Displaying 20 results from an estimated 50 matches for "pointwise".
2008 Jun 18
Pointwise Confidence Bounds on Logistic Regression
Hi all. I hope I have my terminology right here...
For a simple lm, one can add ?pointwise confidence bounds? to a fitted line
using something like
>predict(results.lm, newdata = something, interval = "confidence")
(I'm following DAAG page 154-155 for this)
I would like to do the same thing for a glm of the logistic regression type,
for instance, the example in MASS p...
2007 Jun 08
pointwise confidence bands or interval values for a non parametric sm.regression
Dear all,
Is there a way to plot / calculate pointwise confidence bands or
interval values for a non parametric regression like sm.regression?
Thank you in advance.
2011 Mar 15
Pointwise division of two zoo objects?
...m prices, and do something like:
returns.z = tail(prices.z,-1)/head(prices.z,-1) - 1 # should be equivalent
to returns = exp(diff(log(prices.z))) - 1
Curiously, I get a zoo object back with zeros everywhere and also with the
index having one fewer element than it should.
Does anyone know how to pointwise divide zoo objects, and what exactly "/"
is doing?
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2005 Dec 29
use of predict() with confidence/prediction bands
...atement that can be attached to these connected confidence/prediction
intervals, this does not seem reasonable to me. This is done, for
example, in ISWR pg. 105, UsingR for Introductory Statistics pg 296, and
Linear Models with R pg. 39 (Although in this instance the intervals are
called 95% "pointwise" confidence bands versus simply 95% confidence
bands.) To make a confidence/prediction band, one should construct
simultaneous confidence/prediction intervals with say a Scheffe approach
as mentioned in the S-PLUS Guide to statistics pg 274. If these connected
intervals were called pointwis...
2012 Dec 06
bootstrap based confidence band
for ( b in 1:B){
And try to find 95% confidence interval for 1000 copies of y corresponding to each x.
for(j in 1:n){
2013 Jun 05
[R-pkgs] bpcp package for pointwise confidence intervals for a survival distribution
...son intervals for binomial data at each time) or when there is progressive type II censoring. Simulations show at least nominal coverage for independent censoring. Also, it is fast so it can be used routinely.
For a complete description of the new method see
Fay, Brittain, and Proschan (2013). Pointwise confidence intervals for a survival distribution with small samples or heavy censoring. Biostatistics doi:10.1093/biostatistics/kxt016 (available at http://www.niaid.nih.gov/about/organization/dcr/brb/staff/Pages/michael.aspx ).
2010 Dec 22
How to integrate a function with additional argument being a vector or matrix?
...r = 1, vec = u, mat = A, val = 4)
I would like to integrate a function ("integrand") which gets an "x" value (the running variable), a vector ("vec"), a matrix ("mat"), and a value ("val"). This function returns a number (set to 1 here). Of course, pointwise evaluation works without flaws. But why does integration not work? I obtain:
Error in integrate(integrand, lower = 0, upper = 1, vec = u, mat = A, :
evaluation of function gave a result of wrong length
2010 Oct 06
problem with abline
Hi All,
I am running a scatter plot and trying to add a best fit line. I use an abline function, but get no line drawn over the points. I also get no error. I arm using V 2.10.0 on Windows 7.
Here is my code, including the SAS transport file import:
require (foreign)
require (chron)
require (Hmisc)
require (lattice)
clin <- sasxport.get("y:\\temp\\subset.xpt")
2003 Jun 04
...implemented in S-plus (and may be OK for truly nested
models). And even if it's been decided that this functionality is not
wanted in mgcv, perhaps another function comparing several models by the
GCV/UBRE score and other useful statistics can be implemented?
3. Some authors [1, 2] suggests pointwise estimation of odds ratios and
corresponding confidence intervals based on the smooth terms in a GAM.
Maybe something for mgcv?
[1] Figueiras, A. & Cadarso-Su?rez C. (2001) "Application of Nonparametric
Models for calculating Odds Ratios and Their Confidence Intervals for
Continuous Exp...
2007 Jun 05
AD Integrated authentication
Hello list,
i'm going to try very hard not to rant here, but i've been trying to get Samba working for 3 days, and it's just not happening. Let me start from the beginning. i'm just a lowly Windows admin but i've been doing this for 10 years, so i'm pretty sure i know what i'm doing (present situation excepted, clearly). i've got RedHat AS4 and a primarily
2007 Feb 01
Help with efficient double sum of max (X_i, Y_i) (X & Y vectors)
...y be a no brainer, but I could not find pointers to
efficient computation of this beast in past help files.
