search for: pll_d

Displaying 2 results from an estimated 2 matches for "pll_d".

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2014 Feb 18
Help with OpusEnc (SOLVED - sort of)
...generates the sampling clock. This results in the PLL generating a 1.5MHz BCLK/46.875KHz frame clock and not the desired 1.536MHz/48KHz clocks. So the resulting audio stream is short in samples over time every second. Now I just need to determine why/where the layer that's not writing BOTH PLL_D registers and fix it. Yay. But I thought I'd let you guys know this bug exists -- not related to OPUS, but in the TI ARM architecture when coupled to their TLV320 codec. Cheers, -Ben
2014 Feb 12
Help with OpusEnc
Hi all, New to list and Opus Codec. I've been using it on a beagleboneblack with 'arecord'. One of the things I've noticed while encoding is that Opus reports a float with an 'x' along with "realtime". Where can I look up where this calculation is derived? It got me looking and I've noticed that when I record something from a known source (in testing)