Displaying 20 results from an estimated 36 matches for "pdate".
Did you mean:
2009 Mar 14
Format about Date and time
1 2030 0 -57.0 12/20/08 17:03:00
2 2030 90 90.0 12/20/08 18:41:00
3 2030 45 43.8 12/21/08 14:36:00
4 2030 0 -23.8 12/21/08 19:30:00
5 2030 90 90.2 12/21/08 21:48:00
6 2030 45 48.6 12/22/08 13:02:00
I wan to convert the format of Date and Time, so I did this:
pdate <- as.POSIXct(strptime(FormatedData$Date,"%m/%d/%Y"))
ptime <- as.POSIXct(strptime(FormatedData$Time,"%H:%M:%S"))
but I get the following format:
> head(NewFormatedData)
ID Target Actual Date Time pdate ptime
1 2030 0 -57.0 12/20/08...
2018 Apr 15
Adding a new conditional column to a list of dataframes
...nted to add a new column to each dataframe based on a certain condition which is the same for all dataframes.
When I extract one dataframe and apply my code it works very well as follows :-
First suppose this is my first dataframe in the list
> OneDF <- Mylist[[1]]
> OneDF
ID Pdate Tdate
1 2010-09-30 2011-05-10
2 2011-11-07 2009-09-31
3 2012-01-05 2008-06-23
To add a new column where "C" has to be written in that column only if the date in
"Tdate" column is less than the first date(row) in &...
2018 Apr 15
Adding a new conditional column to a list of dataframes
...ondition which is the same for all dataframes.
> When I extract one dataframe and apply my code it works very well as follows :-
> First suppose this is my first dataframe in the list
>> OneDF <- Mylist[[1]]
>> OneDF
> ID Pdate Tdate
> 1 2010-09-30 2011-05-10
> 2 2011-11-07 2009-09-31
> 3 2012-01-05 2008-06-23
> To add a new column where "C" has to be written in that column only if the date in
> "T...
2006 Jul 21
[RESOLVED] Marshal.dump not dumping entire object?
...nding this I realized that this was a Ruby not Rails issue -
but the answer may be interesting for those who choose Marshal over
So, to close this off I don''t know why marshal.dump wasn''t ''dumping''
all attributes, but adding custom marshaling to PDate did the trick.
+ def marshal_dump
+ dumped_obj = [date_precision, ajd, sg, of]
+ dumped_obj
+ end
+ def marshal_load(dumped_obj)
+ @date_precision, @ajd, @sg, @of = dumped_obj
+ end
For those that use Runt, I''ve submitted a patch.
2019 Mar 04
[supermin PATCH] rebuild the output it when SUPERMIN_KERNEL or SUPERMIN_MODULES are defined
index 7c7135b3..b997643 100644
--- a/src/supermin.ml
+++ b/src/supermin.ml
@@ -236,13 +236,17 @@ appliance automatically.
if if_newer then (
- let odate = (lstat outputdir).st_mtime in
- let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
- let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
- if debug >= 1 then
- printf "supermin: if-newer: output does not need rebuilding\n%!";
- exit 0
+ let kernel =...
2006 Jul 21
Marshal.dump not dumping entire object?
...'ve simultaneously filed this problem with Matt Lipper,
I''m also hoping someone here can can guide me a little - either in
implementation (usage of Marshal), or to aid me to fix Runt to
support Marshal.
Loading development environment.
>> start_time = Runt::PDate.min(Runt::REDay::ANY_DATE.year,
Runt::REDay::ANY_DATE.month,Runt::REDay::ANY_DATE.day, 8, 11)
=> #<Runt::PDate: 3531621371/1440,0,2299161>
>> data = Marshal.dump(start_time)
=> "\004\010u:\020Runt::PDateA\004\010[\010o:\rRational\a:
2006 Jun 12
compare Date with TIme
When returning data from a database column set as a date field I get
I am then have these two lines of code in my controller, taht gain the
date I require.
pNow = Time.now
@pDate = Time.local(pNow.year, pNow.month, 1)
At the monment one is set to a date data type while one is set to a Time
data type.
how can i change these to be the same data type so i can run a > if
statment on both of them to compare whats greater than the other?
Posted via http://...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH 0/4] Check for output results for --if-newer (RHBZ#1813809)
This is an attempt to make supermin check for the existing results of an
output when checking whether the appliance must be rebuilt using
At the moment it is implemented only for the build mode, and for its
ext2 output format.
Pino Toscano (4):
build: factor ext2 filenames
Tighten Unix_error check for missing outputdir
Extend modes with list of outputs
build: set
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH 3/4] Extend modes with list of outputs
...| Build -> Mode_build.get_outputs args inputs in
+ let mode_outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) mode_outputs in
+ let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: mode_outputs) in
let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
+ if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
if debug >= 1 then...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH v2 4/4] build: check for outputs in --if-newer check (RHBZ#1813809)
...st_mtime in
+ let outputs = Mode_build.get_outputs args inputs in
+ let outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) outputs in
+ let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: outputs) in
let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
- if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
+ if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
if debug >= 1 then...
