search for: password_field

Displaying 20 results from an estimated 73 matches for "password_field".

2007 Sep 18
Setting default value in text_field/password_field
...>First Name</label><br/> <%= f.text_field :firstname%></p> ... <p><label for ="email"%>Email</label><br/> <%=f.text_field :email %></p> <p><label for="password"%>Password</label><br/> <%=f.password_field :password %></p> ... <p><%= submit_tab ''Sign up'' %></p> <% end -%> I would like to produce something of this type for both text_field and password_field <input type="text" name = "email" value="something-ejp3exJ1mLY@pub...
2010 Feb 20
formhelper password_field only takes two arguments
When I look at the docs, password_field seems to take 3 arguments. So when I ''play around" with things and I attempt to pass three arguments to password_field ... I get an error saying that it only takes two parameters ("3 for 2") I am totally lost. -- Posted via -- You received th...
2008 Aug 26
undefined method
I''m trying to pass a method to another object/method as a variable. Example one, login 1 works just fine. def login1 @driver.Login(username, password) end However, if I try to pass "Login" to the driver as an argument (example two Login 2), I get "undefined method `command_string'' for #<SOAP::RPC::Driver:0x316dc28>" "Login" is a legit
2006 Jan 10
Changing scaffold''s text_field to a password_field causes white screen of death in mozilla?
...e I was getting failure of a particular action in a controller while others worked. What was irritating was that there were no useful messages. Nothing to the browser, nothing in logs, and even the breakpoints wouldn''t hit. Finally by a process of elemination I found that the culprit was a password_field which I had put in place of a scaffold generated text_field...actually a text_area since I was going to use Sentry to encrypt I had made the field in the db a ''text'' type. WHen I ran unit test on the controller I would get a message like .."expected a redirect_to but...
2006 Mar 29
Simply Getting Post Params the model. There is an associated add_user action in the login_controller that passes the params to when a new user is created. My question is that I want the password to be verified and entered twice to ensure the user types the correct password. To do this I thought of adding a password_field("validate_pass","pass") to the form in the view. All the other form helpers are mapped to the "user" object. (i.e. text_field("user", "username"). I then wanted to add a validate method in the User model to check that self.password == this valida...
2006 Jul 17
error_messages_for ?
...orm: ----------- <%= form_tag :controller => "contact", :action => "addClient" %> <%= error_messages_for ''client'' %> .... <td><%= text_field "client", "login",:size => 10 %></td> <td><%= password_field "client", "password",:size => 10 %></td> <td><%= password_field "client", "confirm_password",:size => 10 %></td> ... controller: ------------- if ( redirect_to :action => &quot...
2012 Sep 17
require current_password to update user information
...der json: @user.errors, status: :unprocessable_entity } end end end here''s my form view <% if params[:action] == "edit" %> <div class="field"> <%= f.label :password %><br /> <%= f.password_field :current_password, :placeholder => "current password" %> </div> <% end %> <div class="field"> <%= f.label :password, "Password" %><br /> <%= f.password_field :password, size: 40 %> </div> &...
2008 Feb 14
How do I access this parameter? -%> <!-- more code --> <p><label for="user_login">Username</label><br/> <%= text_field ''user'', ''login'' %></p> <p><label for="user_password">Password</label><br/> <%= password_field ''user'', ''password'' %></p> <p><label for="password_confirmation">Confirm Password</label><br/> <%= password_field ''user'', ''password_confirmation'' %></p> <% end -%>...
2007 Apr 16
How to use a form.check_box ? just because of the check_box line. <% form_for :user do |form| %> <p> <label for "user_name">Name:</label> <%= form.text_field :name %> </p> <p> <label for="user_password">Password:</label> <%= form.password_field :password %> </p> <p> <label for="user_password_confirmation">Confirm:</label> <%= form.password_field :password_confirmation %> </p> <p> <label for="user_access">Access:</label> <%= form.chec...
2007 Sep 30
Outputing to the browser, how?
