Displaying 1 result from an estimated 1 matches for "passwordmanag".
2008 Nov 06
0.7.8 Note on Systray App Requiring Password
...sue I have encountered has been with the password
management application keepassx, for openSuSE:
14:12 alchemy~> wp keepassx
6 results (3 packages) found for "keepassx" in openSUSE_110
* keepassx: KeePassX Cross Platform Password Manager
- 0.3.3 [BS::home:/vinboy | BS::security:/passwordmanagement]
* keepassx-debuginfo: Debug information for package keepassx
- 0.3.3 [BS::home:/vinboy | BS::security:/passwordmanagement]
* keepassx-debugsource: Debug sources for package keepassx
- 0.3.3 [BS::home:/vinboy | BS::security:/passwordmanagement]
or, generally: