search for: perma

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 30 matches for "perma".

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2016 Feb 01
In A UEFI World, "rm -rf /" Can Brick Your System
Excerpt: Running rm -rf / on any UEFI Linux distribution can potentially perma-brick your system. As a public service announcement, recursively removing all of your files from / is no longer recommended. On UEFI distributions by default where EFI variables are accessible via /sys, this can now mean trashing your UEFI implementation. There is this systemd bug report requesti...
2006 Mar 07
maintaining application state/urls
Hi All Not specifically a scriptaculous question, but I was wondering how people were going about maintaining access to their applications via standard urls. Say for example I''ve a shop at, and its pure ajax to load in products. Now customer A wants to show a friend a product on the site - giving him the url and telling him to click on a series of links
2016 Feb 01
In A UEFI World, "rm -rf /" Can Brick Your System
Once upon a time, m.roth at <m.roth at> said: > Excerpt: > Running rm -rf / on any UEFI Linux distribution can potentially > perma-brick your system. Did someone think running "rm -rf /" is a good idea? > Ok, *now* tell me why we shouldn't hate systemd? This has zero to do with systemd. This is a by-product of how the kernel driver and user-space tools for EFI are implemented. The kernel driver exposes EF...
2016 Feb 01
In A UEFI World, "rm -rf /" Can Brick Your System
On Mon, February 1, 2016 1:33 pm, m.roth at wrote: > Excerpt: > Running rm -rf / on any UEFI Linux distribution can potentially > perma-brick your system. Yes, I kind of like "rm -rf /". If my memory doesn't fail me, long ago it was one of the tricky questions in sysadmin exam (not that anymore if I read what you, Michael, write further correctly...). Anyway, let's imagine we are back then, then what rm -rf / w...
2009 Jan 30
Patch to log tunnel information
First, all credit to Vladimir Parkhaev as this is his code. He may have submitted this before for all I know, but I for one definitely would like to see this end up in the codebase, so I'm submitting it. *** openssh-5.1p1/serverloop.c Fri Jul 4 09:10:49 2008 --- openssh-5.1p1-RCFHACKS/serverloop.c Thu Jan 29 08:56:11 2009 *************** *** 957,962 **** --- 957,968 ---- c =
2006 Oct 30
My showdown: Ruby/Rails, Perl/Catalyst, Python/Turbogears
...cluster solution. Using Turbogears (Python) Pretty productive here as well right off the bat. Documentation is sparse at best and this hampers you when you want to step out of the box. Production is pretty easy, using CherryPy and Apache is fairly easy to get going. Turbogears seems to be in perma-beta though. Also its confusing in the sense of which template system you want to use, which ORM to use (SQLAlchemy, SQLOBject, etc.) I wish they would just pick one and stick with it. Rails uses ActiveRecord and thats good enough - I can focus on just that. Perl Catalyst Runs fast. Not th...
2007 Apr 24
Logging enhancement
I would like to suggest a logging enhancement that would contribute greatly to access auditing. Currently nothing is logged when a user connects to another server as a different user. The auditing trail is broken for tracing access. userA> ssh userB at hostB A simple syslog addition (for example) to ssh.c closes that gap. /* Log into the remote system. This never
2008 Feb 20
alignment problem in monitor_fdpass.c
Hi, After FreeBSD changed from using -O2 to using -O on their ARM port, I found that sshd stopped working. (gcc version 4.2.1 20070719 [FreeBSD]) I have downloaded openssh-SNAP-20080220.tar.gz and the code still look the same. Anyway looking into it, I found that the problem is in monitor_fdpass.c in the functions mm_send_fd and mm_receive_fd. Using -O2 used to align the tmp array on a 4 byte
2008 Sep 02
Queries on ssh_askpass
Hi, I had developed a program which spawns a shell where i am trying to use ssh commands to log into a linux server. There is a pop up dialog window which is prompting me for key-ing the password. Actually i want to get rid of this pop up dialog box, as i don't want this to be visible in my program/code execution. Could you please let me know is there any way to resolve and stop this
2008 Mar 07
Command-based ssh_config declarations
How difficult would it be to enhance the client ssh_config file to allow command-based declarations similar to that provided by the "Host" keyword? The main reason I need something like this is when ssh is used via CVS and Subversion. I want all CVS/Subversion traffic to use a different SSH port and different authentication options. So... you might have an ssh_config file that
2009 Jan 20
OpenSSH private key encryption: time for AES?
