Displaying 20 results from an estimated 219 matches for "physiological".
2017 Apr 07
CFP PhyCS 2017 - 4th Int.l Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems (Madrid/Spain)
4th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Submission Deadline: April 18, 2017
July 28 - 29, 2017
Madrid, Spain.
PhyCS is organized in 4 major tracks:
- Devices
- Methodologies and Methods
- Human Factors
- Applications
In Cooperation with IT, CMP, FENS, SBFis, HFES, SBE, SBBf, ACM SIGCHI....
2018 Jan 18
CFP PhyCS 2018 - 5th Int.l Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems (Seville/Spain)
5th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Submission Deadline: May 2, 2018
September 19 - 21, 2018
Seville, Spain.
PhyCS is organized in 4 major tracks:
- Devices
- Methodologies and Methods
- Human Factors
- Applications
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speake...
2018 Mar 12
CFP PhyCS 2018 - 5th Int.l Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems (Seville/Spain)
5th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Submission Deadline: May 2, 2018
September 19 - 21, 2018
Seville, Spain.
PhyCS is organized in 4 major tracks:
- Devices
- Methodologies and Methods
- Human Factors
- Applications
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speake...
2018 May 02
CFP PhyCS 2018 - 5th Int.l Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems (Seville/Spain)
5th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Submission Deadline: May 24, 2018
September 19 - 21, 2018
Seville, Spain.
PhyCS is organized in 4 major tracks:
- Devices
- Methodologies and Methods
- Human Factors
- Applications
With the presence of internationally distinguished keynote speak...
2017 Apr 07
CFP PhyCS 2017 - 4th Int.l Conf. on Physiological Computing Systems (Madrid/Spain)
4th International Conference on Physiological Computing Systems
Submission Deadline: April 18, 2017
July 28 - 29, 2017
Madrid, Spain.
PhyCS is organized in 4 major tracks:
- Devices
- Methodologies and Methods
- Human Factors
- Applications
In Cooperation with IT, CMP, FENS, SBFis, HFES, SBE, SBBf, ACM SIGCHI....
2008 Dec 11
Resampling physiological data using R?
Dear all R users,
I am going to use R to process some of my physiological data about eye.
The problem is the recording machine does not sample in a reliably
constant rate: the time intervals between data sampled can vary from
9msec to ~120msec, while most around in the 15-30msec range.
The below is a fraction of a single data file of a trial:
Time CursorX CursorY Pupil...
2004 Apr 13
R 1.9.0 and cursors
Hi all,
I have successfully compiled and installed (OS: Linux Mandrake 9.2) the last
devel version of R (ver. 1.9.0). All seems to go well, but now I cannot use
the cursors for exploring back the command history (when I press the cursor
key the following characters are shown: ^[[A , or ^[[B etc.).
Hints and suggestions are welcomed.
2005 Feb 11
Notes on bug reports 3229 and 3242 - as.matrix.data.frame
...h as.matrix.data.frame()
in bug reports 3229 and 3242 - under section not-reproducible.
Example I have is:
> tmp
level 2100-D
1 biological_process unknown NA
2 cellular process -5.88
3 development -8.42
4 physiological process -6.55
5 regulation of biological process NA
6 viral life cycle NA
> str(tmp)
`data.frame': 6 obs. of 2 variables:
$ level : Factor w/ 6 levels "biological_..",..: 1 2 3 4 5 6
$ 2100-D_mean:`data.frame': 6 obs. of 1 variable:
2009 Jul 08
ksvm question -- help! line search failed...
I got the data working, but now I got another problem with KSVM:
line search fails -2.793708 -0.5831701 1.870406e-05 -5.728611e-06
-5.059796e-08 -3.761822e-08 -7.308871e-13Error in
prob.model(object)[[p]]$A :
$ operator is invalid for atomic vectors
On Tue, Jul 7, 2009 at 6:45 PM, Steve
Lianoglou<mailinglist.honeypot at gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Jul 7, 2009, at 6:44 PM,
2008 Oct 03
suggestions for plotting 5000 data points
Dear all,
I have a collection of 5000 entries which represent the evolutionary
rates of 3 animals.
