Displaying 20 results from an estimated 57 matches for "plr".
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2010 Jun 08
type conversion with apply or not
...e first column is of integer type, while the rest are type character.
> head(df)
1 250897 7/1/2010 7/31/2010 PSTRUCT Z
2 250617 8/1/2010 8/31/2010 PSTRUCT Z
3 250364 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
4 250176 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
5 250176 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
6 250364 4/1/2011 6/30/2011 PLR Z
> sapply(df, class)
2007 Jun 04
How to obtain coefficient standard error from the result of polr?
Hi - I am using polr. I can get a result from polr fit by calling
result.plr <- polr(formula, data=mydata, method="probit");
However, from the 'result.plr', how can I access standard error of the estimated coefficients as well as the t statistics for each one of them?
What I would like to do ultimately is to see which coefficients are not significant...
2004 Jan 08
Strange parametrization in polr
as is apprent below.
Is this a bug og a feature I have overlooked?
Here is the naked code for reproduction, below the results.
library( MASS )
data( housing )
hnames <- lapply( housing[,-5], levels )
house.plr <- polr( Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, data=housing, weights=Freq
summary( house.plr )
newdat <- expand.grid( hnames[-1] )[1:5,]
cbind( newdat, predict( house.plr, newdat, type="probs" ) )
# Baseline probs:
diff( c(0,tigol( c(-0.4961,0.6907) ), 1) )
# First level of Infl:
diff( c(0,ti...
2006 Apr 07
Compiling PL/R against R.dll in Win32/MinGW
Hello list,
I've been trying to get the PostgreSQL PL/R library to compile on
windows (http://www.joeconway.com/plr/). The author of this library
says the problem is likely because the distributed R.dll isn't compiled
as a shared dll. Is this the case? If so, is there any way to compile
it such that it is shared? If that's not the case, than maybe someone
on this list has a better understanding of th...
2013 Oct 18
No P.values in polr summary
...S package. the summary give me : coefficients, Standard
error and Tvalue.. but not directly the p.value.
I can compute "manualy" the Pvalue, but Is there a way to directly obtain
the pa.value, and I wonder why the p.valeu is not directly calculated, is
there a reason?
exemple :
house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
summary(house.plr, digits = 3)
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2011 Mar 01
How to understand output from R's polr function (ordered logistic regression)?
...les" section at the bottom of the help page for
fits a logistic or probit regression model to an ordered factor
response) shows
options(contrasts = c("contr.treatment", "contr.poly"))
house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
pr <- profile(house.plr)
What information does pr contain? The help page on
generic, and gives no guidance fo...
2007 Apr 17
About PLR
find top 30 PCAs of this file using PLS in R. I am asking regarding
Linux(Red Hat 9) operating system.
I have downloaded PLS from Crains site and try to installed it, but don't
installed it.
How I can download and installed PLS(for PCA and PLS) in R using Linux.
Please me how I can installed PLR in R(Linux).
Thanking you.
Nitish Kumar Mishra
Junior Research Fellow
BIC, IMTECH, Chandigarh, India
E-Mail Address:
nitish_km at yahoo.com
nitish at imtech.res.in
2007 Nov 10
polr() error message wrt optim() and vmmin
...ions welcome.
> summary(data$ordaodb)
0 1 2 3 4
8228 3505 1755 559 1757
> summary(data$gpconc)
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.138 0.280 0.313 0.305 0.332 0.515
> formula<-data$ordaodb~data$gpconc
> propensityordaodb.plr <- polr(formula, method="cauchit")
> propensityordaodb.plr
polr(formula = formula, method = "cauchit")
0|1 1|2 2|3 3|4
2.651 3.569 4.593 5.304
Residual Deviance: 40009.85
AIC: 40019.85
> summary(propen...
2005 Jun 10
problem with polr ?
f 1.2 12
a 1.2 1
m 1.3 14
f 1.3 14
a 1.3 4
m 1.4 15
f 1.4 12
a 1.4 3
However, after having performed the analysis, it
appears this is not correct as the 3 outputs per
experiment are not linked...
dt.plr <- polr(output ~ factor, data=dt, weights=n)
> dt.pr1<-predict(dt.plr, , type="probs")
> dt.pr1
a f m
1 0.09987167 0.4578184 0.4423099
2 0.09987167 0.4578184 0.4423099
3 0.09987167 0.4578184 0.4423099
4 0.09437078 0.4477902 0.4578390
5 0.09437078...
