search for: photos_control

Displaying 8 results from an estimated 8 matches for "photos_control".

2008 Sep 18
Setting up Fleximage
...eated for the photos or what my next step should be. If anyone could point me in the right direction, I''d appreciate it. :) Model (photo.rb) class Photo < ActiveRecord::Base acts_as_fleximage :image_directory => ''public/images/uploaded_photos'' end Controller (photos_controller.rb) class PhotosController < ApplicationController def new end def create @photo =[:photo]) if redirect_to photo_url(@photo) else flash[:notice] = ''Your photo did not pass validation!'' render :action => ''new'&...
2008 May 05
Deploying to a staging server using Capistrano: how to start up BackgrounDRb?
...e: [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib/backgroundrb.rb:81:in `dump_object'' [RAILS_ROOT]/vendor/plugins/backgroundrb/lib/backgroundrb.rb:98:in `new_worker'' [RAILS_ROOT]/app/models/uploader.rb:54:in `start_thumbnail_worker'' [RAILS_ROOT]/app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:49:in `create'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_controller/ mime_responds.rb:106:in `call'' /usr/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/actionpack-2.0.2/lib/action_controller/ mime_responds.rb:106:in `respond_to'' [RAILS_ROOT]/app/controllers/photos_con...
2005 Aug 08
Pluralized Controller Names?
If I do: script/generate controller Photo I get a controller named photo_controller. OTOH, if I do: script/generate scaffold Photo I get a controller named photos_controller. (Note that the controller name is pluralized). I realize that I''m specifying the controller name explicitly in the first case, but it seems odd to me that the scaffold command generates a pluralized modelname in the absence of a specific controller name. It also seems odd that t...
2009 Nov 08
send_data with jpeg not working
I''m a newbie having trouble using send_data to send a jpeg file to the browser for display in an html img tag. This is the relevant code from my controller (photos_controller.rb): def retrieve @photo = Photo.find(params[:id]) send_data, :type => "image/ jpeg", :disposition => "inline" end def download @photo = Photo.find(params[:id]) send_file @photo.abs_img_path, :type => "image/jpeg", :...
2010 Oct 25
Rails 3 -NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename
...tet-stream I''d like to fix that but I''m getting the following error: NoMethodError (undefined method `original_filename'' for #<ActiveSupport::HashWithIndifferentAccess:0x107c81998>): app/models/photo.rb:29:in `upload_file='' app/controllers/photos_controller.rb:15:in `upload'' app/middleware/flash_session_cookie_middleware.rb:14:in `call'' I think this is because all the tutorials out there aren''t Rails 3 friendly. Anyone have any ideas? Here''s the code: # Controller def create @photo = @photo...
2013 Jul 09
How to move create method into worker(sidekiq)?
how to move create method into worker(sidekiq)? photos_controller.rb def create @project = Project.find(params[:project_id]) @photo =[:photo]) @photo.user = current_user if redirect_to image_upload_project_path(@project) endend -- You received this message because you are subscribed to the G...
2013 Mar 28
Error Empty file upload result - problem with jQuery bulk file upload
I have problems with multiple file upload. I tried Paperclip with jQuery file uplad plugin and get the error mentioned in the title. Files get uploaded without problems, but I keep getting this embarrassing error. Can somebody offer a solution to my problem or suggest alternative solution that can be implemented in 2 hours? My client is getting a bit uneasy now. I have tried everything I
2011 Oct 05
Rails 3 routes with same name, different param name based on constraint
Hello there fellow RoR enthusiasts, I have been wrestling with rails 3 routes for hours trying to accomplish the following: I want to use the *same url helper* (photo_url) in my views but have a different route match made depending on the format of the parameter I pass. Seems simple enough, right?? If the parameter looks like nn.nn.nnnnnn.whatever, I want the param passed to