search for: pivotib

Displaying 4 results from an estimated 4 matches for "pivotib".

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2008 Jan 11
changes in rspec''s trunk and autotest
This applies to anyone using rspec''s trunk from >= 3220 with ZenTest <= 3.7.2. Anyone else, feel free to move on.... The next release of ZenTest, coming soon, includes some changes that improve the relationship between Autotest, it''s subclasses (like those in rspec) and .autotest, the file that you can use to plug into autotest''s hooks to extend/modify
2008 Sep 09
Cucumber and fixtures/FixtureReplacement
Hey guys, I''d never used RSpec Stories before, so I decided to follow the apparent direction of the wind and just jump right into cucumber. I''m dabbling with/using Cucumber and really like it. Good job, aslak! Where i''m struggling right now is using either fixtures or a model factory methodology like the FixtureReplacement. In both cases, I''m not
2008 Sep 21
Monit; BackgroundRB; environment variables
I started emailing monit mailing list because I started getting this problem where I couldn''t start backgroundrb with monit anymore, thinking it was a monit problem. However, I back tracked a bit since I had added code to my project, and monit was able to start backgroundrb again. I seem to have zeroed in on the problem. I''m not sure where the problem lies - maybe monit or
2008 Jan 11
getting started
Hey all, Been reading through all the old posts (and the docs) to familiarize myself but I still feel a bit lost. I''m on trunk and am having a bit of a hard time knowing where to start with the particular I''m trying to solve. So far, I''ve downloaded backgroundrb, done the basic rails setup, created my worker and started it using `script/backgroundrb start`.