search for: pbkrtest

Displaying 16 results from an estimated 16 matches for "pbkrtest".

2016 Jul 21
Error con la R Commander
Hola, hace unos días actualicé los paquetes que tenía instalados en R y se me actualizó R Commander. Ahora, cuando intento, abrir el paquete me da el siguiente error: Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) : namespace ?pbkrtest? 0.4-2 is being loaded, but >= 0.4.4 is required La versión que tengo instalada de R es la 3.2.1 para Mac. He visto los requisitos de RCommander y parece que tengo todos los paquetes que necesita instalados. ¿Cómo puedo arreglarlo? Toda ayuda será bienvenida. Muchas gracias
2016 Apr 08
Rcmdr will not load
...ow whenever I try to access Rcmdr I get an error message. > library(Rcmdr) Loading required package: splines Loading required package: RcmdrMisc Loading required package: car Error in loadNamespace(j <- i[[1L]], c(lib.loc, .libPaths()), versionCheck = vI[[j]]) : there is no package called ?pbkrtest? Error: package ?car? could not be loaded When I use the package manager/installer in the R console and try to load car it won't load either. -Kyra [[alternative HTML version deleted]]
2013 Sep 13
R CMD check fails in R-devel r63910
...reconcilePropertiesAndPrototype(name, slots, prototype, superClasses, : no definition was found for superclass "merMod" in the specification of class "merModLmerTest" In DESCRIPTION file I have: Depends: Matrix, stats, methods, lme4 Imports: numDeriv, MASS, Hmisc, gplots, pbkrtest I have classes.R file where I specify that "merModLmerTest" class should inherit "merMod": merModLmerTest <- setClass("merModLmerTest", contains = "merMod") But it seems like in R devel r63910 this line cannot be seen... This error I have seen for a fe...
2012 Sep 17
"eval" inside a function call in connection with updating the data slot in the call of lmer
...ow work whereas 3) fails with the message > foo() Error in : object 'beets2' not found Question: What is it one must to in case 3) to have R look "inside" the function to figure out what "beets2" is? Best regards S?ren ________________ library(pbkrtest) data(beets) lgs <- lmer(sugpct~block+sow+harvest+(1|block:harvest), data=beets, REML=F) foo <- function(){ ## 1) beets2 <- transform(beets, yy = sugpct * yield) ma1 <- lmer(yy~block+sow+harvest+(1|block:harvest), data=beets2, REML=F) ma0 <- update(ma1, yy~.) ## 2) cl...
2017 Oct 20
error install package. are in ??? ?/tmp/RtmpKic0qw/downloaded_packages? Warning messages: 1: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?nloptr? had non-zero exit status 2: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?lme4? had non-zero exit status 3: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?pbkrtest? had non-zero exit status 4: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?effects? had non-zero exit status 5: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?car? had non-zero exit status 6: In install.packages() : ? installation of package ?RcmdrMisc? had non-zero exit status The nex...
2017 Oct 21
Problem when installing lme4 under Debian stretch
...if you are using the unstable distribution that some required packages have not yet been created or been moved out of Incoming. The following information may help to resolve the situation: The following packages have unmet dependencies: r-cran-car : Depends: r-api-3 Depends: r-cran-pbkrtest but it is not going to be installed Depends: r-cran-quantreg but it is not going to be installed E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. Given the message, should I assume that lme4 (and car) cannot be installed on my setup? Many thanks in advance! On Sat, Oc...
2023 Jun 06
Fwd: package interflex
...nstallation of package 'nloptr' had non-zero exit status > | > 2: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | > installation of package 'lme4' had non-zero exit status > | > 3: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | > installation of package 'pbkrtest' had non-zero exit status > | > 4: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | > installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status > | > 5: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | > | installation of package 'AER' had non-zero exit status...
2023 Jun 06
Fwd: package interflex
...llation of package 'nloptr' had non-zero exit status | | > 2: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | >? installation of package 'lme4' had non-zero exit status | | > 3: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | >? installation of package 'pbkrtest' had non-zero exit status | | > 4: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | >? installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status | | > 5: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | | |? installation of package 'AER' had non-zero exit s...
2017 Oct 21
Problem when installing lme4 under Debian stretch the unstable | distribution that some required packages have not yet been created | or been moved out of Incoming. | The following information may help to resolve the situation: | | The following packages have unmet dependencies: | r-cran-car : Depends: r-api-3 | Depends: r-cran-pbkrtest but it is not going to be installed | Depends: r-cran-quantreg but it is not going to be installed | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. | | | Given the message, should I assume that lme4 (and car) cannot be installed | on my setup? Many thanks in advance!...
2023 Jun 07
Fwd: package interflex
...#39;nloptr' had non-zero exit status > | | > 2: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | | > installation of package 'lme4' had non-zero exit status > | | > 3: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | | > installation of package 'pbkrtest' had non-zero exit status > | | > 4: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | | > installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status > | | > 5: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : > | | > | | installation of package 'AER...
2017 Oct 21
Problem when installing lme4 under Debian stretch
I am a new user in the Linux environment and recently encountered an error when trying to install the car package. The error was related to installation of a dependency (lme4). Here is the output from the installation: * installing *source* package ?lme4? ... ** package ?lme4? successfully unpacked and MD5 sums checked ** libs g++ -I/usr/share/R/include -DNDEBUG
2017 Oct 21
Problem when installing lme4 under Debian stretch you are using the backport of R 3.4.2, which provides r-api-3.4. With this backport installed, you cannot use the binary packages from the stretch archive. > | The following packages have unmet dependencies: > | r-cran-car : Depends: r-api-3 > | > | Depends: r-cran-pbkrtest but it is not going to be installed > | Depends: r-cran-quantreg but it is not going to be installed > | > | E: Unable to correct problems, you have held broken packages. > | > | > | Given the message, should I assume that lme4 (and car) cannot be installed > |...
2023 Jun 07
Fwd: package interflex
...had non-zero exit status >> | | > 2: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : >> | | > installation of package 'lme4' had non-zero exit status >> | | > 3: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : >> | | > installation of package 'pbkrtest' had non-zero exit status >> | | > 4: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : >> | | > installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status >> | | > 5: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : >> | | >> | | installation...
2023 Jun 07
Fwd: package interflex
...llation of package 'nloptr' had non-zero exit status | | > 2: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | > installation of package 'lme4' had non-zero exit status | | > 3: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | > installation of package 'pbkrtest' had non-zero exit status | | > 4: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | > installation of package 'car' had non-zero exit status | | > 5: In utils::install.packages(package, ...) : | | | | installation of package 'AER' had non-zero exit s...
2016 May 06
Is it possible to increase MAX_NUM_DLLS in future R releases?
Thanks for all your great answers. The app I?m working on is indeed an exploratory data analysis tool for gene expression, which requires a bunch of bioconductor packages. I guess for now, my best solution is to divide my app into modules and load/unload packages as the user switch from one module to another. This brought me another question: it seems that unload package with the
2012 Apr 15
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week
CRAN (and crantastic) updates this week New packages ------------ * disclapmix (0.1) Maintainer: Mikkel Meyer Andersen Author(s): Mikkel Meyer Andersen and Poul Svante Eriksen License: GPL-2 disclapmix makes inference in a mixture of Discrete Laplace distributions using the EM algorithm. * EstSimPDMP (1.1) Maintainer: Unknown Author(s):