Displaying 20 results from an estimated 8032 matches for "predictation".
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2007 Mar 16
Unhidden predict methods
I've noted that not all `predict' methods are hidden in the namespace:
> methods("predict")
[1] predict.ar* predict.Arima*
[3] predict.arima0* predict.glm
[5] predict.HoltWinters* predict.lm
[7] predict.loess* predict.mlm
[9] predict.nls* predict.poly
[11] predict.ppr* predict.prcomp*
2012 Apr 17
Test-Predict R survival analysis
I'm trying to use the R Survival analysis on a windows 7 system.
The input data format is described at the end of this mail.
1/ I tried to perform a survival analysis including stratified variables
using the following formula.
cox.xtab_miR=coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ miR + strata(sex,nbligne, age),
and obtain the following error message
Warning message:
In fitter(X, Y,
2006 Jan 11
Noob - Associated Tables Find Query
I''m trying to write a football prediction game.
I have a Matches table and a Predictions table.
Each Match :has_many Predictions, and each Prediction :belongs_to a
Each Match has (amongst other things) a Match.match_date field.
Each Prediction has (amongst other things) a User_id field
I''m trying to get a list of all Predictions a particular User has made
2010 Mar 01
the predict.lda function
I just downloaded R onto a new computer, and after entering library(MASS), I
still get the message "Error: could not find function "predict.lda"" when I try
to use the predict.lda function (even just "predict.lda()")
Can anyone help me out?
Thank you!
Diana Connett
2003 Jul 03
S4 method and S3 method with same name: potentially dangerous?
Dear list,
yet another question on S4 method behaviour or rather its side effects:
Consider the following example (see below) where a new S4 method 'predict' is
defined which by doing so makes 'predict' a S4 standardGeneric.
It works and simple test examples run but I'm cautious whether this is a 'silly'
thing to do.
Is this a dangerous thing to do, already known to
2008 Apr 03
What to do with this data?
This is not necessarily a question about R, but more about how we should
display our data in general. (Will we then use R to do that, once we know
what to do ;-) I received good replies about such things in the past on this
mailing list so I give it a go.
Here's what we did:
We showed a fairly large number of subjects search engine queries and
different possible search engine
2009 Mar 08
Predictive Analytics Seminar: San Jose, NYC, Toronto, more
Hi all,
I wanted to let you know about our training seminar on predictive analytics
- coming April, May, Oct, and Nov in San Jose, NYC, Stockholm, Toronto and
other cities. This is intensive training for marketers, managers and
business professionals to make actionable sense of customer data by
predicting buying behavior, churn, etc. Past attendees provided rave
Here's more info:
2004 Jul 01
R can't find some functions in assist package
Oh yes. The "load package" under the "packages menu" in the Windows version
does that. To check I typed "library(assist)" after starting R. Same
behavior, ssr is found, but others like predict.ssr, and plot.ssr, give a
"not found" message.
Thanks for the suggestion.
2004 Oct 13
debugging non-visible functions
I would like to step-through a non-visible function. but apparently I
don't know enough about namespaces to get that to work:
> methods(predict)
... deleted lines ...
[27] predict.rpart* predict.smooth.spline*
[31] predict.survreg.penal*
Non-visible functions are asterisked
> debug(predict.rpart)
Error: Object "predict.rpart" not found
2009 Sep 13
How can I get "predict.lm" results with manual calculations ? (a floating point problem)
Hello dear r-help group
I am turning for you for help with FAQ number 7.31: "Why doesn't R think
these numbers are equal?"
*My story* is this:
I wish to run many lm predictions and need to have them run fast.
Using predict.lm is relatively slow, so I tried having it run faster by
2010 Sep 06
Prediction and confidence intervals from predict.drc
I am using the package "drc" to fit a 4 parameter logistic model. When I
use the predict function to get prediction on a new dataset, I am not
getting the requested confidence or prediction intervals. Any idea what
is going on? Here is code to reproduce the problem:
# Fit model to existing dataset in package
spinach.model <- drm(SLOPE~DOSE, data =
2007 May 06
Neural Nets (nnet) - evaluating success rate of predictions
Hello R-Users,
I have been using (nnet) by Ripley to train a neural net on a test dataset, I have obtained predictions for a validtion dataset using:
Using PP I can find the -2 log likelihood for the validation datset.
However what I really want to know is how well my nueral net is doing at classifying my binary output variable. I am new to R and I
2010 Jul 21
Variance of the prediction in the linear regression model (Theory and programming)
Hi, folks,
Here are the codes:
lin=lm(log(y)~x) ### log(y) is following Normal distribution
prediction=predict(lin,newdata=x) ##prediction=predict(lin)
1. The codes do not work, and give the error message: Error in
eval(predvars, data, env) :
numeric 'envir' arg not of length one. But if I use the code after the
pound sign, it
2013 Jan 30
How does predict() calculate prediction intervals?
For a given linear regression, I wish to find the 2-tailed t-dist
probability that Y-hat <= newly observed values. I generate prediction
intervals in predict() for plotting, but when I calculate my t-dist
probabilities, they don't agree. I have researched the issues with variance
of individual predictions and been advised to use the variance formula
below (in the code).
I presume my
2007 Oct 15
some question about partial prediction in survival
Hi there:
i got a problem to get the prediction from a model recently. for
example if i use a survival analysis to predict the risk. i use the code
like below: i found the the prediction is not equal to (coef * x + coef
* sex) , could someone help me with why this happened? and can someone
explain to me how this command "predict(f, type="terms")" works? is
every partial
2008 Jul 03
problem with lm and predict - no predictions made
I have a problem with lm and predict
I have
[1] 2789.53 3128.43 3255.03 3536.68 3933.18 4220.25 4462.83 4739.48
[9] 5103.75 5484.35 5803.08 5995.93 6337.75 6657.40 7072.23 7397.65
[17] 7816.83 8304.33 8746.98 9268.43 9816.98 10127.95 10469.60 10960.75
[25] 11685.93 12433.93 13194.70 13843.83
[1] 227.62 229.92 232.13 234.25 236.31 238.42 240.59 242.75 244.97
2012 Nov 20
data after write() is off by 1 ?
I am new to R, so I am sure I am making a simple mistake. I am including complete information in hopes
someone can help me.
Basically my data in R looks good, I write it to a file, and every value is off by 1.
Here is my flow:
> str(prediction)
Factor w/ 10 levels "0","1","2","3",..: 3 1 10 10 4 8 1 4 1 4 ...
- attr(*, "names")= chr
2010 Jan 16
See below I reply your message for <https://stat.ethz.ch/pipermail/r-help/2008-April/160966.html>[R] predict.glm & newdata posted on Fri Apr 4 21:02:24 CEST 2008
You say it ##works fine but it does not: if you look at the length of yhat2, you will find 100 and not 200 as expected. In fact predict(reg1, data=x2) gives the same results as predict(reg1).
So I am still looking for
2010 Sep 21
package gbm, predict.gbm with offset
Dear all,
the help file for predict.gbm states that "The predictions from gbm do not
include the offset term. The user may add the value of the offset to the
predicted value if desired." I am just not sure how exactly, especially for
a Poisson model, where I believe the offset is multiplicative ?
For example:
fit1 <- glm(Claims ~ District + Group + Age +
2006 Oct 29
Unexpected behavior of predict and interval="confidence"
Based on some recent r-help discussions, I have been trying out
plotting confidence intervals using predict and matplot. Matplot
appeared to not be plotting the linear regression when using the
default column names generated by read.table (V1, V2, etc). On
further inspection, the error seemed to be with predict and vector
names (V1, V2) rather than with matplot. I was using some textbook