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Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "pombe".

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2009 Dec 17
some help regarding combining columns from different files
Dear all, Here is my code which am using to combine 5th column from different data sets. Here is the function to do my job genesymbol.append.file <-NULL gene.column <- NULL readGeneSymbol <- function(files,genesymbol.column=5){ for(i in fnames){ temp <- read.table(fnames,header=T,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F,quote="\"")
2010 Feb 10
How to create probeAnno object?
Hi,     I want to use segChrom() method in tilingArray package. For that I need to create a probeAnno object. I could not find much much info by ?probeAnno. I need help in creating  probeAnno object. Snap shot of the file(.txt): chr1 2500014 2500038 + 0.232689943122845 chr1 2500039 2500063 + 2.60502410304227 chr1 2500062 2500086 + 0.0756595313279895 chr1 2500080 2500104 + 0.78574617788405 chr1
2009 Feb 22
Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) : no complete element pairs
Hello all, I'm trying to calculate the standar desviation and I'm using the function sd(x,na.rm=TRUE) and I have this error:? Error in var(x, na.rm = na.rm) : no complete element pairs . Why happen this?, What can I do to solve it?. x is list of three numbers which I have from a table. Thanks so much from Spain Carlos Morales Diego