search for: posts_controller

Displaying 19 results from an estimated 19 matches for "posts_controller".

2007 Mar 04
Syntax Error??
I wanted to make a ''simple blog'' refer to "Creating a weblog in 15 minutes" on I made controller named post, and model named posts and started again Webrick server but , ther was a error like this -> SyntaxError app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:1: Invalid char `\357'' in expression app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:1: Invalid char `\273'' in expression app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:1: Invalid char `\277'' in expression RAILS_ROOT: script/../config/.. This error occured while loading the following files...
2013 Jan 12
showing posts in blog
...------------------------------ ActiveModel::MassAssignmentSecurity::Error in PostsController#create Can''t mass-assign protected attributes: text Rails.root: C:/Users/Josh Koloff/Desktop/Programming Stuff/Rails Stuff/blog Application Trace | Framework Trace | Full Trace app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:43:in `new'' app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:43:in `create'' Request Parameters: {"utf8"=>"✓", "authenticity_token"=>"KFFrINOVA60MGYf0K3reYLxTFklrkC9uCiLMq2QVQpo=", "post"=>{"name"=>"", &q...
2008 Sep 19
Help with best approach(fairly easy question)
Hello! Well this is maybe a fairly easy question. I am writing an app where users that belong to a group have their own blog where they can make posts. I have a posts_controller with all the CRUD operations and my index action shows all the posts from all the users on a group. The route is: users/1/posts The thing is that I want to show too, all the posts from any user, or all the posts for a given tag or category. So my question is, which option should I use: 1) Should...
2006 Mar 15
acts_as_threaded - help ???
...cts_as_threaded plugin with postgresql? I''m using rails 1.0 and ruby 1.8.4 on linux. Following the screencast on , I got to where we''re ready to create our first post, having made the changes to controllers/posts_controller.rb, views/posts/_form.rhtml, views/posts/show.rhtml, and models/post.rb as shown in the screencast. When I submit the post I get an SQL error: PGError: ERROR: null value in column "root_id" violates not-null constraint: INSERT INTO posts ("name", "updated_at", "...
2006 Mar 04
Submitting data to two different tables with two different models
I''m very new to Rails. I''ve been reading Agile Web Dev for a while and read up on ruby, but I''m still learning. I designed a website for someone for an engineering shop. New projects had to be added manually. Well, I figured this would be a great canidate for railifying! I have the form working perfectly, you can add your data and get it in a table, and listing
2012 May 23
received unexpected message :id= with (20)
...t: {title: ''New post'', Mock Post(id: integer, title: string, description: text, location: string, created_at: datetime, updated_at: datetime, status: string, tags: string, views: integer, user_id: integer) received unexpected message :id= with (20) # ./spec/controllers/posts_controller_spec.rb:56:in `block (4 levels) in <top (required)>'' Finished in 0.59991 seconds 6 examples, 1 failure I''m trying to figure out this for about a week or more :( Attachments:
2006 Aug 07
deployment failures with sqlite3
...troller/pagination.rb:172:in `count_collection_for_pagination'' /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/pagination.rb:196:in `paginator_and_collection_for'' /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/pagination.rb:129:in `paginate'' /app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:13:in `list'' /app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:3:in `index'' /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/base.rb:910:in `perform_action_without_filters'' /vendor/rails/actionpack/lib/action_controller/filters.rb:368:in `perform_action_without_benchmar...
2006 Dec 10
model-controller-paradigm: What about admin controllers?
Hi all We all know the model-controller-paradigm: I have a model "News" which has a corresponding CRUD-controller "NewsController". But now I''m quite unsure about the following... Guess we have normal visitors that visit our site www.??.com/news and we have administrators that create and modify news items. The admin should see an "Edit" link and a
2011 Dec 02
problem setting expectation for test with delayed::job; new_post(post_attributes).attributes } ArgumentError: Cannot enqueue items which do not respond to perform # ./app/observers/post_observer.rb:12:in `after_create'' # ./app/models/post.rb:156:in `set_state_to_open_for_free_requests'' # ./app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:39:in `create'' # ./spec/controllers/post_controller_spec.rb:8:in `do_post'' # ./spec/controllers/post_controller_spec.rb:77 # ./spec/controllers/post_controller_spec.rb:75 Patrick J. Collins
2007 May 30
autotest and rspec_on_rails not happy
Hi, I''ve been using the rspec and rspec_on_rails plugins quite happily on my Rails project for a while now. Today I noticed the autotest support in RSpec-1.0.3 and decided to give that a spin. Oh tragedy! $ autotest loading autotest/rails_rspec ./vendor/plugins/rspec_on_rails/lib/autotest/rails_rspec.rb:33:in `initialize'': undefined method `singularize''
2006 Feb 24
too many components?
