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2005 Nov 28
str and structable error
Hallo I encountered a behaviour which puzzles me (but finally I did get what I wanted). I used structable and strucplot but I wanted to change names of variables in structable object. I tried to subset it, use names but to no avail. So I tried str and expected to get a structure of an object but: > sss<-structable(Titanic) > str(sss) Error in "[.structable"(x, args[[1]],
2018 Feb 13
plotting the regression coefficients
Hi scale_colour_gradient(?red?, ?blue?) should do the trick. Actually I found it by Google ggplot colour question. So you could find it too and probably far more quickly then myself as I have also other duties. Cheers
2018 Feb 12
plotting the regression coefficients
Hi Petr and Richard; Thanks for your responses and supports. I just faced a different problem. I have the following R codes and work well. p <- ggplot(a, aes(x=Phenotypes, y=Metabolites, size=abs(Beta), colour=factor(sign(Beta)))) + theme(axis.text=element_text(size = 5)) p1<-p+geom_point() p2<-p1+theme(panel.grid.major = element_blank(), panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
2018 Feb 12
plotting the regression coefficients
Hi After melt you can change levels of your factor variable. Again with the toy example. > levels(temp$variable) [1] "y1" "y2" "y3" "y4" > levels(temp$variable) <- levels(temp$variable)[c(2,4,1,3)] > levels(temp$variable) [1] "y2" "y4" "y1" "y3" > And you will get graphs with this new levels ordering.
2018 Feb 12
plotting the regression coefficients
Petr, there was a thinko in your response. tmp <- data.frame(m=factor(letters[1:4]), n=1:4) tmp tmp$m <- factor(tmp$m, levels=c("c","b","a","d")) ## right tmp[order(tmp$m),] tmp <- data.frame(m=factor(letters[1:4]), n=1:4) levels(tmp$m) <- c("c","b","a","d") ## wrong tmp[order(tmp$m),] changing levels
2008 Jan 10
4 dimensional graphics
Dear all I want to display 4 dimensional space by some suitable way. I searched CRAN and found miscellaneous 3 dim graphics packages which I maybe can modify but anyway I am open to any hint how to efficiently display data like: longitude, latitude, height, value Thank you Petr Pikal petr.pikal at
2020 Oct 23
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
Thank you, but this split the area into two and distorts the shape of the plot. (compared to ``` p + geom_abline(slope = slope_1, intercept = intercept_1 - 1/w[2], linetype = "dashed", col = "royalblue") + geom_abline(slope = slope_1, intercept = intercept_1 + 1/w[2], linetype = "dashed", col = "royalblue") ``` Why there
2003 Jul 16
bwplot does something weird with Hmisc library attached
Dear all I would like to ask you about possible bug in using bwplot (from lattice) together with Hmisc library attached. I found it in my actual data, but here is a toy example. It appears only when some levels are missing. library(lattice) library(Hmisc) # preparing data x1<-rnorm(10,5,1) x2<-rnorm(10,5,5) x3<-rnorm(10,1,1) x4<-rnorm(10,1,5) x<-c(x1,x2,x3,x4) x<-c(x,x+5)
2007 Jun 27
make check for 2.5.1 RC fails on mbcsToSbcs in graphics
configure and make run OK, but make check failed for R version 2.5.1 RC (2007-06-26 r42068) on graphics with error: > ## The following two examples use latin1 characters: these may not > ## appear correctly (or be omitted entirely). > plot(1:10, 1:10, main = "text(...) examples\n~~~~~~~~~~~~~~", + sub = "R is GNU ?, but not ? ...") Error in title(...) :
2020 Oct 26
How to shade area between lines in ggplot2
Hi Put fill outside aes p+geom_ribbon(aes(ymin = slope_1*x + intercept_1 - 1/w[2], ymax = slope_1*x + intercept_1 + 1/w[2]), fill = "blue", alpha=0.1) The "hole" is because you have two levels of data (red and blue). To get rid of this you should put new data in ribbon call. Something like newdat <- trainset newdat$z <- factor(0) p+geom_ribbon(data=newdat, aes(ymin =
