Displaying 20 results from an estimated 29 matches for "png256".
2004 Nov 30
bitmap (blank image) plot rendering without X11
...rying to generate plots on our unix (no X) server to be included
in our web-pages -> specifically pngs.
Without X, png() obviously doesn't work, so I have been trying to define
the graphics print device bitmap as described in the help:
> bitmap(file="plot.png", type = "png256", height = 6, width=6,res=72)
> pie(c(12,5))
> dev2bitmap(file="plot.png", type = "png256", height = 6, width =
I end up with "plot.png" as a nonzero png file, but it is always
blank... I have gs 6.51 installed & R_GSCMD=/usr/bin/gs set....
2003 Feb 12
Three questions - loading(sourcing a file??), summaries to bitmaps, and error messages
sep="=", header=TRUE) names(my.bowmore.Sep.2002.cpu.utilization)
etc. . . .
My "plotting" file looks like this:
bitmap(file =
"/auto/solperf/tgu/Images/badger.Sep.2002.usr.cpu.summary.thumbnail", type
= "png256", height = 6, width = 6, res = 72")
summary(my.badger.Sep.2002.cpu.utilization) bitmap(file =
"/auto/solperf/tgu/Images/badger.Sep.2002.usr.cpu.lines.thumbnail", type =
"png256", height = 6, width = 6, res = 72")
lines(usr.cpu ~ Time, xlab = "Time", yla...
2010 May 12
plot error
...error message when I increase the resolution
("res=30" to "res=350") of my graph:
Error in plot.xy(xy, type, ...) : ignoring SIGPIPE signal
Calls: plot -> plot.default -> plot.xy
Execution halted
Here is the code:
ofn <- "MAY11.png"
bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 21, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
"white",res=350) <<<<<<< If I change "res=350" to "res=30", everything is
par(mfrow = c(6,3))
for(C in 1:18)
Does anybody have any comm...
2009 Jul 27
numbers on barplot
Hello all,
I have this simple barplot code:
ifn <- "id.dat"
dat <- read.table(ifn)
ofn <- "id.png"
bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 30, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
par(mar=c(5, 5, 3, 2),lwd=5)
and here is the data (id.dat):
15 0....
2009 Aug 06
Hello All:
Can anybody tell me what is the problem with my program please. I have an
error message as appears below.
My program is:
ifn <- "Jul08_09.LM"
data <- read.table(ifn)
ofn <- "Jul.png"
bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 30, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
par(mar=c(5, 5, 3, 2),lwd=5)
par(mfrow = c(3,4))
ifn <- "T.dat"
trait <- read.table(ifn)
i <- 1
j <- 1
for(k in 1:12)
dat <- data[i:(i+2), ]
2003 Apr 01
Autogenerated png, bitmap images
...solperf/tgu/ActiveParsedFiles/yugo/Mar.2003/unused.memory", sep="=", header=TRUE)
bitmap("/auto/solperf/tgu/Images/Mar.2003/yugo.Mar.2003.freemem.lines.jpg", height = 700, width = 700, type = "png256", res = 50)
plot(freemem, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Free Memory Pages Available", main = "yugo's Free Memory Pages Available Mar.2003", type="l", col="red", xaxt = "n")
temp <- seq(1, length(Time), by = 144)
axis(1, at = temp, lab...
2003 Sep 13
(no subject)
...nt i'm using the png format.
The png()
...using png(file="Rplot%03d.png", ...); 'plots' ; dev.off()...
produces very good graphics. The problem is it takes too long to produce the
png files.
The bitmap()
...using bitmap(file="Rplot%03d.png", type="type = "png256",...); 'plots';
works really fast. But on my system the quality is poor compared with png()
even with a higher resolution than 72.
I'm using R 1.7.0 on Windows NT ; Ghostscript 8.00
1) Is there a possibility to speed up the png()
or to improve the quality of the...
2008 Jan 16
Error in plot.new() : figure margins too large
-----code is ------------------------------------------------------------
temp <- seq(5500000/2, 22000000, 5500000/2)
sV2 <- c(1, 1+temp[-length(temp)])
eV2 <- temp
bitmap(paste("c:/vidhu/poster/poster_56half_2", LETTERS[i], ".png", sep =
""), "png256", width = 55.5, height = 8.875, res = 300)
par(mfrow = c(28,1), mar = c(0.5,3,0.5,0.5), mgp = c(2,0.65,0))
for(i in 1:length(sV2)) {
cat("i = ", i, "\n", sep = "")
if (i%%2)
pSL(sV2[i], eV2[i], 50000)}
[[alternative HTML v...
2007 Mar 31
Too long pathname in bitmap() crashes R on WinXP
...<- file.path(path, filename);
# Tell R where Ghostscript is
gsexe <- "C:/gs/gs8.54/bin/gswin32c.exe";
gsexe <- "C:/Program Files/gs/gs8.56/bin/gswin32c.exe";
gsexe <- shortPathName(gsexe);
cmd <- paste(gsexe, " -dNOPAUSE -dBATCH -q -sDEVICE=png256 -r72
-g432x432 -sOutputFile=", pathname, sep="");
tmp <- tempfile();
postscript(file=tmp, width=6, height=6, pointsize=9, paper="special",
horizontal=FALSE, print.it=TRUE, command=cmd);
It seems to have to do with the...
2010 May 13
ESP Ghostscrip ...
...ems OK in the input data files and data file 14th is not the
biggest input file.
