search for: portugueseanalyz

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "portugueseanalyz".

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2007 May 23
Accented characters
Hello, I want to clean up accented characters in my index, using acts_as_ferret in a Rails project. I searched this forum, and found the best solution is to use an analyser. I created somthing like this: class PortugueseAnalyzer include Ferret::Analysis MAPPING = { [''?'',''?'',''?'',''?'',''?'',''?'',''?'',''?''] => ''a'', ''?''...
2006 Aug 18
Portuguese Stemming
Today while compiling ferret I noticed there was a Portuguese stemmer being compiled. How do I enable it''s use for my index? Pedro.