okay. on /posts/show/13 i have show.rhtml, which does render_component(:controller=>''comments'', :action=>''display_comments'', :id=> on comments/display_comments i iterate through the comments and then, display_comments.rhtml render_component(:controller=>''comments'', :action=>''new'', :id=>@id)
2012 Apr 09
Rails Functional Testing Problem
I''m trying to run some functional tests on Rails. However I am coming up with the following error. RuntimeError: Called id for nil, which would mistakenly be 4 -- if you really wanted the id of nil, use object_id app/controllers/posts_controller.rb:11:in `create'' posts_controller_test.rb:5:in `test_should_create'' Here is my test file require File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../test_helper" class PostsControllerTest < ActionController::TestCase def test_should_create post :create, :post => { :message =&g...
2007 Dec 22
Rails 2.0 rescue_from
I am trying to use the new Rails 2.0 macro : rescue_from class PostsController < ApplicationController rescue_from ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound, :with => :deny_access ... def show @post = Post.find_by_id(params[:id]) raise ActiveRecord::RecordNotFound if @post.nil? #illegal access ..... end def deny_access respond_to do |format| format.html end end but the
2010 Jul 25
You can't set a constant with namespace in the initializers?
Help! in my rails controllers, there is a ''Admin'' namespace. (My the structure of the controllers dir is like this : app/controllers: home_controller.rb ... admin/posts_controller.rb admin/pages_controller.rb The ''Admin'' will automatically become a Module constant (I know it from the console: ''puts Admin => Module''); And in my initializers, ther is a init.rb which has codes like this: Object.const_set(''A'', ''...
2012 Mar 26
Models in sub-folders in Rails 3
I have a Rails 2 project in which models are in sub-folders, but not in a name space app/models/sub_folder/posts.rb class Post < ActiveRecord::Base end The controllers are also in sub-folders, but are name spaced (views also in a corresponding sub_folder). app/controllers/sub_folder/posts_controller.rb class SubFolder::PostsController < ApplicationController end This works fine, but I want to move on to Rails 3, and it all falls apart... In application.rb I have config.autoload_paths += Dir["#{config.root}/app/models/**/"] So Rails should be able to find the models. Howev...
2011 Feb 20
ugly url form_tag
Hi all I am using form_tag helper and everything is sent by the get method. In the url looks like : http://localhost:3000/posts?utf8=%E2%9C%93&search=rails The utf8 attributes is pretty much ugly. Is there a way (in Rails 3) the url looks like something like : http://localhost:3000/posts/search/rails If yes what do I need to change in my code ? Here is my code <% form_tag posts_path,
2011 Jul 27
Rails, jquery and Ajax
How do I make an ajax call and then update a div with a partial? I''ve tried this but it''s not working. Comment is created but the partial is not loaded. //view <a href="#" id="testlink">Testlink</a> <div id="commentlist"> </div> //controller def new @comment =
2005 Aug 08
Problems with ./scripts/generate scaffold
Hi all, I''m new to rails after having used perl for most of these things, and am trying to get my head around the generate script for a project playing around with. If I do: ./scripts/generate controller Device I get app/controllers/device_controller.rb where I can then add: scaffold :device However, if I want to actually generate the scaffolding so I can make some changes:
2007 May 31
Could anyone please help with rspec/nested resource behavior checking?
My problem has been listed here: Don''t think it would be required to completely re-type it here :) Thanks! -- -Daniel Fischer - Geek Blog - Portfolio - Writing Community