...(GnuPG key ID: C6F31FFA >>>>>> ) (GnuPG fingerprint: 99D8:1D89:8C66:08B5:5C34::5527:A543:8C33:C6F3:1FFA) +----------------------------------------------------------------------+ |[L]iberty, as we all know, cannot flourish in a country that is perma-| | nently on a war footing, or even a near-war footing. --Aldous Huxley| +----------------------------------------------------------------------+
2008 Dec 16
Request change to file match.c, function match_pattern_list
...ive */ In case the lines above wrapped in the email transmission, the diff is attached as a .gz file. -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: match.c.diff.gz Type: application/x-gzip Size: 104 bytes Desc: not available Url : -------------- next part -------------- Justification ------------- On a system running Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4, I wanted to use a configuration of the following form in sshd_config: DenyUsers oracle@!localhost.localdom...
2006 May 10
Patch to add resume feature to scp
Dear all, I have enhanced scp to do the following. 1) Check the SHA1 checksums of the file fragments at the source and destination and resume file transfer from where it left off last time 2) If the file checksums match and size also matches, then the file is assumed to be identical and skipped, the user is also informed of the same 3) If the destination file size is larger than the source,
2007 Dec 26
sshd's -e doesn't work as expected
Hello, I'm running a sshd server using the -e flag so that I can capture its whole output and later send it to the user. I'm also setting LogLevel to DEBUG1 in the configuration file and I don't want to disturb syslogd. But the problem is that it doesn't work as expected (or as I expect, which I think should be the correct behavior). The log file ends up being empty because the
2008 Dec 09
Feature request: AlwaysDenyLogin, LoginDelayTime
Please consider adding the following features to sshd: 1. AlwaysDenyLogin - a setting that will result in always denying login regardless of the credentials given by the client. 2. LoginDelayTime - to specify a delay in milliseconds before the server responds to a client's login attempt. These would help to employ brute force bots. Regards
2008 Jul 15
Risk of StrictMode (but read only)
Is there a risk associated with having authorized_keys files set to readable but "StrictMode no"? I am thinking particularly in the case of having public keys all centralized in a directory in /etc or something. Is it really a potential hack vector if someone can read a public key, or is the only real danger if they were writable? --- Don Hoover dxh at
2008 Aug 20
using ssh-add unattended on dubious files -- how can i avoid a hang?
...ive key file)? Is this a bug, or am i doing something wrong? Pointers appreciated, --dkg -------------- next part -------------- A non-text attachment was scrubbed... Name: not available Type: application/pgp-signature Size: 826 bytes Desc: not available Url :
2006 Dec 01
mirroring a loop device across an ssh connection
all, I've been looking into a secure way of accessing a remote loopback encrypted partition securely via openssh. The basic idea I have currently is that a file/partition is connected to /dev/loop0 on a remote server, which I have an ssh connection to. I hold the key (for cryptsetup via dm_crypt) on the local client. I'd like to mirror the loop device of the server on the client.
2007 Jun 25
quota calculating
Hey everyone, Currently where I work we use qmail. Every time a message is delivered, qmail seems to walk through the user's entire maildir in order to calculate quota usage. Delivering messages simultaneously to just a few users who are allowed large maildirs (1-2GB) will bring our servers to their knees. Which brings me to dovecot. I use dovecot whereever I can, but haven't yet
2006 Jul 31
Ruby on Snails
...9;s next project is going to be 100% RoR and I already expect our dev time to be less than that of ASP.NET/C# (our current tool). Rails is evolving very fast and that is actually a good thing. (Begin Microsoft Rant --> Rails has excellent AJAX support whereas ASP.NET has STILL got Atlas in perma-beta. Sorry Microsoft but 7+ months and counting to get a released version of Atlas out is unacceptable - where does all that R&D money go? Answer: pie in the sky ideas like Zune and XBox). -- Posted via