Displaying 5 results from an estimated 5 matches for "phosphate".
2011 Mar 15
Calculate monthly means
I am trying to calculate monthly means by year of phosphates and nitrates from a multi year data set. Can anybody help me out with the most effective way to do this?
My data looks like this:
Collection_Date Test.Name Value
2000-01-24 17:00:00 Phosphate 0.108
2000-01-24 17:00:00 Nitrate ...
2005 Nov 29
help combining mtext and strwrap?
...ines. From what I know about
mtext, it's really only meant for single-line labels, not paragraphs.
Here's some sample code of the idea I'm trying to accomplish:
notes=c("Repressible alkaline phosphatase, a glycoprotein localized to the
vacuole; regulated by levels of inorganic phosphate and by a system
consisting of Pho4p, Pho9p, Pho80p, Pho81p and Pho85p; dephosphorylates
phosphotyrosyl peptides")
mtext(strwrap(notes, width=60), line=5, side=3)
..as you can see, the long text plots over itself and doesn't wrap....
2006 Sep 11
' quote problem in reading lots of files at once
But when a2 has ' - then starting from there to the
EOF all values are cluttered.
> a2[49]
[1] "mRNA guanylyltransferase activity"
> a2[50]
[1] "polynucleotide 5-phosphatase
How can I escape the ' quote character when I read
each file. So that I do not have the problem of
clutter and my matrix is read well.
Thank you.
2011 Jul 20
Cleveland Dot plots: tick labels and error bars
I've been learning how to make a 2x2 paneled dotplot in lattice without any
previous experience using lattice.
my code thusfar is:
nut<-read.table("/Users/colinwahl/Desktop/nutsimp_noerror.csv", T, sep=
nut1<-data.frame(Nitrate, Total_Nitrogen, Phosphate, Total_Phosphorus)
ylimlist=list(c(0,10), c(0,10), c(0,0.25), c(0,0.25))
dotplot(nut1, groups=FALSE, horizontal=FALSE, scales = list(relation='free'
), ylim=ylimlist, ylab="Nutrient Concentration (mg/L)")
I have two issues cur...
2009 Dec 17
some help regarding combining columns from different files
Dear all,
Here is my code which am using to combine 5th column from different data
Here is the function to do my job
genesymbol.append.file <-NULL
gene.column <- NULL
readGeneSymbol <- function(files,genesymbol.column=5){
for(i in fnames){
temp <- read.table(fnames,header=T,sep="\t",stringsAsFactors=F,quote="\"")