Here is the code:
for(Br in 1:3)
if(Br == 1) B <- "U"
if(Br == 2) B <- "A"
if(Br == 3) B <- "O"
ofn <- sprintf("%s.png", B)
bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 21, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
"white", res = 300) <<<<when I decrease res to 50(res=50), everything is OK
with no error message
par(cex.main = 1.2, cex.lab = 1.8, cex.axis = 1.4)
par(mfrow = c(6,3))
for(C in 1:18)
if( ( C + 2 ) %% 3 ==...
2004 Oct 14
fidelity of generated raster images (R and perl)
...asterization. There can
be appended or removed pixel columns or pixel rows
depending on plot region dimensions. I witness this
with both R version 1.8.1 and R version 2.0.
print($out "bitmap('/usr/local/mycrow/tmp/out.png', type = 'png256',
height = ".(int($height*68/64)/64).", width =
".(int($width*69/64)/64).", res = 64, pointsize=0)\n");
print($out 'par(mar=c(0,0,0,0))'."\n");
my $width1 = $width-1;
my $height1 = $height-1;
print($out <<END);
2003 Jun 13
Using jpeg() function over cgi
I have seen a few posts to this list regarding problems accessing the x11() device over cgi - namely, when trying to create a graphic using the jpeg() function, everything is fine from the command line but it won't work over cgi, producing the error:
"Unable to open connection to X11 display"
Has anyone actually solved this particular problem satisfactorily?
Please reply
2003 Nov 19
howto improve sharpeness of fonts in a jpg-image producedby R ?
...ducing a png/jpg-image through the bitmap-function. I was actually able
to produce nice-looking png's doing the steps:
1. Using bitmap to produce a pdf-file
2. invoking ghostscript from my bash-shell and converting the pdf-file
produced by the bitmap-function into a png-image. ( gs -sDEVICE=png256
-r150 -dBATCH -sOutputFile=barplotx_normal.png
In the end the best suggestion was to try another approach using the
png-function in R instead of the bitmap-function.
Linux redhat 9
GhostScript version 7.05
2007 Sep 12
: Error on tomcat...
$graph_start $graph_end < ..\/..\/..\/page\/R\/" . $graph_name . ".r ";
My R file looks like this...
files <- "/u/Docs/tomcat/webapps/page/Web/img/tmp.png"
bitmap(file = files, type = "png256", height = 8, width = 12, res = 72)
plot(strptime(dat[,1],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M"), dat[,2],
type = "l",
ylim = c(min(dat[,2]),max(dat[,2])),
ylab = "CPU Load",
xlab = "Time",
col = "red",
main = tit...
2006 Oct 18
dev2bitmap handling or else?
Hy all,
I wish to get rid of starting X to get graphics, i tryed dev2bitmap and
i've being working around without finding good parameters.
By example :
Dev2bitmap(file="Rplot001.png", type =
par(mar=c(5,2,1,1),xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i",ps=13)
I tryed with res=something inside dev2bitmap too and i'm always far from
the beauty of the X version.
So is there an other way to bypass the use of X ?
Thks all
COMTE Guillaum...
2010 Feb 12
Y average in plot
Hello All:
Can somebody please tell me how I can have the average of 'y' on the graph
for different values of 'x in the following code?
ofn <- "xy.png"
bitmap(ofn, type = "png256", width = 21, height = 30, pointsize = 30, bg =
ifn <- sprintf("xy.txt")
data <- read.table(ifn)
names(data) <- c("x","y")
Graph <- plot(data$x, data$y)
[[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2003 Sep 14
(no subject)
...ent i'm using the png format.
The png()
...using png(file="Rplot%03d.png", ...); 'plots' ; dev.off()...
produces very good graphics. The problem is it takes too long to produce
png files.
The bitmap()
...using bitmap(file="Rplot%03d.png", type="type = "png256",...); 'plots';
works really fast. But on my system the quality is poor compared with png()
even with a higher resolution than 72.
I'm using R 1.7.0 on Windows NT ; Ghostscript 8.00
1) Is there a possibility to speed up the png()
or to improve the quality of the...
2002 Jul 09
writing to a png file with a script
Dear R-freaks,
I am new to R and loke to write plots directly to a file with a script
in batch-mode.
the following error occured:
# writing section
> x11()
Error in x11() : the x11 device has not been loaded
Execution halted
I do not know what to do!
thanks for your help
Linux: the operating system with a CLUE...
Command Line User Environment.
1999 Oct 04
bitmap copies of plots
...nd I do know it is gswin32c on Windows: that is easy to incorporate
but I have not tested it.
One could attempt to retrieve height and width from the current device,
but I don't see that information is presently available from R code.
Any comments?
dev2bitmap <- function(file, type="png256", height=6, width=6, res=72,
pointsize, ...)
rc <- system("gs -help > /dev/null")
if(rc != 0) stop("Sorry, gs cannot be found")
gs <- system("gs -help", intern=TRUE)
st <- grep("^Available", gs)
2003 Apr 07
Justifying only the X-label
...-- next part --------------
my.yugo.Apr.2003.other.info <- read.table(file="/auto/solperf/tgu/ActiveParsedFiles/yugo/Apr.2003/other.info", sep="=", header=TRUE)
bitmap("foo8.bmp",type = "png256", height = 4, width = 4,)
par( omi = c(.5,.1,0,0))
plot(total.views, xlab = "Time", ylab = "Total number of views", main = "yugo's Total number of views Apr.2003", type="l", col="red", xaxt = "n", cex.axis = 1.5, cex.main = 1.2...