Displaying 3 results from an estimated 3 matches for "plotchar".
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2006 Jan 11
4 smoothed lines on xyplot
...ters used in the key (plus, X
circle and triangle). I might also be interest in a version that draws
four solid lines of different colors but when I try to use a white
background the lines change to dots and dashs. When I don't use a white
background it seems to use the solid colors lines.
plotchar <- c(3, 4 ,1 ,2 )
colr<- c(?green?, ?blue? , ?red?, ?black?)
trellis.par.set(col.whitebg() )
xyplot(AWGT ~ lipid_adj_lpcb2_cent, groups=grpx, data=pcb_graph3,
auto.key=TRUE, col=colr,
pch=plotchar, type=c(?1?, ?smooth?), span=.8,
key=list(x=.14, y=.84,
2012 Jan 19
Legend problem in line charts
yrange <- range(refid1$BASCHGA)
# set up the plot
pdf (paste("pga", i, ".pdf", sep=''))
print(plot(xrange, yrange, type="n", xlab="TIME1 (WK)",
ylab="BASCHGA (mm)" ))
colors <- rainbow(nACTTRTs)
linetype <- c(1:nACTTRTs)
plotchar <- seq(18,18+nACTTRTs,1)
# add lines
for (i in 1:nACTTRTs) {
ACTTRT <- subset(refid1, ACTTRTnum==i)
print(lines(ACTTRT$TIME1, ACTTRT$BASCHGA, type="b", lwd=1.5,
lty=linetype[i], col=colors[i], pch=plotchar[i]))
# add a title and subtitle
paste("REFID = ", uniq...
2006 Jan 26
footnote in postscript lattice
...zontal=TRUE, family=?Helvetica?,font=?Helvetica?)
xyplot(AWGT ~ lipid_adj_lpcb2_cent | malex*romanix, data=pcb_graph3,
auto.key = list(lines = TRUE, points = TRUE), ylab=?Birth Weight?, xlab=?Lipid Adjusted PCB?,
par.settings =
list(superpose.symbol = list(col = colr, pch = plotchar),
superpose.line = list(col = colr, pch = plotchar, lty = 1)),
type=c("p", "smooth"), span=.8)
Dean Sonneborn, MS
Programmer Analyst
Department of Public Health Sciences
University of California, Davis
(530) 754-9516