2017 Oct 13
How to define proper breaks in RFM analysis
> On Oct 13, 2017, at 2:51 AM, PIKAL Petr <petr.pikal at> wrote: > > Hi > > You expect us to solve your problem but you ignore advice already recieved. > > Your data are unreadable, use dput(yourdata) instead. see ?dput > >> test<-read.table("clipboard", heade=T) > Error in scan(file = file, what = what, sep = sep, quote = quote,
2016 Jul 14
Host not reachable over UDP
You might want to try with - that said, this bug probably doesn't explain everything because tinc is supposed to log a message from setup_vpn_in_socket() anyway, but there's no such message in your log. In addition, I really don't see any way the "Received UDP packet from unknown source" message could be logged if the UDP socket
2005 Feb 09
[Fwd: Re: Fw: Contour plot]
Petr, It works perfectly! But I still have a question; I have fit the following data; x,y,z 1,10,11 2,11,15 3,12,21 4,13,29 5,14,39 6,15,51 7,16,65 8,17,81 9,18,99 10,19,119 >dat.lm <- lm(z~I(x^2)+y, data=dat) >dat.lm Call: lm(formula = z ~ I(x^2) + y, data = dat) Coefficients: (Intercept) I(x^2) y 1.841e-14 1.000e+00 1.000e+00 How do I create the
2006 Sep 18
Question on apply() with more information...
>From: =?ISO646-US?Q?Gunther_H=3Fning?= <gunther.hoening at> >Date: 2006/09/18 Mon AM 06:26:25 CDT >To: 'Petr Pikal' <petr.pikal at> >Cc: r-help at >Subject: Re: [R] Question on apply() with more information... I think you want something like below but it probably needs some fixing up because i don't recall the syntax
2007 Jan 05
Fast Removing Duplicates from Every Column
Hi, I'm looking for some lines of code that does the following: I have a dataframe with 160 Columns and a number of rows (max 30): Col1 Col2 Col3 ... Col 159 Col 160 Row 1 0 0 LD ... 0 VD Row 2 HD 0 0 0 MD Row 3 0 HD HD 0 LD Row 4 LD HD HD 0 LD ... ... LastRow HD HD LD 0 MD Now I want a dataframe that looks like this. As you see
2004 Jun 09
"attach" in R corr. to Spus one
Hi, I am a newbie to R, just trying to switch from Splus. I am wondering to know if there is any such command in R as "attach" in Splus which can be used to attach the full directory. Also, any idea/referrence about, how to load c functions in R would be highly appreciated. Thanks, Utsav
2005 Nov 02
encoding tool
hallo I want to reencode mp3's to a 128 kbps rate, in order to avoid "on-the-fly encoding" feature what program I need ? is switching format from mp3 to ogg a good option ? thanks, petre -- Petre Bandac Network Scientist - petre at
2003 May 20
plot POSIX class and identify
Hallo all just a small question I did not find an answer in help pages. Is it possible to use identify() after plotting with plot.POSIX to label points and/or to find out some points? Thanks a lot. Best regards Petr Pikal petr.pikal at p.pik at
2006 Apr 05
(Fwd) Re: Reading xyz data from a file and plotting a cont
BTW. I checked help page of contour and maybe it could mention a note about akima package or interp function. Petr ------- Forwarded message follows ------- From: Petr Pikal <petr.pikal at> To: "Abhinav Verma" <abhinav1205 at>, r-help at Subject: Re: [R] Reading xyz data from a file and plotting a
2018 Feb 12
plotting the regression coefficients
Hi Petr; Thanks so much. This is great! Although last Sunday, alternatively, I have solved the problem using the following statement at the very end of the program. * ggsave('circle.pdf', p4, height = 70, width = 8, device=pdf, limitsize = F, dpi=300).* This works very well too. Asa my categorical variables are in my Y axis, my R program reorders the names on Y-axis. However, I would