search for: passengeruseglobalqueue

Displaying 11 results from an estimated 11 matches for "passengeruseglobalqueue".

2009 Apr 30
tweaking Passenger/Rack for performance.
...memory than your average site. * PassengerStatThrottleRate 600 I haven''t noticed this make a *huge* difference, but logically we don''t need to stat for the relevant files at all really. * RailsSpawnMethod has made no difference to me, but I''m not using storeconfigs. * PassengerUseGlobalQueue This feels like it should make a difference under heavy load.... but doesn''t appear to. * PassengerHighPerformance Turning this on appears to reduce performance for me. * PassengerMaxRequests I''m trying to work out at the moment whether we''re leaking memory at all with...
2012 Apr 22
centos 6.2 - puppet 2.7.13 - SSL_connect returned=1 errno=0 state=SSLv3 read server session ticket A: tlsv1 alert protocol version
...headers allow the same configuration to work with Pound. RequestHeader set X-SSL-Subject %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e RequestHeader set X-Client-DN %{SSL_CLIENT_S_DN}e RequestHeader set X-Client-Verify %{SSL_CLIENT_VERIFY}e PassengerHighPerformance on PassengerStatThrottleRate 120 PassengerUseGlobalQueue on RackAutoDetect Off RailsAutoDetect Off RackBaseURI / DocumentRoot /etc/puppet/puppetmaster/public <Directory /etc/puppet/puppetmaster> Options None AllowOverride None Order allow,deny allow from all </Directory> ErrorLog...
2009 Sep 04
Another puppet data point
...que and moab for scheduling user jobs, so we use puppet to maintain the config files, directories and services needed for that as well. On the server we typically see: 20:46:13 up 6 days, 10:14, 1 user, load average: 0.00, 0.63, 0.89 Finally, Passenger is configured: PassengerPoolIdleTime 300 PassengerUseGlobalQueue on PassengerHighPerformance on PassengerMaxPoolSize 15 Cheers-- Charles Advanced Computing Center for Research and Education Vanderbilt University --~--~---------~--~----~------------~-------~--~----~ You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "Puppet Users&qu...
2014 Aug 29
Using puppet with Apache mod_disk_cache and passenger over SSL
...puppetmaster rather than using the cache? I was looking at lessening the load on the puppetmaster and have the cache handle common requests. LoadModule ssl_module modules/ ServerName hostname # RHEL/CentOS: # And the passenger performance tuning settings: PassengerHighPerformance On PassengerUseGlobalQueue On # Set this to about 1.5 times the number of CPU cores in your master: PassengerMaxPoolSize 6 # Recycle master processes after they service 1000 requests PassengerMaxRequests 1000 # Stop processes if they sit idle for 10 minutes PassengerPoolIdleTime 600 PassengerTempDir /var/run/passenger # Add...
2010 Feb 16
Puppetmaster child processes hang
After an unexpected and unreasonably long hiatus, I''ve finally returned to implementing Puppet in my environment. My puppetmaster: Puppet 0.25.4, Facter 1.5.7, Ruby 1.8.7, and FreeBSD 8.0. I''ve got five clients using the puppetmaster so far. After about 24 hours, I''ve got three puppetmaster processes running. This number continues to grow over time. If stored configs
2011 Jun 14
puppet dashboard
I am using Ubuntu 10.04 and ruby-enterprise (not ubuntu ruby) and installed puppet via gem. How can I install puppet-dashboard if I don''t see a gem available and if I use the ubuntu package, i get the whole slop of ruby packages sucked in (which i am trying to avoid)? # dpkg -i puppet-dashboard_1.1.0-1_all.deb Selecting previously deselected package puppet-dashboard. (Reading database
2011 Dec 02
puppet master under passenger locks up completely
...ssions: 1 Processed: 448 Uptime: 6h 9m 59s PID: 12670 Sessions: 1 Processed: 400 Uptime: 6h 8m 46s For comparison, most of our server processes recycle within 20 minutes normally, as they hit 1000 really fast. # you probably want to tune these settings PassengerHighPerformance on PassengerUseGlobalQueue on PassengerMaxPoolSize 20 PassengerPoolIdleTime 1800 PassengerMaxRequests 1000 #PassengerStatThrottleRate 120 RackAutoDetect Off RailsAutoDetect Off There is nothing useful in the system logs. They just stopped: Dec 2 12:06:34 axxats003 puppet-master[12670]: Compiled catalog for axxamx001.sjc....
2010 Apr 21
puppetd stops
...nce it can take up til 177 seconds to process a node <from haproxy.cfg> contimeout 35000 clitimeout 350000 srvtimeout 350000 </> the apache configuration of passenger has the following values: <from apache.vhost> PassengerPoolIdleTime 900 PassengerMaxPoolSize 30 PassengerUseGlobalQueue on PassengerHighPerformance on RackAutoDetect On </> I have asked on #puppet@freenode if anyone had an idea on how to track this down since its becomming more of a pain to start puppetd every 15 minutes. I haven''t been able to get the timeout when running with --debug --trace Our...
2011 Jun 29
Setting up puppetmaster-passenger on Debian
...ssuing puppet client certificate. SSLVerifyClient optional SSLVerifyDepth 1 SSLOptions +StdEnvVars # Passenger options that can be set in a virtual host # configuration block. PassengerHighPerformance on PassengerStatThrottleRate 120 PassengerUseGlobalQueue on RackAutoDetect Off RailsAutoDetect Off RackBaseURI / DocumentRoot /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/public <Directory /usr/share/puppet/rack/puppetmasterd/> Options None AllowOverride None Order all...
2012 Oct 08
Puppet 3.0 upgrade issue
Hi @all, after upgrading my puppet server to Puppet 3.0 I got the following error every time a client connect to the server: [ pid=1532 thr=70147393710520 file=utils.rb:176 time=2012-10-08 11:17:56.504 ]: *** Exception NoMethodError in PhusionPassenger::Rack::ApplicationSpawner (undefined method `settings'' for Puppet:Module) (process 1532, thread #<Thread:0x7f98ecf7d370>):
2013 Feb 16
How to manually create Puppet CA and client certificates using openssl?
I am wondering how to manually (using openssl instead of puppet cert command) create CA that would be usable by Puppet? The goal would be to script creation of such CA''s to deploy them on multiple puppetmasters, instead of certificates being created on them via puppet cert command. Any ideas on how to do it? I was only able to find something like that: