Displaying 20 results from an estimated 20 matches for "plotts".
Did you mean:
2003 Jul 09
Packages, generics, S3 and S4
My question has two parts.
The first is with regard to the frame or environment in which generic
functions are defined in packages. It seems as though they are defined
(i.e. exist as objects) in frame 1, even when defined in a package.
The following is a short example:
plotTrack <- function(x,y,...)
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
I've had a chance to read the source more thoroughly. The chain of
events is as follows:
1. Local function `plotts()` is defined with argument `cex` that
defaults to `par("cex")`
2. `...` is passed to `plotts()`. If "cex" is an element in `...`,
inside `plotts()` the variable `cex` is assigned thereby (overriding the
default arg). Importantly, this means that the element "cex" i...
2004 Nov 19
NLME plottting and Confidence Intervals
I have been learning about mixed models and have been
able to successfully use lme( ) and nlme( ) to fit
some simple linear and 4PL logistic models. As a
relative "newbie" I am at a loss as to how I can do
the following:
(1) Import a SAS dataset with DATE9. formatted time
values and get them converted into a convenient
time variable for use with the nlme package. In
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
I did a search on Bugzilla for "plot.ts" and didn't find anything on
this issue. I tried to sign up for Bugzilla to report it, but my e-mail
address didn't pass your "syntax checking" for a legal e-mail address.
The bug is easily reproducible on my machine as follows:
## start
# generate some data
y <- arima.sim(list(), 150)
# this will definitely dispatch to a
2016 Aug 26
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
>>>>> Gregory Werbin <greg.werbin at libertymail.net>
>>>>> on Thu, 25 Aug 2016 15:21:05 -0400 writes:
> I've had a chance to read the source more thoroughly. The chain of
> events is as follows:
> 1. Local function `plotts()` is defined with argument `cex` that
> defaults to `par("cex")`
> 2. `...` is passed to `plotts()`. If "cex" is an element in `...`,
> inside `plotts()` the variable `cex` is assigned thereby (overriding the
> default arg). Importantly, this mean...
2003 Apr 10
How to plot several graphs in a single 2-D figure?
Hi, R-listers
I tried to plot several graphs in a sigle x-y coordinate settings, like the
|(y) s
| ****** s
| ***** s
| sssssssssssssssssss
where "*" and "s" denote two diffrent plots.
However, when I used
plot(data1); % data1 is the data points of "*"
2006 Oct 19
Rug-like density plots on margins of figure
Hi everyone,
I'm trying to plot density curves on the axes of a plot, in a
similar way to the 'rug' function.
I have had a look at a few approaches and libraries, including:
* layout http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?
* fancygraph http://addictedtor.free.fr/graphiques/RGraphGallery.php?
* ggplot - gave up since it needs R 2.3.0 and
2009 Apr 26
Scatterplot of two groups side-by-side?
Dear all
I'm realy new to R, so I hope you can help me, as I didn't find any solution in the common books.
Since some days I'm trying to create the following plot: A scatterplott showning two different groups side-by-side with according regression lines. Both datasets only have the same five factors, so the scatters will form a kind of column at each factor. When I use
2002 Nov 19
plotting intersecting planes
Hi all
In two days, I am giving a small, informal workshop in our
Department about using R. Initially, it was just for statistician,
but surprisingly (to me anyhow) many mathematicians are also
coming who have a MATLAB background. They are coming at the
Workshop from a teaching perspective.
They are considering using R to avoid licensing issues with
MATLAB. One thing they were hoping me to
2009 Feb 07
Time Series Graphics - "cannot plot more than 10 series"
Hi Experts,
I would like to present time series data in meaningful way in building
some graphics. I've tried:
(1) plot(ts(mbaye3))
(2) plot(ts(mbaye3), start=1990)
But I always get this error-message:
Fehler [error] in plotts(x = x, y = y, plot.type = plot.type,
xy.labels = xy.labels, :
cannot plot more than 10 series as "multiple"
my data:
name 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982
1983 1984
Denmark 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0...
2016 Aug 25
"plot.ts" doesn't respect the value of "pch" (+ blocked from Bugzilla signups)
...for `plot.ts`, it seems like the `cex` argument is being "eaten" by a `...` somewhere without being properly passed to `plot.default`.
'...' does not "eat" parameters, it passes them on.