2020 Apr 03
Re: [supermin PATCH 3/4] Extend modes with list of outputs
...we're in prepare mode?
> + let mode_outputs = List.map ((//) outputdir) mode_outputs in
> + let odates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) (outputdir :: mode_outputs) in
> let idates = List.map (fun d -> (lstat d).st_mtime) inputs in
> let pdate = (get_package_handler ()).ph_get_package_database_mtime () in
> - if List.for_all (fun idate -> idate < odate) (pdate :: idates) then (
> + if List.for_all (fun idate -> List.for_all (fun odate -> idate < odate) odates) (pdate :: idates) then (
> if debug...
2012 Jul 16
histogram of time-stamp data
A data set consists of time-stamp values:
The data set was imported:
...error... x must be numeric
Then tried:
How to adjust the graph to create a histogram where the intervals
ranges can be specified, e.g. intervals of 60 minutes?
Thanks in advance.
2020 Aug 24
Samba rpms now available from CentOS Storage SIG
On Tue, 2020-08-18 at 04:09 -0400, Nico Kadel-Garcia via samba wrote:
> Then what, precisely, is the point of these non-RHEL supported
> updates, rather than using the versions built into the base RHEL and
> CentOS?
> If you'd like the tools to enable domain controller access. I publish
> a set of them, pdated a few days ago to 4.13.0rc2., at
> * https://github.com/nkadel/samba4repo/
> I may be a bit f...
2008 Sep 11
(Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError) can't get connected to the net!
Hello everyone, I recently picked up the Agile web dev with Rail book
and followed the installation instructions for Windows using
InstantRails... well it works up until the point i try to......
''gem update rails --include-dependencies''
..... i end up with the following error message:
pdating installed gems...
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Gem::RemoteFetcher::FetchError)
A Request to send ro recieve data was disallowed because the
socket is not connected and (when sending a datagam so...
2013 Jul 18
Puppetlabs Apt module: dependency cycle
Using ```puppetlabs/apt``` in a puppet provisioner for vagrant. the
module is installed in puppet/modules and I''m getting a strange Dependency
cycle error.
the code in the manifest file:
# Run apt-get update when anything beneath /etc/apt/ changes
#taken from
exec { "apt-get update":
command => "/usr/bin/apt-get update",
onlyif => "/bin/sh -c ''[ ! -f /var/ca...
2020 Apr 03
[supermin PATCH v2 0/4] Check for output results for --if-newer (RHBZ#1813809)
This is an attempt to make supermin check for the existing results of an
output when checking whether the appliance must be rebuilt using
At the moment it is implemented only for the ext2 output format of the
build mode.
Changes from v1:
- drop empty stub for the prepare mode
- add patch to ignore --if-newer on modes different than build
- squash patch with stub for the build mode
2020 Aug 17
Samba rpms now available from CentOS Storage SIG
> > Anoop C S.
> Hi Anoop, Are these packages capable of provisioning an AD domain
> with
> Heimdal ?
Nope, these are built with system MIT kerberos requirement and does not
contain bits and pieces to setup Samba as an AD domain controller.
For better clarity I will update wiki page to contain this information.
Anoop C S.
2004 Feb 02
sorting by date
I have set up a data.frame and one of the columns contains a date of the
form (with slashes as separators):
I would like to use formulas on other columns in the data.frame organized
by date, for example:
tapply(var1, sort(date), mean)
However, when I try sort(date) it sorts based on the first two entries in
the date field:
9/1/2001 9/1/2002 9/1/2003 9/2/2001 ...
5.6 7.5
2018 Dec 08
.../backup/solr/solrconfig.xml.joan 2018-12-08 14:31:47.716344505
+++ solrconfig.xml 2018-12-08 15:36:28.948267225 +0000
@@ -1128,6 +1128,7 @@
See http://wiki.apache.org/solr/GuessingFieldTypes
+ <schemaFactory class="ClassicIndexSchemaFactory"></schemaFactory>
<updateProcessor class="solr.UUIDUpdateProcessorFactory" name="uuid"/>
<updateProcessor class="solr.RemoveBlankFieldUpdateProcessorFactory"
<updateProcessor class="solr.FieldNameMutatingUpdateProcessorFactory"
2006 Aug 09
GemNotFoundException installing Rails - actionpack not in the repository
Hi all,
I got an error on gem install rails which I do not understand?
What am I doing wrong?
Any help or suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
ttempting local installation of ''rails''
ocal gem file not found: rails*.gem
ttempting remote installation of ''rails''
pdating Gem source index for: http://gems.rubyforge.org
nstall required dependency