2003 May 05
polr in MASS
...t variable, "Infl" (low, medium, high), "Type" (tower, apartment, atrium, terrace) and "Cont" (low, high) are the predictor variables (factors). And I have some questions, hope someone could help me out. The following commands are from the MASS book as well. > house.plr<-polr(Sat~Infl+Type+Cont,data=housing,weights=Freq)
> summary(house.plr)Re-fitting to get HessianCall:
polr(formula = Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, data = housing, weights = Freq)Coefficients:
Value Std. Error t value
InflMedium 0.5663922 0.10465276 5.412109
2007 Jun 11
How do I obtain standard error of each estimated coefficients in polr
I obtained all the coefficients that I need from polr. However, I'm wondering how I can obtain the standard error of each estimated coefficient? I saved the Hessian and do something like summary(polrObj), I don't see any standard error like when doing regression using lm. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!
- adschai
2012 Apr 24
Hi all,
The nobs method of (MASS:::polr class) takes into account of weight,
but nobs method of glm does not. I wonder what is the rationale of
such design behind nobs.glm. Thanks in advance. Best Regards.
> library(MASS)
> house.plr <- polr(Sat ~ Infl + Type + Cont, weights = Freq, data = housing)
> house.logit <- glm(I(Sat=='High') ~ Infl + Type + Cont, binomial,weights = Freq, data = housing)
> nobs(house.plr)
[1] 1681
> nobs(house.logit)
[1] 72
Wincent Ronggui HUANG
Sociology Department of Fudan...
2009 Feb 27
R_CHAR + 21 (memory.c:2573) in crash report...
psql:../sql/schedpak.sql:257: server closed the connection unexpectedly
This probably means the server terminated abnormally
before or while processing the request.
psql:../sql/schedpak.sql:257: connection to server was lost
Process SQL exited abnormally with code 2
when I return from a plr function:
select * from pareto_set_as_gpx( 1, 20678 );
I'm a little handicapped as I'm not used to debugging by trial and
error, and just don't know what else I can do. I've attached a crash
report, and don't know if this is a problem with the PL/R module, the
libR.dylib modul...
2002 May 30
Systems of equations in glm?
...on that stumps me.
What does a person do about endogeneity in generalized linear models?
Suppose Y1 and Y2 are 5 category ordinal dependent variables. I see
that MASS has polr for estimation of models like that, as long as they
are independent. But what if the models were to be written:
Y1.plr <- polr(Y1 ~ Y2 + X1 + X2)
Y2.plr <- polr(Y2 ~ Y1 + X3 + X4)
Are estimates of the coefficients for Y1 and Y2 biased, as they would be
in a linear model? I think yes. Do I need some equivalent of 2SLS or FIML?
It is not entirely clear to me if, in this example, the input Y1 or Y2
is c...
2004 Dec 16
PL/R calls fail
...Cora 1.
So far, I have suceeded in setting up PostgreSQL and R as
a shared library - unfortunately I have not been able to link these
two spheres by adding the PostgreSQL add-on PL/R due to
some mysterious probs.
I thoroughly followed the setup instructions for PL/R (see
and arrived at being able to register PL/R with PostgreSQL properly and
even to create PL/R-specific functions.
>But< whenever trying to invoke these functions, I end up with
a single exception, even for simple ones which are just supposed to return
the previously passe...
2008 Oct 06
Hello everybody,
I am trying to install the library stepplr under windows (http://www.maths.bris.ac.uk/R/web/packages/stepPlr/index.html), in order to use the function plr, but I still have problem to find the right link for this purpose!
I am very thankful for your help!
2008 Sep 27
retrieving weights from a polr object
Dear list members,
The polr() function in the MASS package takes an optional weights argument
for case weights. Is there any way to retrieve the case weights from the
fitted "polr" object? Examining both the object and the code, I don't see
how this can be done, but perhaps I've missed something.
Any help would be appreciated.
John Fox,
2010 Nov 17
lme weights glht
Dear R-user
I used lme to fit a linear mixed model inlcuding weights=varPower().
Additionally I wanted to use glht to calculate Tukey-Kramer multiple
> glht(modelF, linfct=mcp(Species="Tukey"))
Error in glht.matrix(model = list(modelStruct = list(reStruct =
list(SubPlot = -0.305856275920955, :
?ncol(linfct)? is not equal to ?length(coef(model))?
2004 Dec 19
Can I calculate the area of a polygon?
...I have a table with a Polygon like this:
test_db=# select * from geo where id=1;
id | koerper
1 | ((0,0),(0,2),(2,2),(3,3),(5,0))
(1 row)
Now, I need to know the area of this object. Please, can you tell me, if
it possible to use the installed plr - Language zu calculate the area?
I have some experience to draw diagramms from Postgres via the
R-language, but I'm a absolute novice to use R to solve problems like
Regards, Andreas
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2010 Jun 27
Ways to work with R and Postgres
...anyone within a wider range have suggestions:
There are three ways to integration R and postgres, especially on 64bit Microsoft windows Platform,
1. via RODBC package, which has 32 bit and 64 bit version for windows
2. via RPostgres interface, which only has 32bit version currently
3. via plr for Greenplum, which only supports a few kinds of functionality, and supports only specific versions of R.
Do you have any idea about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and the differences among them
Your sincerely
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