Background - I wish to implement a Cramer-von Mises type test statistic
which involves double sums of max(X_i,Y_j) where X and Y are vectors of
differing length.
I am currently using ifelse pointwise in a vector, but have a nagging
suspicion that there is a more efficient way to do this. Basically, I
require three sums:
sum1: \sum_i\sum_j max(X_i,X_j)
sum2: \sum_i\sum_j max(Y_i,Y_j)
sum3: \sum_i\sum_j max(X_i,Y_j)
Here is my current implementation - any pointers to more efficient
2004 Mar 12
confidence interval in local polynomial regression
Dear all,
Is there any package or function can do the pointwise confidence interval
and confidence band for the local polynomial regression? Maybe the local
linear regression is enough. Thanks.
2004 May 25
Bivariate interpolation
Is there any other bivariate pointwise interpolation command besides akima's
interpp? I tried to search through the J. Baron's page without luck.
The problem is that I have got regularly spaced data (in x and y) what is
not acceptable for interpp.
I am not very much interested in the method of interpolation as the data are...
2005 Aug 18
display of a loess fitted surface
...ing loess function. My problem is that when I have a loess object I don't know how to display the fitted surface; in fact, while in S when you have a loess object you can see it writing plot(object), in R this dosen't work. Also I'd like to know if there is something like the S function pointwise that computes upper and lower confidence intervals.
Thank you very much for your attention.
Marta Colombo
2006 Nov 04
Error when using cobs library
...xample, I get the folling error message:
cobs> x <- seq(-1, 3, , 150)
cobs> y <- (f.true <- pnorm(2 * x)) + rnorm(150)/10
cobs> con <- rbind(c(1, min(x), 0), c(-1, max(x), 1), c(0,
0, 0.5))
cobs> Rbs <- cobs(x, y, constraint = "increase", pointwise = con)
Performing general knot selection ...
Error in as.matrix.csr(new("matrix.coo", ra = c(z1$design), ia = i1, ja = j1, :
unable to find a non-generic version of function "as.matrix.csr"
Any suggestions how to fix this problem?
Thank you for your help....
2009 May 18
Generic 'diff'
I would like to apply a function 'f' to the lagged version of a vector and
the vector itself.
This is easy to do explicitly:
mapply( f, v[-1], v[-length(v)] )
or in the case of a pointwise vector function, simply
f( v[-1], v[-length(v)] )
This is essentially the same as 'diff' but with an arbitrary function, not
Is there a standard way to do this? Is there any particular reason that
'diff' should not have an 'f' argument?
2009 Apr 28
attempted upgrade this weekend
...k = 0700
#printable = no
csc policy = disable
#force user = %U
comment = Home Directories
read only = No
guest ok = No
browseable = No
map read only = Permissions
directory mask = 0755
comment = All Printers
path = /usr/spool/samba
printable = Yes
browseable = No
comment = Pointwise Corporate Files
path = /opt/domain
#create mask = 0765
force create mode = 664
force group = pwi
browseable = Yes
printable = No
guest ok = No
writeable = Yes
read only = No
comment = Backup files are stored here
path = /opt/backups
browseable = Yes
2012 Jan 09
Joint confidence interval for fractional polynomial terms
Dear R users,
The package 'mfp' that fits fractional polynomial terms to predictors.
f <- mfp(Surv(rfst, cens) ~ fp(age, df = 4, select = 0.05)
+ fp(prm, df = 4, select = 0.05), family = cox, data = GBSG)
To describe the association between the original predictor, eg. age and
risk for different values of age I can plot it the polynomials
2012 Jul 21
changing cex pointwise in lattice
Dear R-users,
I have tried, and I imagine it should be somewhere in the lines of passing extra arguments to the panel function, but does anyone know how to change the character expansion factor that is affecting an individual point in each of the panels of a lattice plot?
I have tried to pass an overall cex argument containing the desired size for each point, but then the sizes are reused for the
2004 May 29
Rhelp: Need help interpreting plots in spatstat
Hello everybody--
I have been playing with my data in spatstat, and what I'd like to
present is a basic exploratory spatial analysis. I have used the
following code, using a ppp.object called tsdspoints. The code
develops the simulations and the envelopes I want, but I don't
understand my first plot here, the [tsds.ghat.short$r,
tsds.ghat.short$raw]...I cobbled together this code