search for: post_tag

Displaying 15 results from an estimated 15 matches for "post_tag".

2006 Jun 04
activerecord table help please
Hi everyone. I''m trying to figure out how to implement site-wide tagging for my website. I have a rails-based weblog that supports tagging posts. There''s a has_and_belongs_to_many relationship between posts and tags. I''d like to now reuse those tags for tagging links as well. Where I have a posts_tags table with post_id and tag_id fields, I''d like to
2007 Sep 05
AAF and DRb with highlighting
...= index[hit] result = {} article = Article.find(doc[:id]) # Store each field in a hash which we can reference in our views result[:headline_highlight] = index.highlight(query, hit, :field => :headline, :pre_tag => "<strong>", :post_tag => "</strong>", :num_excerpts => 1) result[:body_highlight] = index.highlight(query, hit, :field => :body, :pre_tag => "<strong>", :post_tag => "</strong>", :num_excerpts => 1) resu...
2007 Jun 19
another issue with highlighting
...sting q="*1*" z={} index.search_each(q,:limit => :all) do |id,score| for b in [:un, :deux, :trois, :quatre, :cinq, :six, :sept, :huit, :neuf, :dix] z[b]=[] if not z[b] z[b] << id.to_s + " : " + index.highlight(q,id,:field => b, :pre_tag => "<em>", :post_tag => "</em>", :num_excerpts => :all, :excerpt_length => :all).join(" | ") if index[id][b].match(/1/) and index.highlight(q,id,:field => b, :pre_tag => "<em>", :post_tag => "</em>", :num_excerpts => :all, :excerpt_length =&...
2007 Feb 16
Highlight raises Segmentation Fault Error in Ferret 0.10.9 i
...trying to use search highlight feature on index_searcher subject = index_searcher.highlight("subject:(blah blah)", 0, :field => :content, :pre_tag = "<span class=''highlight''>", :post_tag = "</span>") But all my tests fails and I run into Segmentation Fault Error. Does anyone has come across this bug? I see couple of emails in this forum but I have not been able to find solutions. Can some one please help me and tell me what is the correct implementation ? -Amit -...
2007 Feb 06
Which method to use to get content from index with a_a_f?
...lank? # normal case @text = @myfile. # which method do I use here to get the :text from the index??? else # if we come from the search results page @text = @myfile.highlight(params[:search], { :field => :text, :excerpt_length => :all, :pre_tag => ''[highlight]'', :post_tag => ''[/highlight]'' }) end end I didn''t store my text in the database, only in the index. When I''m coming from a search I use the highlight method, so the term I searched for gets highlighted, but how do I get the text from the index in a ''normal cas...
2007 Jun 28
DRb server crashing
...s:16 ----------- ferret_server.out ----------------- EMPTY ----------- ferret_server.log ----------------- call index method: highlight with [13, "Topic", "jesse", {:field=>:ferret_name, :excerpt_length=>150, :num_excerpts=>1, :pre_tag=>"<strong>", :post_tag=>"</strong>"}] call index method: highlight with [13, "Topic", "jesse", {:field=>:ferret_content, :excerpt_length=>150, :num_excerpts=>1, :pre_tag=>"<strong>", :post_tag=>"</strong>"}] call index method: highlight...
2007 Apr 13
undefined method `ferret_index'' for xxx:Class
Hi I am trying to use ferret; the regular search works; but when I use the find_storage_by_contents to highlight the results, I am getting the above error. Please help thanks -- Posted via
2007 Jun 07
:store => :yes doesn''t work in some cases } } I store both fields so that I don''t need to load each result model from the rails DB when displaying the results. This is the code that I use to show each result: highlighted_name = result.highlight(params[:q], :field => :ferret_name, :pre_tag => "<strong>", :post_tag => "</strong>", :excerpt_length => 150, :num_excerpts => 1) highlighted_content = result.highlight(params[:q], :field => :ferret_content, :pre_tag => "<strong>", :post_tag => "</strong>", :excerpt_length => 150, :num_excerpts =&g...
2006 Jun 13
What''s the current status of Markaby? I''ve played with it a bit and love it and am considering using it for a large project I''m starting. If you''ve used it, I''d love to hear your comments! Jamie
2007 Aug 08
Escaping special characters before highlighting
...n on the results of a ferret search before it gets highlighted. Is there a way to do this? This is my code which calls the highlighting inside a Rails View: <%= result.ferret_highlight(@query, :field => :ferret_text, :pre_tag => ''<span class="keyword">'', :post_tag => ''</span>'') %> -- Posted via
2007 Jun 17
highlighting and range queries
...*'',, :>= => "20070101") ] index.search_each(q) do |id, score| puts "Document #{index[id][:test]} found with a score of #{score}" highlights = index.highlight(q, id, :field => :test, :pre_tag => "\033[36m", :post_tag => "\033[m") puts highlights end puts "------" end --
2007 Feb 16
Highlight raises Segmentation Fault Error in Ferret 0.10.9 in Windows
...feature on index_searcher subject = index_searcher.highlight("subject:(blah blah)", 0, :field => :content, :pre_tag = "<span class=''highlight''>", :post_tag = "</span>") But all my tests fails and I run into Segmentation Fault Error. Does anyone has come across this bug? I see couple of emails in this forum but I have not been able to find solutions. Can some one please help me and tell me what is the correct implementation ? -Amit...
2007 Jan 25
multibyte character corrupt in highlight method
When I apply highlight() method to the search result, multibyte characters are corrupted. The post_tag is located in the middle of last character, so the last character corrupts. Here is my code. query = "SOME_MULTIBYTE_CHARS" searcher.search_each(query) do |doc_id, score| puts searcher.highlight(query, doc_id, :field => :content) end And this is the result. ... bla, bla, bla, .....
2006 Dec 01
Effective search when knowing ID
...score| puts "Document #{id} found with a score of #{score}" highlights = index.highlight(content_query, id, :field => :content, :pre_tag => "\033[36m", :post_tag => "\033[m", :excerpt_length => 100) puts highlights end Please comment of this! Can I make my database PK id to be the ferret document ID?? Would that speed it up? Cheers, Henrik
2008 Sep 19
Help with best approach(fairly easy question)
...params[:user] @posts = Posts.find(:all, :conditions => ["user_id = ?, params[:user_id]]) elsif params[:tag] . . . end 2) Should I create different controllers with only an index action on it (Create and other actions stay on the posts_controller): post_categories controller? post_tags controller? user_posts controller? So, which approach should I use? Thanks again, Elioncho --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Ruby on Rails: Talk" group. To post to this group, send email to...