search for: passenger_rubi

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2011 Jul 08
Puppetmaster setup with separate CA server configuration help
Hi All, I am setting up puppetmaster with nginx and passenger and separating the Puppetmaster primary CA server. I have 3 host loadbalancer01 - Nginx doing LB on IP address and also running puppetmaster with passenger under (port 8140). primaryca - Puppetmaster Primary CA pclient - Puppet Client The did the following steps: On Primary CA server: ---------------------------- cd
2013 May 30
HTTP 500 error page
Hello all, I''d like to have nginx+passenger show the custom (Default) error pages when a HTTP 500 error occurs in my app. I am running a rails 2.3 app on nginx 1.2 with passenger 3.0.7 Here is my nginx config file: #user nobody; worker_processes 16; error_log /opt/nginx/logs/error.log info; pid /opt/nginx/logs/; worker_rlimit_nofile 32768; events {
2012 Dec 06
pasenger does not start puppet master under nginx
On the server [root@bangvmpllDA02 logs]# ruby -v ruby 1.8.7 (2011-06-30 patchlevel 352) [x86_64-linux] [root@bangvmpllDA02 logs]# puppet --version 3.0.1 and [root@bangvmpllDA02 logs]# service nginx configtest nginx: the configuration file /apps/nginx/nginx.conf syntax is ok nginx: configuration file /apps/nginx/nginx.conf test is successful [root@bangvmpllDA02 logs]# service nginx status
2013 Mar 14
Ubuntu 12.10 Nginx Rails 3.2.13. Deploy in sub URI. Nothing happens!
Dear friends, I followed the guide on and successfully deployed two apps on the same web server, some months ago. Then when I upgraded to Rails 2.3.13.rc1 everything seems to be OK, but when I visit my app with the browser all that I get is the Welcome page from Nginx. Here is my nginx.conf:
2012 Dec 12
How to get ruby running on a webserver
Hi, I have purchased a VPS that has WHM cpanel. I have logged into the root of my system using putty and installed ruby 1.9.3 via rvm and rails 3.2.9. I have created a website in cpanel that has created a public_html directory that is live and working on the web. I then created a simple ruby website called blog in the public_html directory. My question is how do I get the ruby application to run