search for: pm893

Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "pm893".

2024 Jun 17
Random permission denied and path not found errors
...age backend in a reliable way. The clients are workstations and render machines. In numbers: - Windows storage: 90TB - Windows WS: ~30 - Windows render machines: 7 Now there is a Linux server with Ubuntu 22.04 (samba 4.15.13+dfsg-0ubuntu1.6). Its configuration is 128GB RAM, E5 CPU, Samsung PM893 SSDs in ZFS raidz3. There are some Incus containers with Samba packages in them. The problem is that in certain cases render jobs reports the a path is not available or a file is not accessible for write (permission denied). The path is there and the user has permission. In addition, after a...