I would like to show the differences between the rates of all 3
animals and have tried using the function parallel (from the lattice
package) and pairs() function.
The parallel function would have been perfect save for the large
number of data (5000). The pairs() function doesn't show
2012 Dec 13
Position available University of Oxford UK
...er the supervision of
Dr Francesca Buffa and Prof Adrian Harris, and will work closely with
staff in the Molecular Oncology laboratories at the Weatherall Institute
of Molecular Medicine.
The work will involve the integration of Bioinformatics and Genome-wide
Data-mining approaches with cancer physiological models, to develop
tools for clinical decision making. The postholder will be involved in
development and implementation of data-mining methods, as well as
analysis of samples from clinical studies and a wide range of
experimental model systems.
You will have previous experience in data-mining...
2011 May 09
Creating Observation ID
If I have a data frame something like:
Group = sample(c('A','B','C'), 30, replace=TRUE)
df = data.frame(Value, Group)
It seems like it should be simple to create an 'ObsID' column which indicates the observation order of each Value within each of the 3 groups. Somehow, I can't quite see how to do it without manually sub-setting the parent data
2001 Apr 05
Digital Ear evaluation of Vorbis beta 4
For those who haven't yet seen this:
EarGuy's Digital Ear (physiological model of the ear based on work by Frank
Baumgarte) has just finished rating the sound quality of Vorbis beta 4 at
128 kbs using 30 random 10-second selections of music:
Two samples on which the Ear says Vorbis performed uncharacte...
2010 Aug 25
Comparing samples with widely different uncertainties
This is probably more of a statistics question than a specific R
question, although I will be using R and need to know how to solve the
problem in R.
I have several sets of data (ejection fraction measurements) taken in
various ways from the same set of (~400) patients (so it is paired data).
For each individual measurement I can make an estimate of the percentage
uncertainty in the
2012 Oct 11
Help on probability distribution question
Dear All,
I have a questions I would like to ask about and wonder if you have any thoughts to make it work in R.
1. I work in the field of medicine where physiologic variables are often simulated, and they can not have negative values. Most often the assumption is made to simulate this parameters with a normal distribution but in the "log-domain" to avoid from negative values to be
2008 Apr 22
how to read in multiple files with unequal number of columns
Dear all,
I want to read in 1000 files which contain varying number of columns.
For example:
file[1] contains 8 columns (mixture of characters and numbers)
file[2] contains 16 columns etc
I'm reading everything into one big data frame and when I try rbind, R
returns an error of
"Error in rbind(deparse.level, ...) :
numbers of columns of arguments do not match"
Below is my
2011 Mar 25
library(foreign) read.spss warning
I got the following:
> library(foreign)
> swal = read.spss("swallowing.sav", to.data.frame =TRUE)
Warning message:
In read.spss("swallowing.sav", to.data.frame = TRUE) :
swallowing.sav: Unrecognized record type 7, subtype 21 encountered in system file
The bulk of the data seems to read in a usable form, but I'm curious about what might be getting lost
2003 Mar 21
The best way to end up with TIFF {Was: end up with WMF)
Hi all
I posted a couple of days ago about how to end up with wmf files
eventually in R for linux.
The short answer was: you (probably) can't...and don't!
The journal in question also accepts TIFF files, I am told (it's
a physiology journal).
So I adjust my question: What is the best way to get TIFF files
out of R? It can't create them directly as far as I can tell.
2003 Nov 06
Reading JPG files within R
Dear R-listers,
I am an enthusiastic new to R and have the following simple (. I hope .)
I am searching a function that allows to import jpg files as matrices (n
x m x 3) i.e. n_pixels x m_pixels x 3_colors.
I have seen the pixmap library, but it seems able only to read BMP
pictures (and not all them .).
Can someone give me some suggestions ?
Thank you in advance.
2004 Aug 24
firewall or proxy problems
Hi, I right now installed the R and then I tried to download and install the
get bioC package, but I receive an error message saying that the software
couldn't connect trough the port 80. I went to the FAQ and I found that I
have to type somewhere -internet 2, but I couldn't understand when and
where, could you help me?
Sergio Anguissola Ph.D
Dept. of Physiology