectrum). I would like to carry out some kind of
clustering on these data to see how many clusters are there. I have
tried the function clara() from the package cluster. If I use the matrix
as is, I can perform the clara