Looking at the very top of the body we see this in the definition of the internal `plotts` function:
cex = par("cex"), lty = par("lty"), lwd = par("lwd"),
axes = TRUE, frame.plot = axes, ann = par("ann"), cex.lab = par("cex.lab"),
col.lab = par("col.lab"), font.lab = par("font.lab"),...
2008 Nov 21
cex.lab etc. ignored in plot.ts for multiple plots (PR#13315)
...t;multiple", cex.lab=0.5,
col.lab="red") #should have tiny red axis labels, but does not.
I think this a problem with lines 54-57 of plot.ts. In particular, the mtext
functions should also be called with 'cex=cex.lab, col=col.lab, font=font.lab',
and the argument list of the plotts function should also contain
'cex.lab=par("cex.lab"), col.lab=par("col.lab"), font.lab=par("font.lab")'
2008 Jun 29
Interactive plot
Hi all,
I have created following codes :
mat = cbind(c(0.000059710430,0.000023057380), c(0.000023057380, 0.00005971089))
set.seed = 1000
vary = runif(dim(mat)[1], 2000, 3000)
calc = function(mat, vary)
result = vector(length = (length(vary)+1))
result[1] = sqrt(t(vary) %*% vary)
for (i in 1 : length(vary))
result[(i+1)] = sum(vary)*sum(vary*mat[,i])
2018 May 22
Plot qualitative y axis
Many thanks,
My goal is to make a plott like attached but the Y axis starts in XIV and
end at top in I. Generally for instance in excel X axis is categories but
Y axis is numbers I want the contrary plotted in lines, your last help is
near what I look but barplot is not needed.
Hope you can help me thanks in advance.
2018-05-22 0:58 GMT+02:00 Jim Lemon <drjimlemon at gmail.com>:
> Hi
2012 Feb 09
Help with TimeSeries
...50 153 148 150 145.0000 145.0000 143.0000
2007.5 165 180 190 168 163 163 168 175 180 160.0000 155.0000 150.0000
2008.0 152 163 185 163 158 175 175 178 168 168.0000 160.0000 160.0000
However that´s not what I want. Using fr=1 I get my data fine but can´t
plot due to the error:
Error in plotts(x = x, y = y, plot.type = plot.type, xy.labels =
xy.labels, :
cannot plot more than 10 series as "multiple"
> AP.hw <- HoltWinters(AP.ts,seasonal="mult")
Error in decompose(ts(x[1L:wind], start = start(x), frequency = f),
seasonal) :
time series has no or less t...
2018 May 23
Plot qualitative y axis
Hi Pedro,
melt() is probably working. The problem is I did not finish the copy and paste.? It would have been better if I had included the ggplot() command.
dat1? <- structure(list(N = c("I", "II", "III", "IV", "V", "VI",
2018 May 23
Plot qualitative y axis
Hi Pedro,
Not too hard. Just have to watch the order of the variables:
ppdf<-read.table(text="N M W
I 10 106
II 124 484
III 321 874
IV 777 1140
V 896 996
VI 1706 1250
VII 635 433
VIII 1437 654
IX 693 333
X 1343 624
XI 1221 611
XII 25 15
XIV 7 8",
2005 Mar 09
Lattice device page options-margins
I am using lattice to make figures as pdfs:
trellis.device(device = "pdf",file = "Figure6.pdf",color = FALSE)
I need to specify some blank space on the left-hand margins (the pages
will be bound so we need about 0.5 inch)). I have tried a number of
solutions but none seems to work (e.g. par.set). Can this be done when
initiating the plotting device? Or is the some other way
2007 Feb 27
ts; decompose; plot and title
Is there any way to give a "decent" title after I plot something
generated by decompose?
For example:
# generate something with period 12
x <- rnorm(600) + sin(2 * pi * (1:600) / 12)
# transform to a monthy time series
y <- ts(x, frequency=12, start=c(1950,1))
# decompose
z <- decompose(y)
# plot
Now, the title is the ugly "Decomposition of additive time
2002 Apr 18
Changing tick mark labels
Can anyone help me out with this problem?
After performing logistic regressions and testing the significance with
likelihood ratios, I have plotted the results using "termplot". I am
wondering, how to get the names of my variables to appear on the x-axis
rather than ascending numbers?
I have used:
termplot(fm, se=T, axes=FALSE, col.se="black")
axis(1, 1:4,