Displaying 7 results from an estimated 7 matches for "ph_get_package_database_mtime".
2019 Mar 04
[supermin PATCH] rebuild the output it when SUPERMIN_KERNEL or SUPERMIN_MODULES are defined
--- a/src/supermin.ml
+++ b/src/supermin.ml
@@ -236,13 +236,17 @@ appliance automatically.
if if_newer then (
- let odate = (lstat outputdir).st_mtime in
- let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
- let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
- if debug >= 1 then
- printf "supermin: if-newer: output does not need rebuilding\n%!";
- exit 0
+ let kernel = try getenv "SUPERMIN_KERNEL" with Not_found -&...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH 0/4] Check for output results for --if-newer (RHBZ#1813809)
This is an attempt to make supermin check for the existing results of an
output when checking whether the appliance must be rebuilt using
At the moment it is implemented only for the build mode, and for its
ext2 output format.
Pino Toscano (4):
build: factor ext2 filenames
Tighten Unix_error check for missing outputdir
Extend modes with list of outputs
build: set
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH 3/4] Extend modes with list of outputs
...outputs args inputs in
+ let mode_outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) mode_outputs in
+ let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: mode_outputs) in
let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
+ if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
if debug >= 1 then
printf "supermin: if-newer: output does no...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH v2 4/4] build: check for outputs in --if-newer check (RHBZ#1813809)
...Mode_build.get_outputs args inputs in
+ let outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) outputs in
+ let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: outputs) in
let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
+ if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
if debug >= 1 then
printf "supermin: if-newer: output does no...
2020 Apr 03
Re: [supermin PATCH 3/4] Extend modes with list of outputs
> + let mode_outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) mode_outputs in
> + let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: mode_outputs) in
> let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
> let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
> - if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
> + if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
> if debug >= 1 then
> printf "supermin: if-n...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH v2 0/4] Check for output results for --if-newer (RHBZ#1813809)
This is an attempt to make supermin check for the existing results of an
output when checking whether the appliance must be rebuilt using
At the moment it is implemented only for the ext2 output format of the
build mode.
Changes from v1:
- drop empty stub for the prepare mode
- add patch to ignore --if-newer on modes different than build
- squash patch with stub for the build mode
2014 Feb 25
[PATCH supermin v4] Supermin 5 rewrite.
...gt; PackageSet.t;
+ ph_get_all_requires : PackageSet.t -> PackageSet.t;
+ ph_get_files : package -> file list;
+ ph_get_all_files : PackageSet.t -> file list;
+ ph_download_package : package -> string -> unit;
+ ph_download_all_packages : PackageSet.t -> string -> unit;
+ ph_get_package_database_mtime : unit -> float;
+(* Suggested memoization functions. *)
+let get_memo_functions () =
+ let id = ref 0 in
+ let h1 = Hashtbl.create 13 and h2 = Hashtbl.create 13 in
+ let internal_of_pkg pkg =
+ try Hashtbl.find h1 pkg with Not_found -> assert false
+ in
+ let pkg_of_internal int...