search for: plaintextdocu

Displaying 14 results from an estimated 14 matches for "plaintextdocu".

2009 Nov 01
convert list to Dataframe
Hi. I have a huge list called twitter: > dim(twitter) NULL > str(twitter) List of 1 $ :Classes 'PlainTextDocument', 'TextDocument', 'character' atomic [1:35575] 11999;10:47:14;20;10;2009;ObamaLouverture;Trails Mixed Lessons For Governance From Campaigner-in-chief: President obama jumps campaign 09 tuesday..;Florida;USA;FL;;;27.6648274;-81.5157535 12210;10:47:37;2...
2015 Apr 10
Loop sobre muchos data frames
...quot; si extraigo solamente el primer objeto de esa lista: > txt[[1]] <<VCorpus (documents: 1, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>> si quiero ver el contenido del primer copus > inspect(txt[[1]]) <<VCorpus (documents: 1, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>> [[1]] <<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>> qB001.txt me informa cosas sobre el objeto, pero los datos no están allí... debería mostrarme algo así como: inspect(cbD02[1:1]) #inspecciono el corpus cbD120, creado a mano por la sentencia cbD120<-Corpus(VectorSource(qT120)) #......contenido del corpus...... I went...
2012 Jan 13
tm package, custom reader
I need help with creating custom xml reader for use with the tm package. The objective is to crate a corpus for analysis. Files that I'm working with come from solr and are in a funky XML format never the less I'm able to parse the XML files using solrDocs.R function provided by Duncan Temple Lang. The problem I'm having that once I parse the document I need to create a custom
2015 Apr 12
Loop sobre muchos data frames
...> <<VCorpus (documents: 1, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>> >> >> si quiero ver el contenido del primer copus >> >> > inspect(txt[[1]]) >> <<VCorpus (documents: 1, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>> >> >> [[1]] >> <<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>> >> qB001.txt >> >> me informa cosas sobre el objeto, pero los datos no están allí... debería >> mostrarme algo así como: >> >> inspect(cbD02[1:1]) #inspecciono el corpus cbD120, creado a mano por la >> sentencia cbD120<-Corpus(V...
2011 Apr 06
Curious treatment of entities in xmlTreeParse
...quot;), DateTimeStamp = list("function",function(x) as.POSIXlt(Sys.time(), tz = "GMT")), Heading = list("node", "/item/title"), ID = list("function", function(x) tempfile()), Origin = list("node", "/item/link")), doc = PlainTextDocument()) rss2Source <- function(x, encoding = "UTF-8") XMLSource(x, function(tree) XML::getNodeSet(XML::xmlRoot(tree),"/rss/channel/item"), rss2Reader, encoding) feed.rss2 <- rss2Source(url("")) corp1<-Corpus(feed.rss2, read...
2013 Jan 15
Function failure in tm
...kage tm (that Milan Bouchet-Vallat has been instrumental in producing). I can get it to produce a corpus of class: "VCorpus" "Corpus" "list" class(mycorp[1]) returns "VCorpus" "Corpus" "list" and class(mycorp[[1]] returns "PlainTextDocument" "TextDocument" "character" But now that I've got a corpsu, none of the transformation functions work at all. They all return the following error (with the respective function name) Error in UseMethod("stripWhitespace", x) : no applicable metho...
2012 Jan 08
cannot find package in Packages>>Install Packages
...(twitter) >>> >> > This looks to have been converted into an R object through soe process on > some unspecified input. You should describe that process, and hte only > unambiguous method of doing so is by including the code. > > > List of 1 >> $ :Classes 'PlainTextDocument', 'TextDocument', 'character' atomic >> [1:35575] 11999;10:47:14;20;10;2009;**ObamaLouverture;Trails Mixed >> Lessons For >> Governance From Campaigner-in-chief: President obama jumps campaign 09 >> tuesday..;Florida;**USA;FL;;;...
2014 Jul 28
wordcloud y tabla de palabras
Hola, La referencia (gracias por proporcionarla) que has incluido es bastante clara y se puede seguir. ¿Has podido sobre tus dos discursos utilizar la misma lógica? La forma de salir de dudas, para empezar, es que adjuntaras el código que estás empleando por ver si hay algún error evidente. Aunque la forma adecuada para que te podamos ayudar es con un ejemplo reproducible: código + datos.
2011 Mar 24
Problem with Snowball & RWeka
Dear Forum, when I try to use SnowballStemmer() I get the following error message: "Could not initialize the GenericPropertiesCreator. This exception was produced: java.lang.NullPointerException" It seems to have something to do with either Snowball or RWeka, however I can't figure out, what to do myself. If you could spend 5 minutes of your valuable time, to help me or give me a
2014 Jul 29
wordcloud y tabla de palabras [Avanzando]
...nv(enc2utf8(info.13), sub="byte") >>> informes<-c(info.05, info.13) >>> corpus<-Corpus(VectorSource(informes)) >>> inspect(corpus[1:2]) >> <<VCorpus (documents: 2, metadata (corpus/indexed): 0/0)>> >> >> [[1]] >> <<PlainTextDocument (metadata: 7)>> >> Derecho a la seguridad ciudadana. Toda persona tiene derecho a la >> protección del Estado a través de los órganos de seguridad ciudadana >> regulados por ley, frente a situaciones que constituyan amenazas, >> vulnerabilidad o riesgo para la inte...
2012 Jan 13
Troubles with stemming (tm + Snowball packages) under MacOS
...for a solution, but I have found nothing useful. Here is the full source code (all the librairies are already loaded): ------ Sys.setenv(NOAWT=TRUE) source <- ReutersSource("reuters-21578.xml", encoding="UTF-8") reuters <- Corpus(source) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, as.PlainTextDocument) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, removePunctuation) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, tolower) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, removeWords, stopwords("english")) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, removeNumbers) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, stripWhitespace) reuters <- tm_map(reuters, stemDocum...
2012 Jan 27
tm package: handling contractions
I tried making a wordcloud of Obama's State of the Union address using the tm package to process the text sotu <- scan(file="c:/R/data/sotu2012.txt", what="character") sotu <- tolower(sotu) corp <-Corpus(VectorSource(paste(sotu, collapse=" "))) corp <- tm_map(corp, removePunctuation) corp <- tm_map(corp, stemDocument) corp <- tm_map(corp,
2013 Jan 08
tm: custom reader for readPlain
Hello: I have a series of newspaper articles from a Canadian newspaper database (Canadian Newsstand) that look just like below. I've read through this vignette ( about creating a custom reader to extract meta-data, but I can't understand how to apply this in the context of a text document, rather than in the tabular format
2015 Apr 10
Loop sobre muchos data frames
Hola a todos! Estoy en un proyecto de text mining y por razones de los recursos con que cuento tuve que separar los archivos de texto de input del proyecto en muchos archivos pequeños. Luego de transformar cada uno de estos archivos en un corpus separado, puedo aplicar limpieza sobre cada corpus, buscar n-gramas, construir cada termDocumentMatrix y finalmente reunir todo en una sola TDM. Pero