search for: postofficebox

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "postofficebox".

2007 Oct 20
how to deliver when username and email differ
...esn't match their actual username. So if I have realname "Joe Bob" with a username of "joe" and an email of "jbob at", deliver will try to deliver to "jbob" and this is wrong. Here is the relevant part of my ldap config: user_attrs = mail,postOfficeBox=home user_filter = (|(mail=%n@%d)(proxyAddresses=%n@%d)(sAMAccountName=%u)) pass_attrs = mail,postOfficeBox=home pass_filter = (|(mail=%n@%d)(proxyAddresses=%n@%d)(sAMAccountName=%u)) Somehow I need to change the username from the LDAP lookup but it seems that the mail attribute does this already....
2008 Jan 27
Dovecot + Windows AD + Postfix + quota
...lpr/%u/.Maildir/.dovecot.sieve grep -v '^ *\(#.*\)\?$' dovecot-ldap.conf hosts = uris = ldap:// dn = lpr\Administrator dnpass = *** auth_bind = yes auth_bind_userdn = lpr\%u base = dc=lpr,dc=com,dc=pl ldap_version = 3 user_attrs = uidNumber=uid,gidNumber=gid,postOfficeBox=home,carLicense=quota user_filter = (&(cn=%u)) pass_attrs = cn=user,userPasword=password pass_filter = (&(cn=%u)) Windows AD => Windows 2003 R2 PL ----------------------- Logs: Jan 28 00:37:40 gentoo dovecot: auth(default): client in: AUTH 1 PLAIN service=imap secured lip=10.10...
2008 Jan 28
dovecot-auth: sockbuf.c:91: ber_sockbuf_ctrl: Assertion `( (sb)->sb_opts.lbo_valid == 0x3 )' failed.
...;^ *\(#.*\)\?$' dovecot-ldap.conf > hosts = > uris = ldap:// > dn = lpr\Administrator > dnpass = *** > auth_bind = yes > auth_bind_userdn = lpr\%u > base = dc=lpr,dc=com,dc=pl > ldap_version = 3 > user_attrs = uidNumber=uid,gidNumber=gid,postOfficeBox=home,carLicense=quota > user_filter = (&(cn=%u)) > pass_attrs = cn=user,userPasword=password > pass_filter = (&(cn=%u)) > > Windows AD => > Windows 2003 R2 PL > > ----------------------- > Logs: > > Jan 28 00:37:40 gentoo dovecot: auth(default): client in...
2005 Dec 06
BIG Samba howto for debian only.
Hi everybody, I made a pretty complete howto for samba on debian servers. This howto covers samba + ldap + cups + recycle bin + samba-vscan + phpldapadmin + ACL + Extended Attributes. this howto is also based on the idealx howto If you do this setup, you should be able to use the NT4 Usermanager, setup Point en Print Printing. set rights from explorer etc. other nice tools is ldapadmin (