Displaying 20 results from an estimated 164 matches for "precipitated".
2010 May 18
Function that is giving me a headache- any help appreciated (automatic read )
note: whole function is below- I am sure I am doing something silly.
when I use it like USGS(input="precipitation") it is choking on the
precip.1 <- subset(DF, precipitation!="NA")
b <- ddply(precip.1$precipitation, .(precip.1$gauge_name), cumsum)
DF.precip <- precip.1
DF.precip$precipitation <- b$.data
part, but runs fine outside of the function:
2007 May 24
Sum per hour
Dear all,
I have a list of precipitation record and a list of time
I would like to sum them up per hour, or per day.
Does such a function exist ?
time<-c("2000-10-03 14:00:00","2000-10-03 14:10:00","2000-10-03
14:20:00","2000-10-03 15:30:00","2000-10-03 16:40:00","2000-10-03
2010 Jun 06
Color scale graphic
Recently, I've been dealing with a seemingly simple problem. I have a table
with two columns filled with values from a test I made (say, amount of
precipitation and Months measured). Now, instead of plotting a typical
linear graphic with precipitation on the y-axis and the months in the
x-axys, I would like to "convert" the values of precipitation in a color
2013 Feb 23
Extract, sum and Loop in R
Hi all,
I have gone through some basics of R in eclipse environment. What I need to
work is more than basic level so I could not find out the solution by
myself. could anyone help me ?
My case,
I have climate data (precipitation) in nc format with single layer for each
time interval in a day. That means for January 1, 2013, I have 8 separate
files each containing 3 hrs cumulative precipitation
2009 Aug 18
value of nth percentile
Dear All,
I have to get the value of say 90th percentile of precipitation time series.. The series is of daily precipitation value of 96 years, I have to to get 90the percentile value of daily precipitation each year. If you know the R code or command for this please let me know.
I would appreciate your early response.
Thanking you,
2008 Dec 11
Principal Component Analysis - Selecting components? + right choice?
Dear R gurus,
I have some climatic data for a region of the world. They are monthly averages
1950 -2000 of precipitation (12 months), minimum temperature (12 months),
maximum temperature (12 months). I have scaled them to 2 km x 2km cells, and
I have around 75,000 cells.
I need to feed them into a statistical model as co-variates, to use them to
predict a response variable.
The climatic
2010 Jan 20
Plot frame border to start at zero?
I am creating plots of hourly precipitation and accumulated
precipitation (on different axis, see attached image). I was wondering
how can I have the plot frame (black border) start at zero, it looks
like it is plotted less than zero?
The code I use to create the png files is below:
CairoPNG(PNG_file,width=1000, height=600, pointsize=14, bg="white")
opar <-
2011 Jun 07
count length of continues elements in a vector
I am performing a precipitation analysis. data is in the form of daily
precipitation amounts, e.g.
x<- c(4,5,3,0,0,0,2,4,6,4,0,0,0,2,2,0,3,4,1,0,...)
I would like to find the length of the "storm", length of storm would be
defined as the number of days with continues precipitation. in this case the
returned vector would be:
I would also like the amount of
2012 Sep 15
qplot: plotting precipitation data
Dear list,
I wish to plot chromatin precipitation data: I would like to have a
rectangles (x:end-start, y:peak) but I do not have an idea how to define x
(in terms of qplot syntax) and to choose the correct geom.
mydata is a subset of a larger file.
> mydata
chrom start end peak
1 chr11 5291000 5291926 8
2 chr11 10988025 10988526 7
3 chr11 11767950 11768676 8
2012 Mar 07
Problems with generalized linear model (glm) coefficients.
Hello to everyone.
I´m writing you because I´m feeling a bit frustrated with my work.
My work consists in finding the relation between the amount of fires and
the weather, so, my response variable is the amount of fires in a fire
season and the explanatory variables are the temperature, the amount of
precipitation and the some others…. my problem is this; I keep getting the
wrong sign in the
2010 Oct 19
Problems with a specific calculate.
Hello friends of R,
My name is Toni, i'm 25 and I'm working on the Meteorological Investigation team from Balearic Islands.
I had contact to you because I have a problem:
I done a file for every day since 1912 about precipitation. That file has the following structure:
> str(Ast)
Loading required package: sp
Formal class 'SpatialPixelsDataFrame' [package "sp"]
2007 Jun 06
spgrass6 and aggregation (bis)
Dear all,
I have some additionale question concerning the spgrass6 package.
* When you set a region in GRASS, does the readGRASS6 function in R only
load data contained in the zoomed region or the whole map ?
* When you have a MASK map in grass, does the readGRASS6 function in R only
load data contained inside the MASK area ?
Could this be the problem ?
2009 Oct 06
ggplot2 applying a function based on facet
Look at the bottom of the message for my question
#here is a little function that I wrote
USGS <- function(input="discharge", days=7){
#021973269 is the Waynesboro Gauge on the Savannah River Proper (SRS)
#02102908 is the Flat Creek Gauge (ftbrfcms)
#02133500 is the Drowning Creek (ftbrbmcm)
#02341800 is the Upatoi Creek Near Columbus (ftbn)
#02342500 is
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Using the small reproducible example below, I'm wondering how best to
complete the following task:
In the small reproducible example below, the 3D array prec has indexes that
correspond to time, x, y (i.e., prec[time, x, y]). In this case, the time
index is hours since some predefined start time. I'd like to add up all
the time indexes in 'prec' based on whether or not the
2007 May 08
plot time series
[This email is either empty or too large to be displayed at this time]
2017 Sep 13
compounding precipitation based on whether falls within a day
Thanks for the reprex. Wouldn't have bothered without it.
The following is I believe **almost** what you want. It seems a bit clumsy
to me, so others may provide you something neater. But anyway...
## Convert POSIXct vector to dates
## There are 22 different days, not 21
date <- as.Date(prec_idx)
## Sum results by date at each i,j of the last 2 array dimensions
z <-
2009 Oct 06
ggplot cumsum refined question (?)
OK, so maybe last night was a little too much at one throw, so I have
reduced the data to two stations- one that has precipitation and one
that does not. This is going to be in the context of a larger data
set. I would like to be able to issue a ggplot command and have cum
sum just act on the facets (factors) to apply this.
DF <- structure(list(date_time =
2011 Feb 14
how to overlay a map of US on image plot
Dear all,
I have a data set which has latitude, longitude (not in increasing order)
and observed precipitation corresponding to those locations. I am using
image.plot command for that. But I want to overlay a map of US on that plot.
I know we can use map('usa') to draw it, but I dont know how can I overlay
it on the plot of the precipitation data. Can anyone please help me with it?
2008 Sep 04
using complete.cases() with nested factors
This maybe a newbie question. I have a dataframe that looks like the sample
at the bottom of the email. I have monthly precipitation data from several
sites over several years. For each site, I need to extract years that have
a complete series of 12 monthly precipitation values, while excluding that
year for sites with incomplete data. I can't figure out how to do this
2013 Apr 18
Arranging two different types of ggplot2 plots with axes lined up
Hi all,
I want to arrange two ggplot2 plots on the same page with their x-axes
lined up - even though one is a boxplot and the other is a line plot. Is
there a simple way to do this? I know I could do this using facetting if
they were both the same type of plot (for example, if they were both
boxplots), but I haven't been able to figure it out for two different types
of plots.
Below is my