Displaying 6 results from an estimated 6 matches for "prepend_view_path".
2011 Feb 21
self.prepend_view_path - am I missing something
it is being accessed. Some of the domain characteristics are
supported in the model but it is easier varying static text in the
views and then sharing the form templates via partials etc.
Rails 2.3.10 and looking at the documentation at
before_filter :domain_lookup, :set_view_paths
def set_view_paths
self.prepend_view_path "app/views/#{controller_name}/
according to the documentation this should add this path to the fron...
2007 Dec 23
prepend_view_path not working
Now that controllers can have multiple view paths I''ve been playing with
themes over the weekend. Running into a view issues. I have a
before_filter in the ApplicationController that calls prepend_view_path
to add the path of my theme. I even log the view_paths in an
after_filter to make sure it made it all the way through. The output
looks something like:
Yet nothing loads. In the docs it says calling prepend_view_path...
2007 Mar 23
DRY - with modules, render_component or.. ?
I have an B2B application where a pretty complex order form needs to be
submitted and edited on the admin controller, buyer controller and
seller controller with some small differences.
How do I make available the edit order methods all controllers?
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
You received this message because you are
2012 May 07
Problem with process_view_paths "DEPRECATION WARNING"
...ths still
warning and I don''t understand why.
Warning message: DEPRECATION WARNING: process_view_paths is deprecated and
will be removed from Rails 3.2. (called from set_custom_view at
* code *
[line 42] def set_custom_view
[line 43] prepend_view_path
([ActionView::PathSet.new(["themes/base/default"]).first, @@base_default,
@@base_theme, @@published])
[line 44] end
* end code *
My environment
$ ruby -v
ruby 1.9.3p194 (2012-04-20 revision 35410) [x86_64-darwin11.3.0]
$ rails -v
Rails 3.2.3
*João Víctor Rocon Maia*
2011 Mar 04
How to modify the template path for ActionMailer used in a Ruby script ?
I am testing a ruby 1.9.2 script (it''ll be run in a cron task
later...) in which I am trying to use ActionMailer
All my files are in a single folder ''joinus_email
- joinus_email
- notifications
running the script joinus_email.rb, (in which I defined the
2007 Oct 02
Per-Request View Paths
I haven''t had a chance to work on fixing multiple controller view paths
recently. My original patch attempt was:
It was rejected due to the fact that it was fixing the symptom more than the
However, I think it''s critical that this problem get fixed, otherwise the
whole concept of view_paths is severely neutered and