search for: pod_content

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2016 Jul 18
[PATCH v1 INCOMPLETE] tests: Implement script to check documented tool options match actual options.
...od2usage (2); +pod2usage (1) if $help; + +die "$progname: missing argument: input.pod tool\n" + unless @ARGV == 2; +my $pod = $ARGV[0]; +my $tool = $ARGV[1]; + +my %ignore = (); +$ignore{$_} = 1 foreach (split /,/, $ignore); + +# Open the man page and slurp it in. +my $pod_content = ""; +open MAN, $pod or die "$progname: $pod: $!"; +{ + local $/ = undef; + $pod_content = <MAN>; +} +close MAN; + +# Run the tool with --long-options and --short-options. +my @tool_options = (); +open PIPE, "$tool --long-options |" + or die "$prog...