Hello, I''m writting some helper methods to write forms, so I have this working code: class TableFormBuilder < ActionView::Helpers::FormBuilder ["file_field", "password_field", "text_field"].each do |name| define_method(name) do |label, *args| @template.content_tag(:tr, @template.content_tag(:td, @template.content_tag(:label, label.to_s.humanize)) + @template.content_tag(:td, super)) end end end From the document...
2006 Jan 13
Change Password with acts_as_authenticated''t figure out what the method in the controller should look like. I tried and @user.update_attributes, but can''t get it to work. My Form: ############################## <%= start_form_tag :action => "update_password", :id => %> <%= password_field ("user", "password", :size => 20) %> <%= password_field ("user", "password_confirmation", :size => 20) %> <%= submit_tag "Change Password" %> <%= end_form_tag %> In My Controller: ############################### def updat...
2010 Aug 18
auth logic - password confirmation
...ges %> <p> <%= f.label :username %><br /> <%= f.text_field :username %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :email %><br /> <%= f.text_field :email %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :password %><br /> <%= f.password_field :password %> </p> <p> <%= f.label :password_confirmation %><br /> <%= f.password_field :password_confirmation %> </p> <p><%= f.submit %></p> <% end %> I am following this railscast here
2007 Dec 05
sytanx question
in a template file login.rhtml: <%= form.password_field :password, :size => 40 %> and i get this error: undefined method `password'' for #<User:0x47e5bcc what is this supposed to mean? and somebody please explain this syntax: Method :password should not it be: Method :password=value? --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~...
2011 Jul 27
rails 3.0.9 usability problem
If there is an error with the submitted password on a form, then both the password and password confirmation text fields should be highlighted in red. The default seems to be to highlight only the password field. Any suggestions on how to correct that? Because rails magically handles the highlighting, I''m not sure how to intercept that. -- Posted via --
2005 Sep 02
Form to update two tables
...ze => 30 %><br/> <label for="user_login">Desired login:</label><br/> <%= text_field "user", "login", :size => 30 %><br/> <label for="user_password">Choose password:</label><br/> <%= password_field "user", "password", :size => 30 %><br/> <label for="user_password_confirmatio­n">Confirm password:</label><br/> <%= password_field "user", "password_confirmation", :size => 30 %><br/> <input...
2008 Jan 16
ActionController::InvalidAuthenticityToken in LoginController
...t;Username</label> <%= text_field "user", "username", :class => ''textbox'', :value => '''', :maxlength => 40 %></p> <p><label for="user_password">Password</label> <%= password_field "user", "password", :class => ''textbox'', :value => '''', :maxlength => 40 %></p> <p class="buttons"> <%= submit_tag ''Login'', :class => ''button'' %>...
2006 Jan 11
error_messages_for >> Cannot convert Array into String
...', ''username'') %></p> <p><%= _(''E-Mail'') %>: <%= text_field(''member'', ''email'', :id => ''asdf'') %></p> <p><%= _(''Password'') %>: <%= password_field(''member'', ''password'') %></p> <p><%= _(''Password confirmation'') %>: <%= password_field(''member'', ''password_confirmation'') %></p> <p><%= submit_tag(_(''R...
2010 Aug 09
Devise :current_password validations and checking (how???)
...sword", change_password_path %section#content.w.r = form_for(@user, :as => :user, :url => change_password_path(:user)) do |f| %h1 Change your password %fieldset %div = f.hidden_field :reset_password_token %div = f.label :current_password = f.password_field :current_password, :autofocus => true %div = f.label :password = f.password_field :password %div = f.label :password_confirmation = f.password_field :password_confirmation .action = f.submit "Change password" or...
2006 Jan 20
validates_confirmation_of not working
is there any special requirement for validates_confirmation_of ? I am trying to make sure 2 passwords are equal (cleanly the rails way).. In my view i have two fields with id user[password] and user[password_confirmation]. in the model i have validates_confirmation_of :password, :message =>"Passwords do not match " Am i missing something here ? thanks adam
2006 Mar 15
Any one who can help with how to implement such a login? I think it is implemented using rails. For if u input the wrong url,u can see a "rails" style error hint. I really like its ajax login system. from the source of the homepage,it can be seen the login part is: <div> <h1>Log In</h1> <form action="/account/login_ajax" method="post" onsubmit="new