Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "position_stack".
2013 Apr 30
Stacked geom_bar with aggregated SE -ggplot2
...? ? ? ? mean_price = mean(price),?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? se_price = sd(price)/sqrt(length(price))?
? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? )?
?limits <- aes(ymax = mean_price + se_price, ymin = mean_price - se_price)?
a<-ggplot(diamonds_df, aes(x = cut, y = mean_price, fill=color)) +?
Then attempting to add error bars:?
a+ geom_errorbar(limits, position=position_stack(width=0.9), width=0.9)?
I have tried: ??
r + stat_sum_df("mean_cl_normal", geom = "errorbar"), ?using the aggregation
function in?http://www.stanford.edu/~paunesku/, using ddpl...
2017 Jun 24
Orden de categorías en gráficos de barras (position = "stack")
...lt;- "Todos los Espacios (N = 311)."
caption <- 'FLACSO - UNICEF - SENAF (2017)'
ggplot(tabla.barras, aes(x = Rangos, y = Asistentes, fill = Clase)) + #
geom_bar(stat = "identity", position = "stack") +
geom_text(aes(label = Asistentes), position = position_stack(), vjust
= 1, size = 4) +
labs(title = "Asistentes por tipo de servicio según tramo de edad."
, subtitle = subtit.todos
, x = "", y = "Cantidad de asistentes"
, caption = caption) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", leg...
2017 Jun 25
Orden de categorías en gráficos de barras (position = "stack")
subtit.todos <- "Todos los Espacios (N = 311)."
caption <- 'FLACSO - UNICEF - SENAF (2017)'
ggplot(tabla.barras, aes(x = Rangos, y = Asistentes, group = Clase2, fill
= Clase2)) +
geom_col(position = "stack") +
geom_text(aes(label = Asistentes), position = position_stack(), vjust =
1, size = 4) +
labs(title = "Asistentes por tipo de servicio según tramo de edad."
, subtitle = subtit.todos
, x = "", y = "Cantidad de asistentes" ) +
# , caption = caption) +
theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.direc...
2010 Jul 29
ggplot2 histograms... a subtle error found
...thing other than my specific
data set.
Here is the problem:
- when I try to plot a histogram, allowing for ggplot2 to decide the
binwidths itself, I get the following error:
- stat_bin: binwidth defaulted to range/30. Use 'binwidth = x' to
adjust this.
- Error: position_stack requires constant width
My code is simply:
ggplot(data=myDataSet, aes(x=myVarOI)) + geom_histogram()
If I go ahead and set the binwidth to some value, then the plot can be
made without problems.
The problem is with the specific data that it is trying to...
2009 Oct 21
ggplot2: Histogram with negative values on x-axis doesn't work
I have a dataset that contains numbers between -10 and 0. E.g. x =
c(-9.23, -9.56, -1.40, ...)
If I no do a
> qplot(x, geom="histogram")
I get the error:
Error: position_stack requires non-overlapping x intervals
Strangely, the following both work:
> qplot(x * -1, geom="histogram")
> qplot(x+100, geom="histogram")
Has anyone else encountered this? Is this a bug in ggplot2, or do I get
anything completely wrong here?
Versions: R: 2.9.1, ggplot2:...
2007 Sep 02
ggplot2 - version 0.5.5
...tring function to make it easier to construction
aesthetic mapping specifications in functions
* continuous scales now have labels argument so that you can manually
specify labels if desired
* stat_density now calculates densities on a common grid across
groups. This means that position_fill and position_stack now work
* if numeric, legend labels right aligned
* polar coordinates much improved, and with better examples
* fixed argument documentation for qplot
* added (very) rudimentary documentation about what functions return
* documentation now lists extra variables create...
2007 Sep 02
ggplot2 - version 0.5.5
...tring function to make it easier to construction
aesthetic mapping specifications in functions
* continuous scales now have labels argument so that you can manually
specify labels if desired
* stat_density now calculates densities on a common grid across
groups. This means that position_fill and position_stack now work
* if numeric, legend labels right aligned
* polar coordinates much improved, and with better examples
* fixed argument documentation for qplot
* added (very) rudimentary documentation about what functions return
* documentation now lists extra variables create...
2009 Dec 11
ggplot2: version 0.8.4
...w also affects the fill.
* geom_ribbon always sorts input to avoid problems with certain pathological
* geom_smooth was incorrectly applying alpha to line colour in the legend
* nullGrob renamed to zeroGrob to avoid name conflict with grid
* position_collide now works with missing values
* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for negative values
* scale_discrete_position now uses drop argument to force dropping of unused
* scale_gradient, scale_gradient2 and scale_gradientn now uses label
parameters, if supplied
* scale_x_inverse, scale_y_inverse now actually work, and added...
2009 Dec 11
ggplot2: version 0.8.4
...w also affects the fill.
* geom_ribbon always sorts input to avoid problems with certain pathological
* geom_smooth was incorrectly applying alpha to line colour in the legend
* nullGrob renamed to zeroGrob to avoid name conflict with grid
* position_collide now works with missing values
* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for negative values
* scale_discrete_position now uses drop argument to force dropping of unused
* scale_gradient, scale_gradient2 and scale_gradientn now uses label
parameters, if supplied
* scale_x_inverse, scale_y_inverse now actually work, and added...
2009 Apr 21
ggplot2 version 0.8.3
...k to back histograms.
* geom_step: improve legend
* geom_text: better legend
* geom_vline, geom_hline, geom_abline: should work in yet more situations
* resolution: fixed bug in computation of resolution that lead to
(e.g.) incorrect boxplot widths when there was only a single x value
in a group.
* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for very large bins
* scale_discrete: factor levels no longer mistakenly reordered
* scale_hue: now spans full range of hue if it less than 360 degrees
* scale_hue: rotated default hue range by 15 degrees to avoid
unfortunate red-green contrast in two colour case...
2009 Apr 21
ggplot2 version 0.8.3
...k to back histograms.
* geom_step: improve legend
* geom_text: better legend
* geom_vline, geom_hline, geom_abline: should work in yet more situations
* resolution: fixed bug in computation of resolution that lead to
(e.g.) incorrect boxplot widths when there was only a single x value
in a group.
* position_stack: fixed bug in detection of overlap for very large bins
* scale_discrete: factor levels no longer mistakenly reordered
* scale_hue: now spans full range of hue if it less than 360 degrees
* scale_hue: rotated default hue range by 15 degrees to avoid
unfortunate red-green contrast in two colour case...
2008 Oct 04
ggplot2: how to combine position=stack and position=dodge in a single graph?
Hi ggplot experts,
I need to plot two time series of stacked data: a barchart with bars for
each month. To compare the data of two years I need to combine both time
series with in a single graph via position=doge.
How should I do that?
I tried the following scenario:
I added two layers with the time series of the stacked data for both
years. That worked well exept the bars are obscuring each
2008 Oct 05
ggplot2 - version 0.7
...ly (instead
of density_2d in some places)
Improved aesthetics
* coord_polar: more tweaks to grid lines to enhance appearance
* coord_polar: new expand argument to control whether axes should be
expanded outside the range of the data
* geom_contour, geom_smooth, geom_quantile: now use blue lines
* position_stack, position_dodge: should be more informative if
conditions for stacking/dodging not met
* position_jitter: default amount of jittering tweaked to align with
boxplots etc.
* scales: background colour of legends key matches plot
* themes: Complete rewrite of theming system, see new book chapter for de...
2008 Oct 05
ggplot2 - version 0.7
...ly (instead
of density_2d in some places)
Improved aesthetics
* coord_polar: more tweaks to grid lines to enhance appearance
* coord_polar: new expand argument to control whether axes should be
expanded outside the range of the data
* geom_contour, geom_smooth, geom_quantile: now use blue lines
* position_stack, position_dodge: should be more informative if
conditions for stacking/dodging not met
* position_jitter: default amount of jittering tweaked to align with
boxplots etc.
* scales: background colour of legends key matches plot
* themes: Complete rewrite of theming system, see new book chapter for de...
2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...: added example showing how to use geom_smooth with
your own models
* geom_smooth: fixed bug where if se=FALSE x axis always includes 0
* geom_vline, geom_hline: yet another rewrite which should make them
more powerful and less error prone.
* ggsave reports width and height of saved image
* position_stack: fixed bug when data was empty
* qplot: allow qplot to use computed aesthetics too
* scale_continuous: tweaks to minor breaks to make appearance better
on wider range of coordinate systems
* scale_discrete: all discrete scales now have labels argument which
you can use to override the factor...
2008 Apr 04
ggplot2 - version 0.6
...: added example showing how to use geom_smooth with
your own models
* geom_smooth: fixed bug where if se=FALSE x axis always includes 0
* geom_vline, geom_hline: yet another rewrite which should make them
more powerful and less error prone.
* ggsave reports width and height of saved image
* position_stack: fixed bug when data was empty
* qplot: allow qplot to use computed aesthetics too
* scale_continuous: tweaks to minor breaks to make appearance better
on wider range of coordinate systems
* scale_discrete: all discrete scales now have labels argument which
you can use to override the factor...
2007 Jun 06
Multiple color schemes for barchart (lattice)
Hello R-help.
I am trying to make a stacked barplot where the color of the sections of
each bar depend on another variable.
> myData[1:11,]
score percent marker cellType Malignant
1 0 100.00000 ESR1 (ER) Bladder.M(5) TRUE
2 0 80.00000 PAX8 Bladder.M(5) TRUE
3 1 20.00000 PAX8 Bladder.M(5) TRUE
4 0 100.00000 ESR1 (ER) Brain.N(3) FALSE
5 0
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...ous colour scales as
produced by colour and fill scales.
* `geom_text` now supports `fontfamily`, `fontface`, and `lineheight`
aesthetics for finer control over text display. (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi
for the patch. Fixes #60)
* `collide`, which powers `position_dodge` and `position_stack`, now does not
error on single x values (Thanks to Brian Diggs for a fix. #157)
* `...` in `ggplot` now passed on to `fortify` method when used with an object
other than a data frame
* `geom_boxplot`: outlier colour and shape now default to values set by the
aesthetic mapping (thanks to sug...
2012 Mar 02
ggplot2 0.9.0
...ous colour scales as
produced by colour and fill scales.
* `geom_text` now supports `fontfamily`, `fontface`, and `lineheight`
aesthetics for finer control over text display. (Thanks to Kohske Takahashi
for the patch. Fixes #60)
* `collide`, which powers `position_dodge` and `position_stack`, now does not
error on single x values (Thanks to Brian Diggs for a fix. #157)
* `...` in `ggplot` now passed on to `fortify` method when used with an object
other than a data frame
* `geom_boxplot`: outlier colour and shape now default to values set by the
aesthetic mapping (thanks to sug...
2007 Jun 24
matlab/gauss code in R
...> qplot(variety, yield, data=barley1, geom="bar", stat="identity",
> > >> > fill=fill) + scale_fill_identity()
> > >> >
> > >> > See http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/scale_identity.html and
> > >> > http://had.co.nz/ggplot2/position_stack.html for more details.
> > >> >
> > >> > Hadley
> > >> >
> > >> >
> > >>
> > >>
> > >> --
> > >> View this message in context:
> > >> http://www.nabble.com/Stacked-barchart-color-...